

I live on Magnetic Island, which is home to Arthur Bay. And it is also home to marine animals such as Dugongs, Sea Turtles, Dolphins and Whales which are included in the wildlife of Magnetic Island – even Giant Clams are found around the island. There are over 180 different species of birds, including the Bush Stone-Curlew – which is unlike any other bird found in Australia.

Hi, I'm Max, and I'm 16 years of age I live in Arthur Bay on Magnetic Island. I love photography, scuba diving and surfing. I also work at a rehabilitation facility on the island.

After a long mornings work at the rehab centre releasing turtles into the bay, I decided that I would go to the bay and spend my free time there. By the time I arrive I can see a group of the boys from the surf club cheering on a girl in the surf. She has slightly brownish bleached hair and tanned skin. And she is absolutely tearing up the surf out there. I sunk down onto the soft, sun warmed sand and took a few shots with my camera for my private collection. Then I saw the crowd spreading out, and I spotted a few boys wading into the water. "What's happening?" I shout jumping up to look around. "The girl she's gone under!" yells back a boy. I look into the waves and try to spot the girl, and I can only spot her surfboard washing back to shore.