

While they were heading inside the outside of the house was huge like a mansions, speaking of how huge it was the backyard was really big as if you could build a whole new house right in it , after getting inside the big and wooden furnished door the inside was much bigger . Different plants were hanging up in the air to keep the inside more greener and livelier , pictures of different people were hanging on the walls from the stair case wall to the living rooms. As you go deeper inside the house the more things you'll find as if it was a maze. Little Jake is now standing in the kitchen next to the big wooden door staring with a longing look as he remembers each of the happy things that he did with his parents in this big house.

"Litte master are you alright...?" The head butler talks to the dazed little Jake as he stares at him with a worried look.

"Uhh...ehm I'm fine Mr. Butler" he said as he returns back to his sense and smiled.

"Are you really ok?...If you feel unwell please tell me so we could call the family doctor and treat you" the butler said as he wipes his sweat off of his forehead due to worrying about Little Jake's condition.

"No, I'm fine Mr. Butler... I'm just happy to see you ,mama and papa again" he said as he looks down and fidgets with his hands in his back.

"If Little master is ok, then you should wake up now" the butler said as he slowly pat's Jake's head with his soft caring hands.

"Wake ...up?" Jake said as he was puzzled from his thoughts.

"Little Kitten wake up" she said ,as Jake's mom slowly get near him along with his father.

"Little kitten wakey-wakey" they said as their faces slowly blackened and the surrounding started to fade and he feel that he was falling away from them in a black hole. Jake tried to grab hold of his mother's hands but missed he started to gasp for air as he keeps falling in the abyss of darkness, he could only see the bright light getting smaller and smaller from where he came from....he gasp for air as hard as he could his breath starting to get harder and harder as if the air around him was no longer breathable, and in a blink of an eye he splash in a pool of water where he could not swim up no more due to lack of air he struggles as he keeps falling in the depths of the never ending darkness of the abyss... slowly and gradually he loses consciousness and right before he lose all of his consciousness a flicker of light glimmered as a hand pulled him out of the dark and hellish abyss.

"Are you alright?!" A voice called out to Jake as he grasp for air , swimming in his own sweat, trembling in fear, his eyes were as dead as the sky in a stormy night...the person's voice had the same tone as someone who nearly lost his own love one and wrapped in fear holding Jake's hand tightly in a squeeze.

Jake's eyes slowly adjust to the bright room where he had slept for how many hours, days or even weeks as he rested.He looks at the person in the eyes who had a brown eyes , a fairly black hair that is a mess like someone who pulled an all nighter looking after a sick person,he had soft and sad yet relieved tired face .He felt the warm hands on his hands wrapped around he looked at the person as his eyes started to go watery and tears started flooding out of his eyes and cried his heart out the person who was with him only could try to comfort and hug him so that he would stop crying from an unknown reason's. He could not know what Jake was crying for he only sat beside him and wrap him in his embrace as he resonates with his nephews sadness.

"Everything's going to be alright... your fine now, uncle's here to comfort you until you stop crying" he said as he pat's and rock's him back and forth until Jake started to calm down.

"Uncle when will...will they be back?" Jake said in a sad and sobbing tone and squeezing back his hands from his uncle's grips.

"I...I don't know, maybe someday, let's hope they'll come back" he said after realizing what Jake had seen in his dreams...he felt the pain and sadness from Jake, and also wishes for Jake's parents to come back for a long long time now, he knows how hard it is to lose one's parents because his one of those people.

"Which memory did you dreamt of was it a pleasant or horrible memory ?...you had gone through a tough time when you were a kid...I wish you I could had been there, you who was shut out from human society from being unique, even our own could not accept you for who you are...I wish I could change everything but I can't the only hope there is are you younglings who well grow up...I wish you and everyone will follow the right ruler to change this horrible phase of our worlds" he said to himself as he hugged his nephew quietly until he fully calmed down from his deep sleep

They both stay in that position as both of them starts to settle down from the feelings of lost and fear...Jake soon settled down and looks at his uncle and hugged him back, his uncle talks to him a little then stand's up and walks to the door and leaving Jake in his bed sitting and watching his surrounding with the glimmering lights ,the things he had left untouched and watched the outside scenery beyond the glass sliding door as nature had not change even if he had slept for a long long time ,the bird's who house near the building in the trees chirping and singing in pairs, and crickets resonating with nature. As everything was like any normal day of waking up from a nightmares or a happy dreams of his past memories of his childhood. As he sat there without moving an inch and just appreciate the beauty of nature in front of him.

To be continued..