

Ali woke up with swollen eyes. She cried all night thinking about what happenned at Marco's hotel. Until know, she is still cursing herself for what she did. She was drunk last night and went straight to Marco's hotel room. As she stepped out from the elevator, a beautiful woman with messy hair and dissheveled clothes came out from his room. She instantly became agitated at what she saw. She was cursing under her breath as she walked towards the door.

"Are you one of Marco's toy as well?, asked the woman.

"No, I'm here to pick up my husband", she retaliated

The woman only laughed and went straight to the elevator. She was still glaring at her until the door closed.

She was so jealous she can't think straight. When Marco opened the door and saw him with only his pants on, she pushed her inside and was determined to do it with it. She can imagine how that woman begs under Marco's body.

Now she can't stop cursing, but she doesn't regret what she did. She would give up everything for him until he learns to love him. Everything.