
When the Time Passes

My life all changed the moment I stepped foot into this school. All I ever wanted was a peaceful school experience. Oh, but it was everything peaceful. How did I end up here?

BlackBear6018 · Teen
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3 Chs

Bear Valley

" Grandma!! Wake up! Please wake up.

I don't want to lose you. Please. I beg you --open your eyes for me."

"Honey, come on. Grandma is gone. She's not coming back. She was tired, and now she is getting her rest. So, let's let her rest for now.

Mom, I hope you went to a better place and found happiness there. "


"Mom, you can't do this. Why do we have to move? What's wrong with this house? "

"Nothing is wrong with the house Elizabeth, but I can't live here anymore. It reminds me too much of Grandma. Plus, the new place we are going to is so much better. So, get your stuff, and let's go. "

"It's only been three months. Grandma just died, and now you are going to sell her house and move up like nothing. Grandma treasured this house. You can't do this. I won't let you. "

(Elizabeth sits on the ground and refuses to move)


I don't want to have to do this the hard way. Get up, get your stuff, and put it in the car. Just do this for me. It is already hard enough. Don't make it any more complicated, please, for me. Just get in the car, honey. "

(Elizabeth takes her bags and walks to the car)

(Elizabeth's Mom turns to face the house and whispers something, then leaves)

" I promise, honey, the new place you will love and make lots of friends. "

"I had a friend. Grandma. She is gone now, and all our memories in her house are also gone. Because of you. Please don't talk to me for the rest of the ride."

(She puts on her headphones and closes her eyes. Elizabeth's Mom sighs.)


(Back at the house)

"Mom, I tried my hardest to save this house, but money got tight, and I can't afford to live here anymore.

I'm going to take Beth to a new place. Hopefully, with this move, she can make more friends.

She misses you a lot, you know. I miss you a lot too. But I'll try to be strong for her. Bye, Mom. "

----------------------------------------FLASHBACK ENDS-------------------------------------------------

(She looks over at Elizabeth and smiles.)

"I hope you make many new happy memories here."

(1 hour later)

"We have reached. Wake up, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth opens up her eyes and sees a house. She looks at it with disgust and disbelief. The place looks like it is going to fall at any moment. The house has pink flowers at the front, but they look like they are on the verge of death. The grass needs a lot of trimming. The gates in front of the house were hanging on by their last hinge.

The house itself is dull looking. The place gives just a creepy vibe. She could not believe this was the house she would live in now.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing over there? Could you help me get the stuff into the house? Surely you're not going to make me do all the work, are you? Get your young butt over here and help your dear mother."

"Mom. Once you are not old, you are still very young.

Two, I was coming to help you just needed a minute.

And the most important one. Are we staying here? Look at the condition of the house."

"What do you mean? The house is beautiful, and I paid a lot of money to get this house. No nagging, please. "

"You paid money for this. This house should have been for free. Mom, take a look at the home and tell me it's a beautiful house. "

Elizabeth points at the creepy, run-down house and asks her mom if they will stay there.

"Are you crazy? The house we are living in is the one next to it. "

Elizabeth turns her attention to the house next to the creepy house. Not as good as her grandma's house, but better than the house next door.

This house had lots of flowers, and they didn't look like they were dying. The grass is at a reasonable length, and the gate is not falling off. The house itself is painted with stunning colors. Aside from the house being all creepy looking, Elizabeth was a little pleased with the house. However, she wasn't going to give her mom the pleasure of thinking moving here was good. She was still a little mad about her mom packing up and moving, but Elizabeth knew there was a reason for it.

Elizabeth and her mom spent the whole day fixing up the house to how they liked it, and by the end of the day, they were finished unpacking their stuff. Elizabeth now had her bathroom and no longer had to share or wait for her mom to finish showering. However, Elizabeth couldn't help but remember the memories she had with her grandma.

She remembered how her grandmother wouldn't be there when their favorite show came out with a new season. Elizabeth and her grandma loved watching Love on an Island, and they would always watch it together and have a fun tv show night. But she wouldn't be able to taste her grandmas cooking or the sweet smell of her grandma's cookies on a Sunday.

