
When You'll See Me

"I am not here to light up your world, candy. I'm here to walk you through the dark". "I wish I could see you" She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulders. He took her hand and placed it on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. "That's yours. Forget appearance, this is all you need to see my soul". "What if it stops beating?" "It won't. If it does, it probably stopped in mine so it could jump out and beat in yours". She never saw him even when he was right beside her. He made her smile even though she could never tell his emotions. He gave her love even when it was bound to fail. He gave her all of him though he was only a stranger to her. And when the time came, he was ready to give his life even though he would only remain a memory. Because all he could be was a stranger she wished to see.

Chara_Serene · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Eat it up


I woke up feeling dehydrated. My neck was hurting from the penetration. Three days of starvation and she had already drained me twice.

What is my mistress's plan exactly?. To feed from me till I die? To drain me to the very last bit?. Should I beg for mercy?.

'You've been doing that for days!' my subconscious reminded. Maybe I should beg to return to my cell.

I prefer to die from starvation alone than have it coupled with pain and torture.

Again, I was too scared to think of running. Mistress would know. She always knew! It's like whenever the thought drops, she's just right there sharpening her knives or preparing the whips.

I pushed myself off the floor to rest gainst the wall. My mind was too tired to think. My body had already collapsed from exhaustation. My throat felt so dry that I had to swallow my saliva severally to moist it up a bit.

I knew she would punish me if she found me in this state but I couldn't find the will to move or stand. I was willing to wait for her punishment.

Hopefully, she would beat me to death or suck the life out of me. I didn't mind either. I just wanted it to be over.

"Pa... I'm tired. Please come and take me... Please...." I mumbled unable to cry anymore. My eyes were already hurting and swollen. I ran out of tears just the way I ran out of luck.

"Isla!" I heard her yell from inside. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out.

"Isla!!" She yelled again and her voice got closer. I laid still waiting for the whips or knives or whatever she decided to use this time.

"I see...." Her voice was suddenly calm as she found me. I couldn't dare mistake that as a good sign. I could barely keep my eyes open as I felt her breath on my face.

"And what is this new plan of yours? Tell me child, are you planning to die on me?" She chuckled. I could tell it wasn't from amusement. She was infact furious.

I couldn't get myself to speak even though I knew she was probably waiting for an explanation.

"That's enough, Martha. You've starved the girl since you got her from her cage. You know how long they're starved in there. I'm surprised she survived this long" Another voice spoke.

Who is he? Please save me...

"I did not get her to feed her" Mistress scoffed. "She is supposed to feed me".

"Oh come on, Martha. If you starve her, how will you feed healthily? Besides, you feed enough from the games, why feed on her too?" He asked.

Their voices were getting fainter as they argued. I hoped to pass out and never wake up.

"She's loosing consciousness. Get water quickly" I heard him faintly.

No... no...I do not want anything. I'm so close to freedom. So close...

I felt cold hands press against my chin to force my lips apart. Please don't.... Water flowed in and I gulped as much as I could.

As much as I liked the idea of dying, it was refreshing to taste water after such a long time.

"Want more?" He asked and I nodded, barely opening my eyes. He gave me more until I drank to my fill.

"Now she is alright, can you focus on me now?" Mistress huffed. She was clearly annoyed.

The goodness of water died immediately. I wanted to faint back and die. I couldn't bear and more torture from her.

"Don't be so insensitive, Martha. She almost died" He sighed. My head started spinning, my eyes felt heavier than they did seconds ago.

"Get her some food, Martha or she'll probably faint again" He told her.

"I do not have food for her....."

"Martha!" He snapped and I flinched. Oh God, I'm dead! The dizziness seemed to vanished instantly. I was definitely not hungry anymore.

"No! She is mine and I decide what to do with her. You can't tell at me because of a mere slave" Mistress fired and I felt like shrinking into the ground.

They were fighting because of me! I'm doomed! She will certainly kill me now.

"Fine! Do with her as you please! I'm out of here" He fired back and panic set in.

What? Is he leaving me?. Tears built up in my eyes. Just before I could beg him to take me with him, mistress yanked my chain, pulling me roughly along.

I bumped into walls, tables, chairs but she barely cared. I didn't either because I was more terrified of what she planned to do with me.

"You want to eat, right?. I will give you more than enough to eat" She bawled and the tears I held in flowed out.

Please forgive me. Please... I am no longer hungry. I do not want food. I don't even want water or anything. Please let me go...

I wanted to say all these but my throat hurt too much to get the words out.

I heard her chop something and several pieces of it splashed all over my face.

She shoved something into my mouth and I nearly gagged.

"Eat it, you animal! Eat it up" She barked, shoving more into my mouth until there was no space for more.

I could tell the mettalic taste of blood. Raw meat! I gagged, throwing it up and she smacked me hard across the face.

She grabbed my face and tried to shove more in. I refused to open my mouth and she smacked me again.

She shoved more in and continued hitting me until I didn't have the strength to resist anymore.

"Eat it all, you animal! Don't you dare spit it out or I'll feed you with your flesh. Swallow it up,, you hideous bastard! Eat all of it" She barked.

She forced my mouth open and began shoving it down my throat.

"Eat it up, scallywag! Eat it all up" She barked.