


Chris entered his room and banged the door behind him in anger. I should not have done that with her, that's not who I am, he thought.

Actually that day in the evening he had decided that he would simply go to meet her at restaurant and would just understand that maths topic from her. But then his friends insisted that they also wanted to see if he really had succeeded in flirting with her, that he really had won the bet. Chris actually really didn't like Ivy but he wasn't that sort of man who could just humiliate someone like that.

"but it was her fault, she shouldn't have grabbed my collar", he tried to soothen his conscious which was constantly reminding him that he did wrong. " yes it was her fault, yes", he said.

Then he went to take a shower.

Just when he was on his bead trying to sleep her face again appeared in front of him, those black eyes filled with tears, those complaining eyes….and her floral scent which was still somewhere captivated in his mind…

"Would she have reached home safely", a thought came to his mind… he just cancelled that thought and tried to sleep again…of course he wasn't the type of person who would care for someone that much.

"ivy didn't come today? But she never misses college" exclaimed Robert in a worried way.

Just when he heard the word Ivy, Chris unconsciously stopped there to listen.

"yes, and when I called at her home, her father said that she came home late at night yesterday, and is now having a really bad fever…that's why she didn't come" said Li-Ang.

"okay lets go to her house in the evening" said Robert and they both left.

But I left her there at 6, why did she reach home late, thought Chris.. "DID SOMETHING BAD HAPPEN TO HER" a thought came….

Oh no no, he removed that thought and went to class.

The next day Ivy came to college, entered the class and sat next to CHRIS, the seat which always used to remain empty....