
When We Were Strangers

Teenager , Akimoto Junko , isn’t very good at being social…like at ALL. She currently has no friends, her mother barely notices her existence , and doesn’t have a life outside of school . Her life suddenly turns around however when Kato Kiyoshi , an extroverted teenager asks her to be his friend.

JJ_Berry_Cola · Teen
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2 Chs

Ep 2 : Memories

Ep2 : Memories 

[We are presented with a black screen] 

[The screen cuts into color]

[We continue where we left off]

[Junko staring at Zara, whose nose is bleeding with a stunned face- wondering what she has done]

[Junko winces and raises her arm to look at her knuckle which is starting to bruise] 

[Junko takes Zara's phone from her and ends the live immediately] 

[Junko then walks over to Lily and helps her from the ground gently and carefully]

[Lily's legs tremble as Junko tries to get her on her feed as she's been kneeling on bits of gravel and shards of glass]

[Lily's knees are covered in cuts with blood dripping from them slowly]

Lily wraps her arm around Junko's shoulder as Junko tries to help her with her balance in order for her to walk]

[Junko and Lily walk away from the "crime scene" to the front of the school]

[The school hasn't opened yet] 

[Junko's belongings are thankfully still at the front of the school where she left them]

[Junko sets Lily down carefully on one of the steps;Lily winces in pain] 

[Junko rummages through her backpack to find something]

[Junko takes out a pack of q tips and a container of petroleum jelly] 

[Junko opens it and begins to apply the jelly on the small cuts on Lily's knees as a temporary medium until the school opens up]

[The camera cuts to the clinic- where we see the nurse addressing Lily's cuts and bruises]

[Junko is in the chair next to Lily] 

[When the nurse applies something onto one of the cuts , it causes Lily pain causing her to grab onto Junko's hand]

[Junko is stunned by this action but she doesn't mind Lily holding onto her]

Nurse : Well , that should be it! All done, Lily . Now , you stay here and rest. I'll be right back. 

[Lily let's go of Junko's arm as soon as the pain subsides]

[The nurse walks towards the door and steps out for a bit]

[Junko takes up her backpack and decides to leave Lily alone to rest]

[Junko is about to make her way to the door]

Lily : [faintly] Thank you

[Junko turns her head around to Lily]

Junko : [quietly] You're welcome.

[Junko walks towards the door and  leaves the clinic]

[As Junko is walking and has gotten pretty far from the clinic but not far enough we see Levi running past her in a hurry]

[The camera brings us back to the clinic where we see Lily fiddling with her fingers and staring at the ceiling] 

[Suddenly , the clinic door opens up]

[Lily turns her head to see if it's the nurse]

[It is revealed to be Levi, who sees the state that his sister is in]

[Levi walks towards Lily]

(This conversation exchanged between Levi and Lily is said in Spanish)

Levi : Lily!? What happened?

Lily : It's nothing..

Levi : Nothing!? You're bandaged from head to toe

Lily : It's not that bad..

Levi : Yes it is! Now tell me what happened!

Lily: My classmate…Zara. She was hitting me and throwing garbage at me and glass bottles too…because she thought I liked some guy in our class. She was recording all of it on her account and making fun of me - until a girl with really nice orange red hair punched her so hard she fell to the ground. It was so awesome. She helped me before too. I wanted to ask her what her name was but I didn't want to be nosey. 

[Levi sits in one of the chairs so that he can process everything]

Levi *IM* : Orange red hair…??...Junko?? 

Lily : It's not the first time it happened..you know what Zara did. She's been doing it for a while now…It's just that this time she was…angrier. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to be a burden to anyone like I always am so I just kept it to myself. 

[Levi holds Lily's hand gently]

Levi : You're not a burden, sis. You're annoying , yes but you're far from being a burden. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Lily : ….

Levi : ….

Lily ; How did you find out I was here anyways?

Levi : The groundskeeper found Zara with her nose bleeding and the only thing she could say was that you were there. Eventually it circulated and I happened to hear it. 

Lily : Great. Now the whole school knows. 

Levi : They're not important right now…Ok?

Lily : …

Levi : Anyway- The principal called Mom and Dad.

