


They said sun and moon can't

be together.

Because we are unfinished

Romeo and Juliet,

Left alive by the Montagues and Capulets

and slain by the distance between

The sun and the moon

But this time? I will not let it happen again.


"You're going to get married?" I asked Brix, while holding the envelope in my hand.

We're in our company, Yep! Other than our family business, we have our own. It's still good to have your own business, and I don't like it when I'm just known because I'm a Fontanilla.

I want to be known by my own name. I want to be like my dad. who successfully created his own name. That's why we decided to create another one using our money.

I'm one of the owners of H&B Company.

"Yeah! for business. " He said, You can see that he's pissed off by that.

It shocked me to know that he agreed to an arranged marriage. He's the type that will rebel when he doesn't like something that his parents decided for him.

"How about your girl?" I asked him while looking at the decoration on the envelope.

It's a white theme, and it's simple but elegant. I bet his mother arranged everything for them.

He darts me with a stare. I just chuckle.

"I don't know," he said, and he messed his hair out of frustration.

He has a longtime girlfriend. I thought that he would be a playboy until he turned 60 years of age. Is that what love can do? Then I want to know the feeling of falling in love.

I want to fall in love to a woman who I'm sure to be married with. 

"How about you? Did you already find that girl?" He asked me back.

"Not yet," I replied.

I still don't know where she is. I can't find any information about her, not even a name. I hired a skilled man to help me find her, but they couldn't find anything. I just wasted my money on them.

After I smoked that night, something urged me that I needed to go back to see her, and I did. But when do I go back? She's already gone. I tried to find her, but I found nothing. She had already left.

I went crazy after that. Her face pops up in my mind every day. I can't even erase her expression while dancing in my mind. I'm fucked up.

It's been a year but I still don't know anything about her. It's like her information is protected.


A realization hits me: maybe she's something who has a higher statue? If so, then I'm really fucked up.

I need to find who can help me to find her as soon as possible. 

I glanced at Brix, who's currently drinking. Maybe both of us are fucked up.

He who must marry someone he does not love must do so for business reasons. I don't know who I will pity, her or him? or even myself? because I can't find the woman I'm interested in.

I have money and connection, but I still can't find any information about her. Maybe I'm still lacking in connection? Fuck it. I'm frustrated.

I took out a cigarette stick and lit it.

I saw Brix looking at me, "You still smoke?" He asked, then drank his shot.

I nodded, "Yeah! I'm frustrated. " I replied. He just laughed at me, so I raised my eyebrow at him, "You demon, why are you laughing at my misery?" I grunt. Is he crazy now?

He shook his head, "We're really best friends. We both fucked up." He said.

I want to agree with him, but fuck him. He just laughs at me when he's in misery too.

I hope that woman makes him crazy like a dog, I smirked. I can't wait for that to happen. But why do I have this feeling that I will regret what I said?

I erase that though and get another glass and pour a tequilla in my glass.

Brix just shook his head. Just fuck yourself, dimwit. I drank it straight. I can feel the heat of the Tequilla in my throat.

I glanced at the envelope. I don't know why, but I grabbed it and opened it to see the name of the woman he's going to get married to.

"Chanary Feyre Esquivel." I whispered.