
One Month?

Jade had the brightest smile as she showed her ring to Amy. It was beautiful single, pink diamond cut ring which had a few diamond studded pattern by the side.

Jade chuckled when Amy squealed excitedly. She was so loud that everyone out the door rushed back into the room.

"What happened?"

"Is Jade okay?" They asked simultaneously, even Blake and grandfather Beau were not left out.

Phil and co. also came running in when they heard her loud voice. They had come over as soon as Jake informed them that Jade was awake.

"Babe why did you scream?" Blake asked, making Jade cock her brow. 'Babe?'

"Look, your brother proposed." Amy chirped excitedly making everyone turn to look at Jade who was grinning happily. She waved her ring finger at them and everyone gasped.