Lily : Uh oh-

Levi : Let's hope Mom didn't bring any matches in her purse

[The camera cuts to Junko who's walking in a hurry]

[All of a sudden , Junko bumps into something/someone] 

[This causes her to take at least 2 steps back because of the force]

Ayumi : Hey! Watch where you're going!

Junko : Sor-

[Before Junko is able to finish the sentence, she takes notice of the shimmery rose gold butterfly clip with tassels with pearls at the end being worn at the side of Ayumi's hair]

[Junko stares for quite some time]

Ayumi : Why are you staring at me? 

Junko : You kept it…

Ayumi : What?

[Junko points at the clip in Ayumi's hair]

[Ayumi touches it and realizes]

Ayumi : Yeah, so? What do you want it back or something?

[Junko shakes her head]

Junko : I'm just…surprised you kept it.

Ayumi : [scoffs]  Whatever. 

[Ayumi walks around Junko and proceeds to walk away]

[Junko hesitates a bit but decides to turn around]

Junko : Wait-!

[Ayumi , who didn't get too fat, turns around to face Junko]

Ayumi : [folds her arms] What?

Junko : Ca-Can we talk? 

[Ayumi scoffs and rolls her eyes]

Ayumi :[mutters under breath] Unbelievable. 

[The camera cuts to them in the school garden under a big tree sitting next to each other  on a bench] 

[The wind is blowing quite a bit but not too much]

[Junko watches the flowers from the tree fall slowly as the wind blows them off]

Junko : Beautiful, isn't it? 

Ayumi : …

Junko : You know we used to have a tree like this in the old neighborhood, remember? The flowers used to fall just like this all the time. So delicately. It's almost like they plan where they're going to land before they even fall. We had to pick them out of our hair all the time. I always used to leave them in because it was just such a hassle to take them all out. I miss those days… 

[Junko's hand begin to tremble slightly as she basks in the silence]

Ayumi : Look , enough with the bullsh*t and cut to the chase, Akimoto. 

Junko : It's nothing really…I just wanted to talk, you know? We haven't talked like normal people in years. 

Ayumi : I wonder whose fault that is, huh?

Junko : Who knows? …Maybe we're both at fault. 

Ayumi : I don't have time for this. 

[Ayumi gets up from the bench and stands in front of Junko, harboring visible frustration]

Ayumi : Tell me what you actually want to say to me so I can leave. 

Junko : What's the rush? We have all the time in the world

Ayumi : I'd rather be surrounded by a pack of rabid dogs than be around you for more than 5 minutes. 

Junko: Hmm…you weren't always this hateful , you know. In fact there was a time you and I had some pretty good moments together. 

Ayumi : ….

Junko : But you've moved onto better things. Look at you- you've got a great boyfriend , great friends, fantastic grades…everyone loves you .

Ayumi : [laughs wryly] Did you bring me here just to tell me you're jealous of me? 

  Junko : No…I just wanted to congratulate you…

Ayumi : …

Junko : You've got a good thing going for ya, Yumi. I'm proud of you. 

Ayumi : [sighs in frustration and rolls her eyes] I don't care. Could you just tell me where Levi is so I won't have to be near you anymore?

Junko : He's at the clinic. 

Ayumi : Why?

Junko : Some girl was harassing his sister and recording it this morning…I happened to be there and I..punched her. I'm not proud of it but I couldn't stand there and just do nothing. 

Ayumi : [sarcastically] Wow…how shocking. 

Junko : …

Ayumi : [laughs wryly] Seriously , is that all you know how to do Junko? Punch people in the face. No wonder no one talks to you. You're a pill addicted nutcase with no control over her own emotions . Learn to control your anger next time.

[Ayumi turns around and begins to walk away from Junko]

Junko : Yumi , wait-!

Ayumi : [hostile tone] Oh my God, what the f*ck do you want!?

[Junko, whose hands are still trembling, goes into her backpack for her purse]

[Junko opens her purse and takes out a picture] 

[Junko holds it out to Ayumi ] 

[Ayumi walks over and hesitantly takes it] 

Ayumi : What is it?

[Ayumi looks at the picture and her eyes widen slightly] 

[The camera doesn't show the photo] 

Junko : I thought you'd want a copy . If you do actually want it that is.

Ayumi : ….

