

If someone is to tell Xiaoyi Lan that this is what fate has in store for her, she would have given them a dirty slap ... but what can she do? It's not like she have a choice ... Curious? Why don't you join me on this adventurous journey to find out. Life they say is good, but some of us never get to understand why people say that ...~Xiaoyi Lan

Fairy4Light · Teen
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8 Chs

What Again?


Stretching myself, I made my way out of the bathroom. Can't believe I'm actually feeling lazy about going to school today. Sometimes I wish I can just skip school,ugh. I'd have like to sleep more but nope I can't, I have a project I need to submit today and I promised Laoshu to go to the library with him this afternoon to do more research about the project.

"Yiyi!!! Come downstairs at once if you don't want me spoiling this good morning for you!!!", I heard my mom shout from downstairs, well that's mother's for you. Rushing down, I saw her standing at the door with a stern look on her face. " Humph, better for you ", she said as I followed her outside. There's no trace of Nunu (my sister), guess she already left with dad, they're the early birds whiles me, well I'm almost always late, there's a few times that I'm early.

Walking to class I found Ben, Laoshu's friend, by the door talking to some boys in hushed voice. I'm curious about what they're talking about but who am I to ask them what they're talking about. Turning blind eye to them, I walked into class just to find people in small groups discussing something. Me being the shy girl that I am, I can't bring myself to ask them what they're talking about, again!!! Let me just sit and wait for Laoshu to come, but why is he not yet in class? Don't tell me something happened to him, no, let me stop thinking negative. I was going berserk with worry when I spotted him coming, sigh, and here I was wanting to kill myself with worry. You can't blame me for worrying too much, the though of loosing my friend on the second day of school is terrifying.

"Hey, how are you?", he asked as he made to sit down beside me. " Fine, hope it's the same with you", I said looking at him expectantly, thinking maybe he'll tell me what the whispers is all about. "Yeah whatever, what's with the look? Did you want to tell me something?" he asked. "Yes, I want to know what they're talking about", I said looking around. " They're talking about the project, don't want anyone stealing their ideas. Any new ideas about the project? I did some research online yesterday and it said something about them existing thousand year ago but I didn't get to see any information about what brings about their extinction ..." he said ,it all in one breath, as he brought out his jotter. " Yes but there's some claims that they went to a primitive universe which I find really hard to believe. Is there really magic in this world?", I said, for one I don't believe in magic, two magic doesn't exist. "Yes magic exist. But others claim that they killed themselves since no one embrace their existence. There's some who also claim that they went into hidden, far away from the world. We'll continue in our free time", he said as the English teacher, Mr Walt, enters the class.