
When the Wolf Howls

Aria Morningstar, a 21 year old living on her own in a small town just outside of Georgia. She's your typical shy and nerdy college student. Her life is plain and boring, but it's just the way she likes it. Derek Young, a 23 year old male. Your typical rich college jock. He's a bully and rather party then spend his nights studying. He dates the popular cheerleader. A bad boy, if you must. And lastly, Marcus West, a 22 year old male. Your typical best friend of the main character. Semi-popular baseball player, sweet, geeky, and a "ladies killer". The good boy. Sounds like your typical werewolf romance novel? A typical love triangle? It may be at first. But some things are not as they always seem. Secrets are always hidden deep and nothing is ever the same.

_forbiddenlust_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter One

The morning glow of the sun seeped through the cracks of the pale blue curtain, beckoning the sleeping figure to wake. Birds chirped outside the window, resting on the branches of a nearby tree. Cars rode past, some honking at others to move faster or to get out of the way.

The figure under the covers let out a soft groan as her phone alarm went off. The sound annoyed her, but it informed her it was ready to get up for class. She sat up, grabbing the device and hitting the stop button with her thumb. Her phone read 7:00am, class starts at 8:30am.

Grudgingly, she climbed out of her bed and went towards her closet. Sliding open the door, she pulled out her normal attire for the day; a light blue hoodie and black leggings. College didn't have a dress code and she was grateful for it.

After slipping on her outfit for the day, she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. She pulled her blonde hair up into a neat ponytail. She didn't care to wear makeup, she hardly ever did anyway.

She made her way downstairs, glancing at the clock on the stove. 7:25. She has enough time to eat breakfast before heading to class. She opened the cabinet door and pulled out a bowl and another cabinet for cereal. She sat at the island in her kitchen, chowing down on some yummy lucky charms.

Once she was finished, she washed her bowl and spoon off before grabbing her purple bag from hanging on the chair she sat at. She had to walk, which the building wasn't but 15 minutes away. She didn't mind it either nor could afford a vehicle at the moment.

She stepped into the cold air, locking the door behind her before heading towards campus. It was late November so the weather was cold and snowy. She's only lived in Georgia since her first semester of Freshman year started. So only 4 months.

She managed to make one friend and he was in almost all her classes. His major was similar to hers. She pulled out her phone to check the time and any messages she could've received. Nothing, not even from her mother.

Frowning, she slid the phone back into her back pocket as she entered through the gates of the campus. A bunch of students were scattered around, heading towards their classes. Her first class was English, one of the easiest.

"Aria!" She heard a deep and charming male voice call out from behind her. She turned to find a tall brown haired, green eyed boy running towards her. This was Marcus West. Her only friend here. He was a baseball player but he can be really nerdy at times. Mostly when it comes to his favorite topic: anime.

"Hey Marc." The girl smiled at her friend, using the nickname only she was allowed to use. "Ready for yet another boring lecture?" She asked teasingly.

Marcus chuckled at the girl whom was extremely shorter then him. "Oh yes ma'am. I got my sketch book in handy." He winked playfully, holding his black notebook up with the title 'Marcus' lame drawings'.

Aria shook her head with an amused smile as the pair headed towards their first class. Their professor, Mr Grover, was a short pudgy male whom only talked in a monotone voice. His black hair was always slick back with too much oil, making it shiny in the light. His attire consisted of Hawaiian T-shirts that were way too tight, the buttons almost popping off, and tan or black khakis with dress shoes.

The pair despised this class, mainly because he made it so boring and uninteresting. Aria and Marcus made their way to their seats. They both always sat together in the very back, aware from the professors prying eyes. He was too nosey as well, always sticking his nose where it didn't belong.

As the rest of the students entered the classroom, Mr Grover began to speak. "Mornin' students. Todays lesson includes Shakespeare." This earned a groan from the students, which the professor ignored. He continued with his lesson as Aria and Marcus did their own thing.

Marcus drew in his sketchbook as Aria took her own notes of the topic. It was the same as Mr Grover went over but she did it in her pace. She was one of the students with the highest grades after all.

The male next to her chuckled. "They should just let you teach. At least you'd make it interesting." He teased the young girl, playfully nudging her arm.