[Junko puts her purse back into her bag and zips it closed ; Junko picks up her back pack and swings it over her right shoulder]

[Junko gets up from the bench and walks away leaving Ayumi standing in some state of shock as she stares at the picture] 

[The camera still doesn't show the picture to us]

[Junko walks into the school through the back doors] 

[Junko walks through the halls at a zombie like pace]

[Junko's breathing seems shaky and uneasy] 

[Junko chest goes up and down - she seems to be struggling to breathe in some way]

[Junko stops walking]

[Junko's backpack slips off of her shoulder and into her hand]

[Junko puts it down gently on the floor] 

[Junko's hands tremble profusely] 

[Junko squats down , hugging her knees to her chest , wrapping her arms around her legs]

[Tears begin to form in Junko's eyes as she tries to control her breathing]

[Junko begins to cry but she muffles the sound hoping no one hears] 

[The camera cuts to a door labeled "Principal's Office" located in the teacher's lounge]

[There are a few teachers on the outside of the office]

[We cut to the inside of the principal's office where there are 4 people (all adults) , two men and three women]

[The woman sitting at the desk is the principal and the man standing behind her is the Male teacher from before]

[Two women are sitting on the opposite side  seem to be  Mrs.Tanaka (Lily and Levi's mother and the other woman seems to be Zara's mother]

Principal : I'm glad that you could all come down here on such short notice.

Zara's Mother : I wouldn't call it short notice. I was in a very important meeting when you called.

Principal : Well I'm sorry to hear but I did call you because of a situation concerning both of your daughters. 

Mrs.Tanaka : Is something wrong?

Principal : Yes. An incident took place early this morning , allegedly involving Zara harassing Lily. Mrs.Tanaka : What!? 

Zara's mother : That's impossible. Zara would never do something like that!

Principal : Calm down , Ma'am. We're not exactly sure what fully took place but we found Zara with her nose bleeding outside of the school and Lily was in one of our clinics . I spoke to both of the girls this morning and they both explained what happened. 

Zara's mother : And?

MT : Well , Zara said that Lily got angry and started threatening her so she defended herself 

Mrs.Tanaka : And Lily?

MT : She didn't say much just that Zara got angry with her and started hurting her. 

Zara's Mother : Is everyone in this school stupid? It's quite obvious that the little brat is lying! Why would my Zara do something like that? 

Mrs.Tanaka : [in Hindi] Because you're "precious daughter" is the devil incarnate 

Zara's Mother : Also, why is no one questioning why Lillian-

Mrs.Tanaka : Lily-

ZM : Lily , Lillian , whatever. Why is no one questioning why she was at school so early anyways? I personally believe that maybe she was meeting up with some boyfriend, 

Mrs.Tanaka : Excuse me!? What are you suggesting here?

ZM : That you're daughter is on the path to becoming a cheap prostitute 

Mrs.Tanaka : [in Hindi]How dare you call my daughter a prostitute you plastic filled bitch! 

ZM : Speak a language people can actually understand-

Principal : Ladies , please. Calm down. 

MT : Ma'am , Lily has been leaving for school early for quite some time now. Unlike her brother- she doesn't have a bike. The Tanaka's  live  far away from the school so it's hard for her to get to school on time.

ZM : That sounds like their problem. 

Mrs.Tanaka : [scoffs] 

Principal : Can I please continue?

Mrs.Tanaka : Of course, I apologize 

Principal : It's okay. No worries. Your anger is understandable. As I mentioned before, I had talked to the girls this morning and Lily mentioned that another girl was there who might've had something to do with what happened with Zara. 

Zara's mother : Well? Who is it?

[The principal and the MT  look at one another]

[The camera cuts to a classroom where we see Maki , Kaoru , and surprisingly Ayumi sitting together]

Maki : Woah. I didn't know Zara could be capable of something like that.

Ayumi : Well that's what Lily said happened. We're not sure if it's true.

Kaoru : Why would she lie?

Ayumi : I didn't say she did

Maki : What I wanna know is who punched Zara? 

Ayumi : Someone incredibly stupid 

[Before the conversation continues, Junko walks into the classroom with her nose red but no one can see her eyes due to her hair covering them] 

[Junko keeps her head down and takes a seat , turning her head to look out of  the window]

[Just as she takes her seat, the male teacher , Junko's homeroom teacher, Mr. Amano, aka the male teacher we saw before in the office,  goes into the classroom]

Mr.Amano : Is Junko here?

