
Silly Excuses

Jake continued the drive in silence. He racked is brain for what to say so he could keep hearing her voice. In all honesty, he liked the sound of her voice. The softness of her voice was pleasing to his ears. If only she wasn't so quiet all the time.

Jake was still thinking about what to say when he heard Jade speak to someone over the phone.

"Hey Bf" Jade said over the phone.

"Hey pumpkin, why are you calling so late?" Lair asked. It was unusual to see Jade call at this time.

"I'm at your estate gate, Please come out" Jade said.

"Why? You miss me that much?" Lair teased.

"You wish" Jade rolled her eyes even though Lair couldn't see it. "Just get yourself downstairs okay" Jade said before hanging up.

"Mr Beau please take the next turn" Jade said directing Jake, who currently had millions of questions running through his mind right now.