
When Three Immortal Fairies Visited Earth and Met Me

In a realm where boredom is practically unheard of, three fairy sisters—offspring of the immortal realm's mightiest warriors—decided they had enough of celestial monotony. Seeking adventure (or maybe just a break from their all-too-perfect existence), they make a break for it, leaving behind the wonders and restrictions of their home. Enter me, Nikolas, but you can call me Nikko or Nick if you're feeling friendly. Just a regular guy navigating the complexities of university life, nursing a not-so-secret crush on the most captivating woman on campus. Imagine my surprise when what I thought was an unattainable dream starts looking like a reality. There's just one tiny, slightly terrifying catch. She comes with a warning label: impress her parents, two of the five rulers of the immortal realm, within a hundred years or risk facing their wrath for daring to woo their precious daughter. Oh, I wonder if their wrath will triple when they hear I'm going after all the three precious daughters. *Contains r18 scenes of love. These themes appear in the book although it isn't necessirily focused on them: #Yandere #Tsundere #Mafia #Dual-cultiavtion #Idol #Gamer-girl

Author_of_Culture · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Chapter 112 – In the Hands of Professionals

The mood lightened a bit with Merry's words. We ate in relative silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. I was somewhat impressed by Dad's ability to chew on his food and swallow it without grimacing even once.

"Hey, Merry," I said, breaking the silence and trying to mask the taste of the burnt toast. "You're going to be great today. You've worked so hard for this, and Amar wouldn't have gone all out if he didn't believe in you." To be honest she didn't work that hard. It hardly took her any time to learn new dance moves.

Merry smiled at me, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Nikolas. That means a lot. And don't you worry about Dad. I have a feeling everything's going to be okay." All I thought was that she was shameless. The girl pushed her plate away, pretending she wasn't hungry.

Dad chuckled, though it was a bit hollow. "Well, if we're counting on feelings, then I guess we're in good shape."