[Junko lifts her head from the desk and turns around to look at the teacher]

Mr.Amano : The principal needs to talk to you.

[Everyone in the class stares at Junko except Ayumi]

[Junko is hesitant but she grabs her backpack and gets up out of her seat]

[Junko walks towards the teacher and goes with him] 

[The camera cuts back to the principal's office where the three women are sitting quietly]

[Mr.Amano opens the office door and walks in with a visibly confused and nervous Junko]

[The three woman follow Mr.Amano and Junko with their eyes as they walk in until they stop next to the principal]

[Junko greets all the adults in the room by bowing]

Zara's Mother :  Is she the one who hit my Zara?

Principal : Let's not jump to conclusions , Ma'am. In order to get the answers we need. I'd like to speak to Ms…

Junko : [quietly] Akimoto

Principal : Akimoto, alone. 

[Zara's mother notices the bruises on Junko's knuckles and puts two and two together ]

[Zara's mother stands up enraged]

Zara's mother : You! You hurt my daughter! Who do you think you are, you little bitch!?

[Junko looks at Zara's Mother , terrified by her yelling]

Principal : We cannot determine that, Miss! Now please, leave so we can speak to her alone?

ZM : What's there to speak about!? Look at her hands-they're black and blue! 

Mrs.Tanaka : You heard what they said. Let's leave so they can talk to her!

ZM : It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what a freshly bruised hand looks like

[Mr.Amano is about to speak when suddenly Junko decides to cut in]

Junko : I'm sorry..

[Everyone turns around to face Junko]

Junko : I know I shouldn't have done it ; but someone had to do something. Who knows what Zara would've done if I didn't do what I did. 

ZM : Are you accusing Zara of being a bully, witch? 

Junko : It can't be an accusation if it's the truth, Miss. 

  [Enraged , Zara's mother walks around the principal's desk and lifts her arm to slap Junko]

[Mr.Amano stops her, grabbing her hand  before she can do so] 

[Zara's mother grabs her hand away from his grasp] 

Principal : That's enough! Either you leave now or I call security.

ZM : Hmph!

[ZM and Mrs.Tanaka leaves the office offscreen]

[The principal sighs]

Principal : My apologies , Ms.Akimoto. Please have a seat.

[Junko goes around the principal's desk and sits in one of the chairs] 

Principal : So, Ms.Akimoto. How are you doing?

Junko : I'm ok. How are you, Ma'am?

Principal : I'm just fine

Junko : ….

Principal : I suppose you're already aware why you're here.

Junko : Yes. To ask about what happened?

Principal : Correct. I'd also like to know how you got involved as well. 

Junko : I was sitting on the steps outside of the school , waiting for it to open up like I always do…then a notification came up on my phone and it was from Zara's account. 

Principal: And then ?

Junko : Then I clicked on it.

Principal : And what did you see?

Junko : I saw Zara recording a live stream to her followers and she was recording Lily and she was hitting her and telling her some really bad  things. 

Principal : Mmm

Junko : It was terrible to watch…

Principal : I can imagine…the problem here is that Zara told me something entirely different from what you just described. I have to admit..I'm a bit stuck on who to believe 

Junko : ….

Principal : You do know that if you can't prove that your story is accurate then you will have to face serious consequences.

Junko : Mmm 

[Junko goes  into her cardigan pocket for her phone] 

[The camera focuses on her phone screen]

[Junko turns it on and  goes into her gallery] 

[Junko places her phone on the Principal's desk showing the principal and Mr.Amano  the recording] 

[The faint sound of the audio from the plays from Junko's phone]

[The principal and Mr.Amano look at each other]

[The camera cuts to outside of the office where we see the two mothers standing away from one another]

[The office door opens and Junko walks out]

[Junko bows as a sign of respect to both woman before leaving completely offscreen]

[Mr.Amano opens the office door]

Mr.Amano : You can come in now , ladies.