Rolling her eyes, Aria snickered. "I could. But I'm not as qualified as Mr Grover nor as fashionable." She said sarcastically, making Marcus chuckle quietly at that.

Finally, an hour flew by or more like eternity. Half of the students had fallen asleep barely half way through the lecture. Both Marcus and Aria gathered their belongings before heading out of the classroom and to their next.


It was finally 2:00pm, meaning classes were over and the professors were getting ready for their night classes. "Aria!" Marcus ran up to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Wanna hit up Marlene's Diner?" He asked as they headed through the gates.

Aria nodded as they headed towards the direction of town. "I'm starving. They didn't have anything good for lunch." She said, rubbing her growling tummy. Marlene's Diner consisted of juicy burgers and their famous homemade milkshakes. Aria was drooling at the thought of it all.

It only took them 15 more minutes to reach town and a little bit more to reach the diner. The bell jingled as they entered, letting the employees know their was new customers. The pair made their way to the back of the diner and sat in their favorite booth. The diner was colorful and friendly looking. It was the hotspot for college students and rowdy teenagers.

The waitress walked up to the pair, pen and notepad in hand. "Afternoon you two. What can I get for ya?" She asked in a friendly tone. Aria could tell she was a high schooler. Her brunette hair was tangled up in a bun and she was thin, the type to starve herself for cheerleading. Plus, she had on a red shirt underneath her apron stating Kennedy High School.

Marcus hummed to himself in thought before ordering. "Can i get a 6 piece chicken finger plate with fresh fries? Oh and a strawberry milkshake." He said, shooting the girl a toothy grin.

The waitress nodded before turning her attention to Aria. "And for you miss?"

Aria smiled at her. "Just burger and fries and a chocolate shake." She said before pulling out her phone. The waitress jotted down their orders before heading back to the kitchen. Aria frowned at her phone, no messages again.

Marcus glanced over at his friend, also frowning at her expression. "Nothing from your mother?" He asked, already knowing the answer. Her mother hasn't tried contacting her since she moved to Georgia to start college.

"Nope. She hates that I moved far away from home. But I'm doing what's best for me." Aria stated as she leaned back, crossing her arms. "I just thought she would at least try to encourage me and be happy for me."

The boy shrugged, crossing his arms against his toned chest. "I guess she's still mad." He said, he reached over and gently took her small hand in his. "She'll soon get over it and contact you. You're her daughter, she can't stay mad forever. She'll regret it."

Marcus was right, her mother never stayed mad at her for long. "You're right." Aria sighed as she smiled at the boy. The waitress finally came back with their food and drinks. "Thank you." Aria said to the girl before she started devouring her meal.

Marcus chuckled at her. "You must've been starving." He teased, slipping a fry into his mouth. He stopped eating and Aria noticed his clouded over expression. His gaze shifted over to someone entering the diner. "Don't look now but here comes Derek and his puppy dog." He grumbled.

Aria rolled her eyes as she let out a groan. "Of course." She mumbled as the spoken pair walked over to their booth. Aria glanced up at Derek, glaring at him. No one really enjoyed his company, except a few of his friends and girlfriend.

"Aww Aria and Marcus having a little date." Derek teased, making kissy noises towards the pair. A chuckle left his lips as he ran his fingers through his black hair. The boy was a bully and played sports, just your typical bad boy. His blue eyes sparked with mischief. "You've taken our spot." His demeanor changed, that of annoyance.

Aria chuckled as she shook her head. "First come first serve. Why don't you sit over there with your puppy dog?" She teased, pointing to the other side of the diner.

Derek's girlfriend, her name is Ivy, glared at the girl. "Shush it bitch." She snapped. "We sit where we please and we want this spot." Ivy was a skinny girl, obvious bleached hair and brown eyes. Cheerleader captain, may i add.

Aria scoffed at the insult, ready to pounce on the girl before Marcus grabbed her arm. "Don't." He said as he stood. Both he and Derek glared at each other. "We'll move. We've got studying to do anyway." He gently grabbed Arias hand and led her out of the diner.

"What was that for?" Aria asked as the boy pulled her down the street. "We shouldn't let them get what they want. They need their asses kicked."

Marcus shook his head. "Trust me Aria, you don't want to." He couldn't tell her why, she's just a normal girl and he wouldn't want her to get involved. "Let's just get to your house."