
Arrival of the trainees

The massive new dungeon appeared in a rain forest near Brazil.

It looked like an ancient tower held up by pillars. It looked aged with cracks lined with mold. However the massive structure showed no signs of collapsing. There was a massive forest that surrounded the ancient dungeon tower for miles.

It was almost as if a transparent forcefield separated the forest from the normal earth. Scientists had run test and confirmed it was a that prevented seeing anything on the otherside.

The stretched high into the sky nearly touching outer space. Purple clouds surrounded the tower giving off an ominous look.

Qwen stared at the massive structure on the TV screen. News helicopters were circling the structrue within hours of its appearance.

One would have thought that a massive tower appearing out of thin air would send the locals fleeing for the hills.

On the contrary, the locals had flocked to the tower in droves. They had begun setting up food stands and exchange shops around the forest.

All of the palaces where bustling with people. Qwen waited in one of the rooms to be called down to see the team he promised to train.

Representatives from each country had poured into his palaces. At the same time all of the North American countries and the surrounding islands began working on the agreement they had all made.

Materials for construction and simultaneous development projects were under way. People poured in by the thousands to move into the new city with the palaces. Entire families migrated to the teleportation arrays. It seems many came without much convincing.

People wanted to feel protected and many felt that the palaces provided it. Especially after the last message the went into the minds of normal people and system users alike.

Upon arrival the into the lobby, people were guided into a massive line and their information had been updated. Everyone was given an ID they would have to scan to use the teleportation arrays.

All of the teleportation array were guarded by the military no matter where there were.

From there the entered another teleportation array that lead to a massive room labeled 'Green Jade City'. Upon arrival people were housed and put to work.

In the civilian area. It had been divided in to districts. There were teleportation array center set up to transport people whichever district they needed to go to.

The education district was filled with a library with manuals that were free and some that could purchased. Learning from manuals was easy because the information could be absorbed into your mind directly. There were instructors set up to help assist with the learning process if needed for early education.

The educational manuals from the system far surpassed any that humans could create. Massive learning centers had set up to help with the transition to the new way of life.

Food stands had already begun selling various mears, produce, and poultry. Another array led to miles of untouched farmland. Mages that had an affinity to nature and earth magic assisted in the farming region.

There was of course an entertainment district set up in the civilian housing area.

The special districts were off limits to normal people. Here was where the international police HQ would be located.

Each family housed in the palace were given food credits to get food for the week per the family size.

The ground work had been laid. It would take weeks for the palaces to be completed and the people full housed.

He did everything he could and would do for humanity. The rest was up to them. He had to keep getting stronger but first. His forced obligation

He glanced at Mantz and Clarke. He had to train all of these new system users from other countries.

They stared at Qwen with determined looks. They refused to fail their mission of watching over him.

Qwen sighed to himself and shook his head. He had to deal with....people. He could already feel the headache coming on.

Several hour later inside of his main palace. Qwen waited with the two stern face agents.

"You both already know that you couldn't keep up with me even after this training right."

Clarke scoffed.

"Hey kid, there's a reason why we are guarding the president. We're some of the best at what we do."

Qwen only smiled.

"Whatever you say. How about we get started with your integration. Reached at least level 2 before you leave. If you can reach a higher level then do so. Don't waste time in the starter area. Go directly into the wilderness and grind XP. I removed the need for nourishment so you can farm for hours. We'll see how good you are when you return, blondie."

Mertz and Clarke were securing the helm when Clarke heard Qwens quip.

"Oh really! I'll a little smug shit like you a th-!"

Qwen flicked his wrist and the helms activated with his coding magic and their bodies had fallen limp.

"Oops forgot to tell them to lay down first. Oh they will definitely be sore when they wake up. Hahaha!"

Minutes later, groups of men and women from all over the world began pouring though the portal in the main lobby.

Thousands of men and women flocked into the lobby. All were dressed in military uniforms.

Some of the people in the crowd looked like normal civilians even though they dressed in military uniforms. Their nervous glances gave away their attitudes. The soldiers moved with more surety.

They were each given black skin tight bodysuits by the many attendants in the lobby. Complaints and grumbling could be heard among the crowd. They soon quieted when the attendants informed them that it was infused with some of the strongest materials on the planet.

When they changed out of their uniforms, they were each given CG Helms as the stepped forward. They each stopped infront of Qwen.

"Alright everyone well into the portal once everyone has integrated."

A loud scoff came from the front of a group.

"Oy now what do we have here mate! This is a tiny one here trying to give orders. With all do respect 'computer progrmmer'. What fu**ing qualifications do you have to guide us out of a paper box, let alone through a dungeon full of uglies? Huh?"

A man with a red hair military cut with large muscles and an Aussie accent mocked. He looked comical in his black suit.

Qwen looked at one of the attendants.

"Give him your weapon."

The attendant walked over and handed the red he Aussie his side side.

"Alright now what am I suppose to do with it shove it up your arse?"

Laughter could be heard in the crowd.

"I want you to shoot me."

Everyone in the crowd froze and the laughter died.

Dispite all of the jokes and the seemingly nonchalant attitude of soldiers they take all weapons verys seriously. Taking weapons lightly are is one of the main ways to piss a soldier off.

"You little shite think this is a toy? This isn't one of your little video game crossbows. It's a colt .45 pistol. If you want to have a pissing contest we could do it with my boot lodged in your arse. Then we could get a real commander in here to hand out orders!"

In the back of the room here the actual generals of these men. None stepped up to stopped the outburst. Many had smirks on there faces. It seems sole didn't like not having oversight of their soldiers.

Qwen on the other hand didn't care about any of that. He just didn't want to deal with being questioned later. He wanted to get the training over with.

Qwen rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Look man just shoot me."

The red haired soldier frowned.

"Listen kid I'm not going to shoot a defenseless man. Alright!"

Qwen summoned an ice lance.

"Shoot me or die."

The crowd became tense with some men and women asking Qwen to be reasonable.

The ice spike solidified almost to the point of looking metallic.

"Last chance."

The now sweaty red haired soldier was wide eyed as he stared at the 7 foot ice rod.


The lance moved.



The crowd went crazy. Some tried to wrestle the the weapon always from the soldier. Suddenly the room froze when they looked on the stage.

Qwen held the bullet between two fingers. He squished the piece lead flat and flicked it across the room. It made an exploding noise before the bullet dissapeared onto fragments.

Qwen used a gun because he knew that was something everyone in the room could understand. They all realized they were like ant while in the same roome with Qwen.

"So....anymore questions?"