
When The Sun Starts Rising

Cara Sanchéz has been hearing about El Mar. She has no idea what or who it is. She has recently been haunted by a cloaked man wanting information about El Mar that only she can get. 'El Mar' is the one thing that is going to save her and destroy her at the same time. And this is where her journey of finding El Mar or the journey where she is hunted by El Mar begins.

Puff_V · Sci-fi
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23 Chs


Is he nuts? Is his brain not braining?

Why did he just stare at me? That is so creepy! I get chills till now, wondering what I did wrong. He wasted my time and ruined my whole routine by standing there for three minutes staring into my eyes as if I could hear what he's trying to say by looking into his eyes because it has a window into his mind.

Now I have a bad day.

My hair is out of the place, my face is not as clean feeling, my shirt has nasty colors and my clumsiness is back!

Screw you Reyes!


I throw the hairbrush into the floor and stomp on it a couple times for good measures before putting it back into its holder after failing miserably on trying to braid my hair up neatly.

I take out my jewelry box I get for my welcome gift here and choose a cute little golden ring. I put it on my index finger but it wouldn't fit.

I try harder, I see nothing that can make the ring stuck halfway like that.

I take the ring out and decide to not wear it today since my mood is already ruined.

I look at my index and twist my supposed finger around.

A sage colored ring is suddenly there! What is this?

Where did this come from?

I gasp and fall back on my bed.

I take it off and put it far away on my vanity table.

I run out of the room and knock on Jenna's bedroom door. "Jenna! Quick!" I whisper yell.

She opens the door and pulls me in.

"What happened!?" She yells and turns me around to check any injuries on me.

"I'm fine! I just want to know if you know anything about a green ring?"

She looks up at the ceiling, calling back all her memories. "No, why?"

"This ring just pops up in my finger, it's so scary!"

I pull her into my room and as we walk we passed by Lucero's office and the door was ajar. I heard him mumble to himself like he's memorizing some lines. I ignore him and show the ring to Jenna.

"This!" I point and show it to her.

"It's pretty! But can you show me where the ring is now?" She laughs nervously.

"This is the ring!" I push it in front of her face.

"There's nothing there, you're joking?" She giggles.

"I'm not! Can you not see it?" I raise an eyebrow and she shakes her head no. "Am I crazy? You know what? You should just hit me." I put my hand out for her to hit me and she did.

"Ouch! I'm not crazy! Why can't you see it? Or maybe it's you who's crazy?" I stutter out. She looks at me weird and decides to push me out of the room and wave once, shutting the door in my face.

"Why are you standing there?" I hear a voice asks behind me and I whip my head back toward that sound.

"Rhys.." I say breathlessly. "You're back!" I say enthusiastically.

"Yeah, is Lucero here?" He looks around.

"I guess, why?" I shrug.

"I'm trying to avoid him."


"I broke up with Zara, because of him." He grits his teeth.

"But it's not his fault, I think it's because of me." I mutter the last part under my breath.

"You don't understand!" He bites.

I take a step back, shocked by his sudden outburst. "Ok, you don't have to yell at me." I roll my eyes and storm away into the little library I found on the top floor.

I open the wooden door and sit on one of the book isles, taking a novel with me down on the floor. I stayed there for hours and hours reading, understanding, taking in each and every word.

"Cara?" I hear the deep gruff voice speaks and tilt my head up, Lucero. "When the sun starts rising?" He reads the title of the book I'm holding and took it from my hand. "Why are you reading this?" He scrunches his eyebrows and puts it back in the shelf.

"What? I can't even read now? Kill me why don't you!" I get up from the floor and dust my pants off, storming off for the second time today. Older and younger brother they're all the same. Baboons!

I hear Luce calling out to me but I keep walking and then boom! I bumped into a hard chest, look up and saw again, Rhys. The big guy behind me stops and bumps into me. Great!

"Get out of my way!" I push both of them away and get in my room, making sure to slam the door extra hard. Then manage to scream my whole lungs out into the pillow.

The sound of pitter patter on the window makes me aware of my surrounding, this room is so nice when it rains.

Very comfy bed, calming atmosphere, perfection.

If Dalia was here, we'd be watching movies with blankets on and spend the rest of the day in bed under the rainy weather.

God, I miss her.

I pray everyday that they're alright because they've been so nice to me since I lost my parents and I don't want bad things to happen to them just because I was not there to protect them.

I take out my phone and try dialing her number even though I;ve tried it before and it didn't work but wouldn't hurt to try again.

I wait for the second ring, third, and fourth, until finally the last ring and I was going to hang up but a sound stops me, "Hello? Who's this?"
