
When the Wolf Howls

Aria Morningstar, a 21 year old living on her own in a small town just outside of Georgia. She's your typical shy and nerdy college student. Her life is plain and boring, but it's just the way she likes it. Derek Young, a 23 year old male. Your typical rich college jock. He's a bully and rather party then spend his nights studying. He dates the popular cheerleader. A bad boy, if you must. And lastly, Marcus West, a 22 year old male. Your typical best friend of the main character. Semi-popular baseball player, sweet, geeky, and a "ladies killer". The good boy. Sounds like your typical werewolf romance novel? A typical love triangle? It may be at first. But some things are not as they always seem. Secrets are always hidden deep and nothing is ever the same.

_forbiddenlust_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Four

Everyone gathered at the dining table, choosing their seats. The table was extremely long, long enough to fit over 20 people. Aria sat in between Marcus and Emma, keeping near the two she felt more comfortable around. The others were chattering about as food was being passed around.

"Take whatever you want." Marcus said as he passed her a bowl of mashed potatoes. "Mom made enough food to last for days." He chuckled as Aria scooped some of the white fluffy goodness on her plate. "Hell-" the boy stuffed his mouth with food as he spoke. "She'll let you take some home with you."

Aria rolled her eyes at his lack of mannerisms. "Well I appreciate that. My fridge is almost bare." She sighed, frowning. She knew she shouldn't have depended much on her mother but she wanted to worry more about her studies instead of working more. She pushed those thoughts aside as she began to eat.

She felt eyes on her making her glance around the room. She noticed Derek was staring at her. He didn't sit at the table with the rest of the family, instead he leaned against the counters in the kitchen as he ate. The two made eye contact, causing Derek to scrunch his nose in disgust before turning his head to look somewhere else.

The two didn't like each other. Even though they barely knew each other, being around each other for just a second is sickening to both. Aria let out a sign as she glanced around at the chattering family. She's never been in a household before. It was usually just her and her mother, well after her father left them.

She wished she could have a huge loving family as this one. And a mother just like Marcus'. But you can't choose your family. Once everyone was down eating, they all scattered about the house. Aria stayed with Marcus and Emma as they sat on the living room couch.

Emma sat on the floor in between Arias knees as she gently braided the young girls hair. Aria always wanted a little sister and Emma felt the same way. Marcus smiled at the two getting along. "I guess you'll have to come here around more." He teased his friend. "Emma would love it."

Aria chuckled as she braided the last bit of hair. "I wouldn't mind that. I like it here." She said, putting a big pink bow in the girls hair. "There ya go Emma, you look gorgeous."

Emma giggled as she stood, glancing at the mirror behind them above the couch. "I love it." She said softly, her voice low and shy. The little girl threw her arms around Arias neck, giving her a hug.

Letting go, she watched as Emma skipped happily to her mother to show her her new hairdo. "Your family is really kind." She glanced over at the boy. "And huge." She chuckled with a soft smile.

"Mom said you're welcome here anytime. With or without me." Marcus stated as he glanced around the room, spotting his father. "Oh. I gotta go speak to my dad. I'll be back." He stood to his feet and headed over to the man. He looked just like Derek, black hair and blue eyes. But the man had a nice demeanor then the boy had. There was only one more sibling she hadn't met and that was the oldest brother. She's heard Marcus talk about him a few times. He's hardly around, always traveling the world.

Aria sighed as she glanced around the room. Some of the folks had already left but few remained. They were all chatting amongst themselves on different sides of the room. She didn't notice the tall dark figure that made his way over to her and plopped down next to her. "You're lucky Marcus likes you." He spoke, startling Aria.

She glanced to see Derek with a smug look on his face. Rolling her eyes, she scoffed. "Leave me alone Derek. I don't know what you have against me but it doesn't affect me." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair. She stood and walked over to Marcus, wanting to meet his father and get away from Derek.

She didn't notice the lingering stare from Derek as she walked away. She smiled as she walked up towards the two. "Oh this must be Aria!" The older man smiled as he noticed her approaching. "Sam has told me so much about you. Well, from what she knew from Marcus." He said as the two shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you Mr West. Marc has told me so much about you." Aria smiled as she playfully nudged the boy.

Marcus couldn't help the small blush form on his cheeks by the action, but he quickly shook his head to rid of the redness. "Are you ready to head home?" he asked the girl, glancing down at her. She was shorted than him, of course. Just a little below her shoulders. 

Aria nodded as she crossed her arms against her chest. "Yeah. I still have some bit of homework to finish." She turned to Mr West with a smile. "I hope to see you and the family again one day. I've had a blast." 

The older man chuckled. "You can visit anytime. Our home is now yours too." This shocked Aria, she didn't know they liked her this much. She said her goodbyes to the remaining family and gave Emma a parting hug. 

The duo left the house and got into Marcus' borrowed car. "Thank you for bringing me." Aria smiled at the boy, leaning back into the seat. "I never been surrounded by a family full of-" she sighed, frowning slightly. "love and care." she admitted sadly. 

"Well, you can be around that anytime you want. My family really likes you, which is a good thing." Marcus said as he turned into her street. Aria was ready to get home and finish her homework though. She had quite a bit to do. "I'll have to look into a roommate here soon. I can't afford this place on my own."

Marcus pulled into her driveway, unlocking the doors so she can get out. "I'll help you find one. We gotta make sure she or he isn't a psycho." he teased as he leaned over and gently pecked her cheek. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call." his voice was kind and soothing, always made Aria feel safe and loved. 

She nodded her head and said her goodbyes before hopping out of the car. The young girl sighed as she entered her house. She grabbed her book bag from the coffee table and pulled out the homework she needed to finish. She wished she could've stayed with Marcus and his family but she really wanted to graduate and start her dream career. She wanted to make her mother see that she didn't waste her time and talents. That she could do things on her own without her mothers help. Maybe, just maybe, this will help her mother treat her as a daughter as she once did before.