
Introducing 'Systems End'

Qwen stood with the newly created gaming helmet in his hands. He used a helm design because he figured that people would resonate with it better. The inside of the helmet glowed green when with a faint hum. He put the helmet on and was sent through a portal like scene of black and green lights until exiting from a white light moments later. Qwen had create an urban/ mid ages, lifelike fantasy world similar to ours. Or how our will become soon. The NPCs were randomly generated bodies from trillions of different personalities from actual people.

He was currently inside of his game testing his GM powers. Qwen could feel everything from the wind, to the tall grass outside of the metropolitan starter city. He could hear birds chirping and insects buzzing. He could smell the water from the stream and the spring like nature smell. He took out a knife and cut himself then sucked his teeth. He even felt pain! He ran and felt his heart pound in his chest. He created a fire ball and launched it into a river and made an explosion of steam.


A large explosion of heat and steam rushed past Qwen. Burn marks were left where the blast landed. Qwen was the GM of a fantasy world. He used the same GM voice of the System. He could see the appeal the voice had used on him when he was granted his System. It would announce you gaining a level or giving out information. All of the feeling from stat increase that he felt were would put into the game.

This game would be his 2nd way to get the world ready. They will have a direct simulation of the System. An exact replica with logout and menu options, of course. Qwen didn't have that same luxury with his system. Reality is a cruel mistress as the saying goes.

For major in game events, every month he had a catastrophic event with massive losses of life of the heroes of the world. If they didn't band together to save their country then they would lose it to the moster hoards. This was a great way to consistently get large masses of people to learn fantasy battle strategies. Pain can be altered in game or played in hardcore mode. All monthly events have 100% pain threshold and are only for the most intense gamers. He actually would make the first monthly event mandatory. They had to feel the real things at least once. If everyone didn't participate, they would lose 3/4 of their total stats. This was a hidden and he wouldn't tell anyone.

Battles in game can happen in and outside of dimensional pockets where waves of enemies arrive will arrive. You can get attacked by wild animals, bandit, or even a hungry dragon. You would literally experience being eaten before returning to the save crystal where characters respawned.

He honestly couldn't believe he developed this technology himself!

Qwen looked at his status screen that was now filled with skills picked up by his quick learning and physical training. He made it look exactly like his own IRL.

<Name Qwen Valas

Level 8

(0/3000 XP to next level)

Health: 200/200 HP

Mana: 900/900 MP


Str: 15

Agility: 15

Endurance: 20

Int: 80(10)

Wis: 20

*5% Mana recovery(Item)

SP to distribite: 0

Skill: Atmokinesis Level 1, Basic Rod combat Level 4, Hand to Hand combat(1%) Level 1, First aid level 3,

Spells: Spark Level 6, Ignite Level 3,

Wind gust Level 5, Pressure spray Level 5, Ice touch Level 4, Fog Level 2)

*Fire-bolt Level 3(Item)

Shop Function (Unique:)

Shop Points:0

Shop Gold: 0


Innate Traits: Advanced Personal Storage (APS)

Universal Mind, Coder(Intermediate)...>

Qwen pressed the log out option mentally and fell back into his chair with a feeling of accomplishment. Hes was helping to save the world and getting filthy rich at the same time. He was pretty content for a moment. He didn't have to worry about money problems once word of this gets out. In fact, money would never be an issue again. To create buzz he used his coding skill to create an untraceable intro video of the game on all online platforms.

*Inside the game 'Systems End'.*

After the short back story, he created about universal forces choosing earth as a battleground for their whims.

The video began into a metropolitan area. Where the camera focused on a group of 4 people in weird armor and weapons of all colors with glowing engravings. Suddenly of after the fell on the four powerful characters, a loud siren sounded in the sky. The power cut out in the area in the entire city. Moments after, hordes of orc suddenly appeared in various locations with their eyes closed like statues.

People in the street were unsure of what was happening were slowly leaving their cars and approaching the statue like orcs.

After a few seconds, they all opened their eyes and roared before brutally attacking anyone unfortunate soul in sight. The scene was completely lifelike and grousome.

The cutscene changed to battles in the middle of a grassy plain. A man and women Ninja, barbarians, spirit cultivators, warriors of all races and backgrounds were clashing with monsters.

Orc hordes, wolves spider, centaurs, giants, massive panthers or lions that breathed ice lance's or sprayed molten lava. There ground wyrms that came from under ground and ate warriors whole and many more monsters and traitorous humans locked in vicious combat against their mortal enemies, the human race.

Mages casted spells devastating magics they launched hundreds of yards away but landing with pin point accuracy. The ground erupted in a mini volcano melting nearby enemies alive. Ice storms that freeze groups of enemies in second. Summoners spawing beast large enough to ride on their backs. Or demon spawn that join them into battle.

Archers rained down countless arrows imbued with enchantments. Necromancers rasing lifelike dead bodies and litches, clerics chanting healing spells and light ray attacks that penetrate any armor. Monks and martial artists destroyed large groups of enemies with fist, feet, and weapons shrouded in powerful aura and delivering literal earth shattering blows. You name it, all of the classes were in the game.

The same went for the monsters and beasts. Dragon, goblins, giant centipedes, spider queens, all life like creations down to the last detail.

Qwen coded in 'Systems End' as the title and pressed send to all of major social media sites. He made his alias 'New Worlds GM The Creator' as the creator of the game of course. His encrypted website couldn't be located so he wasn't worried about being found.

Qwen picked up his phone tooka a deep breath and called Shaunie to try to see if he could flex his temporary celebrity muscle he had at his job. The phone rung once and was answered in a quick but irritated tone.

