
A Love Curse

Jade waited for Amy at the bus stop so they could leave for the concert which they were both running late for. She looked around her when she felt that familiar feeling she had felt days ago. She had this ominous feeling of being watched by someone but she couldn't see anyone around her.

"Jade," She heard her name. She stood up and looked around her, but there was no one there. She felt uneasy in her heart. This was beginning to creep her out.

Jade stood up from the bench to look behind the bus stop stand but that was when her phone rang.

She whipped out her phone from her bag and a sweet smile broke on her face.

"This is the fourth time you're calling me, Mr Beau, do you miss me that much?" She asked with a smile.

"Ms Peterson, are you complaining?" Jake asked back smilingly. Jade could tell he was smiling.

"Not really, my boyfriend is just being too clingy, but I like it."

"I know you do. So tell me, are you there yet?" Jake asked.