
When The World Wants You To Be A God

"You are capable of doing good. I wish for you to live a life free of regret. Live strong, live happy. I do apologize that it came to this... I love you Marls." The last passage of his mother's last letter echoes in his mind. He can still envision the teardrops on the letter that is mixed with ink. Marls is a 19-year-old boy who lives a mediocre life. He lives for the sake of it, a life that is empty and has no dream. He is determined to rot to death, as all things will be. But it all changes when he gets kidnapped by a kingdom from another realm, which claims him to be the source of threat in the coming future. In there, he is given a chance. To change or not to change. His life is just beginning. An iron ingot has to go through hammer and forge in order to be a great sword. And so will be his life.

dinnoyow · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Red Lady

⚠️ Inappropriate words may be found in this chapter. Proceed with caution. ⚠️

Marls stands unamused, quite annoyed, in fact. He lived his life avoiding anything related to school, and now here he is standing, fate pulling him back to his old enemy. But at least, he thought, he's not a student..


The academy of magic is one of the largest structure in the middle of the city, it takes a pretty huge chunk of land, and it is separated by a road going through the middle.

"Welcome to the academy of magic." Prof. Hitchson says.

"For a structure this huge, it do feels quiet.." Marls says.

"You are correct Mr. Marls! We are currently on the west side. Considering the hour, it is expected for this area to be empty."

"Pretty good to come in without commotion" William adds.

"Yes! I forgot to mention you Mr. Marls but the whole city knows who you are. At least who you will be. So it is in our best interest if we are generally unseen."

Marls heart beat rates up. Famous could mean two things..

..is it the good famous, or the bad famous..?

"Err.. professor, me and my sister should join the class soon, thank you for the walk!" William bows his head down.

"It's a pleasure!" Prof. Hitchson tips his hat.

The two siblings quickly move past and enter the academy, their figure slowly disappears as they run farther.

"Mr. Marls, It is my duty to tell you an important information ahead of your advent in the academy."

Marls looks towards Prof. Hitchson, his eyes tense up.

"There are those who are against and favors your arrival in the academy. It would be the best outcome if you manage to remain calm over this whole ordeal."

Marls noticed how Prof. Hitchson speaks calmer.

"Rest assured, nobody will be able to touch you." Prof. Hitchson says.

"Is everybody here as strong as you?" Marls asked out of instinct.

Prof. Hitchson turns.

"I won't answer a question that would make you feel tense, Mr. Marls. Here is a lesson to take, do not let your thoughts cloud your judgement. It could hide or even sabotage the best way to solve problems!"

Marls is sweating. He looks towards the entrance, which shows the long hall seemingly endless into the academy. The walls are all decorated with masterful sculptures. Very evident that this place is regarded as one of the most prestigious places ever to be in. But that thought doesn't entertains him, rather, the opposite.


Marls looks towards Prof. Hitchson. His eyes locked with him.

"Trust me." Prof. Hitchson smiles sincerely.

Somehow that relieves a lot of pressure from him. It has been so long that he feels this way..

.. a reassuring pat on the back.

He takes a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing."

"I love this new spirit, Mr. Marls! I'm fairly confident of this mission's outcome now!"

Two silhouettes one taller than the other is facing the daunting mouth of a very large structure. This is their first step into the direction towards the unknown.





Slither of neon red flies across the sky like a thunder, followed by the groaning that sounds like a beast yelping in pain. There is only two of them soaring through the clouds, and what they can see is the sun, the fading stars, and the pressure of the rushing 38000 feet wind.


Another groan comes out from the beast. This time it is followed by infernal light of red starting to ignite, but without hesitation the red figure punches the beast again, this time knocking the beast downwards, lowering their altitude significantly, while cancelling the beast's fiery roar.

"How many times do I have to fucking punch you..?!"





The beast groans in pain, as it flies down towards the surface. The red figure gives off another punch.

"If it's knockdown that you want, here it is..!"


A loud scream of pain comes from the beast, unlike before which has a deep imposing noise, this time it feels more like a screech of relinquish. The beast is thrown and crashes in to the forest, the thick scale of it generates destruction to any trees in front of it, creating quite a wide and long trail of excavated dirt, considering how fast the speed of this beast is when it flies.

"Oh no don't you dare..!"

The red figure grabs the beast's scale on the neck, pulls it upwards and then throws it again to the ground. The hindrance of the ground finally manages to slow them down, absorbing the remaining force of speed the massive creature has.

As the dust fades away, the red figure finds out she is surrounded by hills of dirt and broken tree roots. She jumps off the dragon's body and gently floats down towards the ground, looking up  at the now incapacitated dragon.

The dragon opens its mouth but the lady immediately prepares a punch, which shuts down any thoughts of retaliation.

"Good boy" The lady says.

The woman has a slim figure, she has a long red hair with ruby red eyes. When her eyes glimmer, it looks as if she has fire burning in her iris. Even though she has a figure of a human, her hands seems like it is made out of scales and hard skin, the color of burnt ash. Her face is focused, sharp eyes that inspects her surrounding thoroughly.

The dragon breathes heavily, it just went through one of the most highlighted event in its life. The punches that the dragon took were heavy, but it is controlled. Some scales are noticeably broken, however it is not by the dirt or large rocks, but by the punches.

The lady takes a log and then uses it as a makeshift broom, clearing out some of the dirt hills around the dragon. She then cuts the log with her arm in two, and set it on the ground, next to the dragon's neck, and then sits on it.

The dragon is bleeding silver blood.

Taking a breath, she began to focus on the matters in front of her. She takes her arm and holds it on the dragon's neck, first repairing the softer tissue beneath the broken scale (considered soft compared to the scale), and then her other hand follows by repairing the scale above it.

It took her over an hour to finish the job.