"Can you let the owner know that we can move up our meeting time sooner, if he'd like. I'm fully prepped now."

"Sounds good! I'll let the boss' representative know now."

Her excited tone let Qwen know she was very happy hearing that and she hung up without saying goodbye again.

Qwen shrugged his shoulder and began walking towards his refrigerator when he got a call on his phone.


"Qwen it's Shaunie, the representative said that the owner Matt is ready to meet with you this evening. Are you sure you're ready?"

Qwen took a deep breath before responding.

"Yeah. Let's get this over with. I have things to discuss with him also."

"Well I'll let him know, don't take too long a car is already on its way."

Qwen went upstairs to changed into a suit and tie like normal. He put on dress socks and shoes and bushes his hair drizzled hair down. His suit was snug fit due to his stat increases but it still fit somehow.

After over an hour passed. Qwen heard a horn beeping outside.

A long black shiny waited outside for Qwen . A driver held the door open for him to enter. Once inside, Qwen saw that the interior was made of a rare material and very soft seats. There was a bar, TVs , and other eminities. He poured a drink to take the edge off of the meeting he was going to have. He was nervous because if this didn't work he'd have to figure out another option and time wasn't on his side.

The limousine drove further away from the city from where Qwen lived and about an hour away. It was already evening when left Qwens house and it was beginning turn sunset. They then turned right down a well hidden gated private road where the driver had punched in a code to enter. They drove for a while until the reached a massive mansion. Qwen mouth was gaping looking at such a place. It had to be worth tens of millions of dollars if not a hundred million. A butler was waiting of the limo to arrive and escorted Qwen inside. There he was lead though the massive house filled with expensive furniture, crystal chandelier, artwork and collectables that usually only the wealthy would find important.

He was lead into a study carrying his grey plain box. When he enter the lavish study, there was a caucasian tanned older man in his 40s with trimmed graying black hair, mustache and beard. He was dressed in expensive casual clothes and looked like he had been waiting eagerly for Qwen and nearly jumped out of his seat when Qwen walked though the door.

"Mr. Valas the face behind the genius! Now tell me how could one man do what a team of researchers and programmers couldn't do in 50 years? None of them could explain how you did it. Its just remarkable! The only thing they could agree on was that it was impossible. So, How'd you do it? Hmm?"

Luckily Qwen was slightly inebriated he felt fairly calm and the drink was making him slightly talkative and bold. He didn't have time for this but he had to also get this guy to back his move.

"Sorry, Mr..."

"Heavens me, Matt Bosworth of BosTech the owner of your little company. You can call me Matt. Would you like a drink?"

" I had one in the limousine on the way here, but sure."

"Ah a real man you are. I like it!"

Really Qwen bearly felt the alcohol. He drank a whole bottle of whiskey before he began to feel buzzed!

"Okay Matt, well every man has to have his secrets, right? So I'm afraid I'll have to keep that knowledge up here but, I will say I look foward to a future partnership between the both of us as soon as possible. I have quite a few more ideas to show upon agreement."

Qwen nodded with a slight smirk and swirled his drink around. He had to work the room audience to his benefit.

"Mmm...partnership you say." Matt slightly frowned. He was obviously disappointed and wanted to know more about how he completed the project but seen that Qwen didn't look like he would budge. If Matt was being honest with himself he wasn't much interested in much else the guy had to say. He mostly wanted to know if he had any competition but, this guy seems pretty...well simple.

"So what's the earlier meeting for? If you wanted to talk about a raise we could have done so in the office. Sure we can up your salary and make you CEO of project management. What else do you want? A new home and car? I can get it for you. I want you in my company for as long as I can keep you. You would only have to sign a contract agreeing to work for me for 10 years minimum. What do ya say?"

Qwen wasn't expecting so much for sure. If this was before the system he would have taken it in a heartbeat. Yet, he was here to make the deal. Now was his chance and the door was opened.

"I am not here for that."

Matt frowned deeply and his face turned red. He clearly wasn't used to hearing the word no but Qwen put a hand up to stop him from exploding with anger.

"I have a proposal. I want to release a game and I want you to back me. I only ask to own 80% of the business. What do you say?"

Matt was shocked silly, then he burst out laughing to tears. "Ah hahaha, so you came to sell me a video game! Me? Ah hahaha. Son your an amazing practical joker. I almost peed my pants!"

Qwen frown for a moment but then smirked.

"So Matt you look like a serious guy when it comes to money. Gaming is a multibillion dollar industry. What I'm offering you is a trillion dollar idea. Laugh now, but say that I'm right. What do you have to lose by just listening to me for a little while longer. I mean, I'm already here.

Didn't you want to keep me for a reason? What do you have to lose? If you aren't amazed at what I'm offering, I'll sign your contract on the line right now and wont bat an eye."

Matt had stopped laughing when Qwen brought up money. Now there was only interest in his eye. His anger disappeared with the mention of large amounts of money.

"So you seem very confident. If your so confident if you dont impress me then your fired and no contract. The main reason why we're even still here talking is because your a bit interesting and I wanted to know how you competed the project. I detest wasting my time."

Matt paused then looked at Qwen more seriously and continued.

"Alright your right. I don't have anything to lose. So what ya got? Also don't think I'm clueless on gaming. I was an avid PC gamer for years so you'd really have to come with more than a new console game. Shoot your load, what do ya got?"

"Oh, I have more than that. SO much more than that, Matt."

Qwens face had a smile and set the grey box on the table.