Elizabeth closed the door and sat on the floor crying.

"Grandma. I miss you. What am I going to do without you?

I love mom, but you know that you were the one who took care of me. You were my only friend. You were my best friend. "

Elizabeth got up and went to lie on her bed. She picked up her phone and looked back at all her pictures with her grandma. With each photo, Elizabeth cried even more. Finally, a little while after crying too much, she fell asleep.

---------------------------------------The Next Day--------------------------------------------------------

"Elizabeth, wake up. You didn't eat dinner yesterday and will be late for your first day of school. "

"Mom, can't I go tomorrow? It is already the middle of the semester. It's not like I can miss even more."

"Elizabeth, get up now and don't make me come back in this room. I will get furious if you're up and ready to go."

Elizabeth got up with a loud moan and went to the bathroom. She took a shower and brushed her teeth and did her hair.

She put on a hoodie and jean pants and tied her hair into a ponytail. Then, she ran downstairs, grabbed some toast, and drank one sip of orange juice before her mom rushed her to get into the car.

"Now, remember to go straight to the principal's office and get your uniform and class schedule. Also, try to make friends. People aren't as scary as you think they are. "

"Alright, mom. The principal and schedule got it. Goodbye"

Elizabeth got out of her mom's car and started walking up the steps to the school. Elizabeth's mom looked uneasy.

"Wait, Beth. Come back for a moment, please."

"What is it, mom?"

"Nothing, sweetie. I just wanted to say that I love you and that I hope you have a good day at school for your first day. I know I moved you here by force, although you might not like me as much now. Just know I had no choice. I know you miss grandma, but I can't bring her back, and I'm sorry. If I could get her back, I would. I am having a hard time just like you, so for me, deal with me, okay? "

"Okay, Mom. Also, I might be sad about Grandma passing away, but I love you too. I'll try to see the positive side of us moving. Now I am going to go before I am even late. Love you. Bye."

Elizabeth walked up the steps, and then she saw her new school. It was like a castle. The school trimmed the grass into little swans, and a water fountain was in the middle of the walking space. There was not one piece of trash on the ground. This school was immaculate compared to her old school.

Elizabeth walked into the school. She had not one clue where the principal's office was. She stopped one guy and asked him if he knew where she could find the principal's office, and he walked her there. This guy was very hot. He had long dark hair and wore glasses.

When they reached the office, Elizabeth thanked the guy for showing her to the office.

"Thanks so much, umm.... "

"Jules. I am Jules."

"Thanks, Jules, so much."

"Yeah, no problem."

Elizabeth gazed at Jules for a while before approaching the secretary

"Hi. I am Elizabeth Smith. I am looking for the principal. I am a new student."

"Yeah, one second. I will inform Principal Clay that you are here."

After a few minutes, this tall, handsome man came out.

"Hi, Elizabeth. I am Principal Clay. Come into my office. "

Elizabeth walked into his office. She was a little nervous.

"So, I got your records from your old school. You did very well in your classes. I hope you continue to go here. Are there any sports that you are interested in participating in? Every student needs to be involved in at least one sport at this school.

We have cheerleading, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and swimming. "

"I think I will join swimming. I used to swim when I was younger, so I think it would be fun to get back into."

"Alright, great. Here are some papers. Just fill them out and hand them to me tomorrow. "

"Okay, will do."

"Alright, here is your uniform. I will allow your attire only because you are just starting school late but starting tomorrow, and I expect you to be in full uniform. Understood."

"Yes, understood."

"Good. Now for your classes. We do things differently here. All lectures are held in the same classroom. And all juniors have the same courses so the students in your class are with you for all your classes so it shouldn't be hard to make friends.

Now, do you have any questions for me?"

"Not right now, sir, but if I have one, I will be sure to come here and ask you."

"Okay. I will find a classmate to escort you to your class. "

"Okay, thank you. "

A few moments later, a girl came in. She was gorgeous. She had long dark hair with blue eyes. Her uniform was also perfect. She had the most beautiful smile. To Elizabeth, she looked like an angel.

" Hey, you're the new kid, right?"