[Mr.Amano leaves the door open to allow the two women to walk through the door]

[The camera cuts back into the office again]

[The two women take a seat] 

Principal : Due to the new evidence that has been brought to my attention- Zara will have to be expelled 

ZM : What!? That's impossible?! What did  that witch tell you? Huh!? Whatever that little bitch said to you is obviously a lie! She clearly has no idea who my daughter is! 

Mr.Amano : There is a recording of Zara assaulting Mrs Tanaka's daughter. It was recorded from a social media livestream that YOUR daughter started on her account. On the school compound. Everything that Lily and Junko stated was proven to be true. 

Principal : Because of this, we have no choice but to expel Zara and our decision is final. 

ZM : [scoffs] I can't believe this. 

Mr.Amano : Believe it, Ma'am.

ZM : Fine ..but rest assured you'll be hearing from my lawyers.

Principal : We'll look out for the call. Have a good day, Ma'am. 

[ZM gets up from the chair and leaves the office slamming the door offscreen]

Principal : My sincerest apologies to you and your daughter. You can take Lily home now. If her brother would like to go with you then that's fine as well

[Mrs.Tanaka stands up and bows as a sign of gratitude]

Mrs.Tanaka : Thank you. 

[Mrs.Tanaka goes towards the door and leaves offscreen]

[The screen fades to black]

[The screen fades back into color]

[We see Junko at the mall food court again]

[Today she has a bottle of Peach Ramune soda , a fruit sando and a half eaten container of jersey milk pudding] 

[Junko sits at her booth-deep in thought]

[Junko rests her head on the table with her arms folded staring at the table] 

Junko *IM* : I hope Lily's ok…she was in a lot of pain though..I doubt she would be…I hope she gets better

[Junko takes herself back to her conversation with Ayumi]

[We are taken into a flashback]

[Junko holds it out to Ayumi ] 

[Ayumi walks over and hesitantly takes it] 

Ayumi  : What is it?

[Ayumi looks at the picture and her eyes widen slightly] 

[The camera doesn't show the photo] 

Junko : I thought you'd want a copy . If you do actually want it that is.

Ayumi : ….

[Junko puts her purse back into her bag and zips it closed ; Junko picks up her back pack and swings it over her right shoulder]

[We are brought back into the present]

[Junko lets out a deep sigh]

Junko *IM*: Maybe I should've let her walk away. Why did I stop her? What was I thinking? 

[All of  sudden , Junko's phone begins to vibrate on the table]

[Junko shifts her head and lefts her head slightly]

[She unfolds her arms] 

[Junko picks up her phone and rests her head back on the table only resting on one hand]

[Junko sees that it's a call from someone saved as Mom- which obviously means it's her mother] 

[Junko answers and puts it up to her ear]

Junko : Hello?

Ms.Watanabe : Junko?

Junko : Yeah?

Ms.Watanabe : Hey, listen. I won't be home tonight. Work.

Junko : Oh…ok.

Ms.Watanabe : I'll be home tomorrow but you probably won't see me.

Junko : Ok.

Ms.Watanabe : Alright. Bye. 

Junko : Bye. Lo-

[Ms.Watanabe hangs up] 

Junko : Love you… 

[Junko puts her phone in her cardigan pocket with a defeated expression] 

[Junko goes back into the position she was in before her Mom called , with her head rested on her folded arms staring at the table]

[The camera focuses on Junko in a side view]

[Without Junko noticing, the boy she normally sees walks right by her booth]

[The sound of something falling on the ground alarms Junko]

  [Junko lifts her head up to see a wallet a few inches away from her]

[Junko gets up from her booth  , kneeling on one knee in order to pick the wallet up]

[As Junko  places her hand on the wallet , she unexpectedly sees another hand resting on top of hers]

[ Junko lifts her head up to see who the hand belongs to] 

[Junko's forehead collides with the person's in front of her]

Junko : [mumbles] Ow!

  [Junko rubs her forehead]

[Junko's eyes are closed while doing so] 

[ Junko opens her eyes] 

[Junko finds herself looking into the eyes of the  boy she always sees but never talks to]

[The boy's  hand still on hers]

[The boy smiles at Junko]

[ Junko is a bit mesmerized by the boy's eyes] 

[The camera zooms out on both of them staring at each other] 

[W/X/Y by Tani Yuuki plays as they're staring at each other]

[Episode ends]

[Credits roll as the music plays]