
When The Sky Meets The Sea

Have you ever thought of giving everything to the person you love? How about giving up everything to fulfill his dream? Have you ever thought about yourself? What about the person you gave it to? Have you ever thought about how he would feel? If he is happy or sad if he is okay with it if he wants it? Did you even think about him when you made your decision? A young man standing at the rocky edge of Promthep Cape, feeling the scent of the sea wafting in the air as the white ginger lily flower dances along the zephyr in his hand, the sound of waves dulls the surrounding whilst the sun setting in the west. Raising his hand in his chest, holding firmly the ring pendant in his necklace. He smiles. " Do you know the sunset is beautiful today? Just like the first day we watched it together. " He stares at the pendant, memories flashed in his mind like a film. Tears start to form in his eyes. " Remember the promise you made here? You promised that no matter what happens, no matter where I go, you will not leave me. That even if I am happy or sad or angry, you will be there for me. " Hot liquid tardily drops on his face. " I miss you, Wave. I miss you so much. " He sobs, clenching the ring in his chest.

sleepy_azzy · Realistic
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 01: Roommate

Driving in the parking lot, a white Mazda searches for a vacant space. Sun twists the steering wheel clockwise when he found an unused area, adjusting to position his car in the middle of two white lines. Twisting the key, the engine makes no noise. It was around 10 am when he arrived at the campus dorm building. As he got out of his car, his eyes squint, making him move his right arm to cover his face from the blinding light of the sun. The heat started to burn his skin.

The sky is clear with just a few clouds passing by. He took one deep breath before he went to the backseat, opens the door, pulled the two small-sized boxes, and placed it in his arms. It is quite heavy. Inside the boxes are his books and other important stuff that is related to the course he takes.

He kicks the car door and locks it. Looking at the establishment, he sighs. Slowly but steadily, he steps inside the campus dormitory. The dorm is located a few meters away from the campus but still within the school area, facing the south with the forest at the back.

He greets the guard who pushes the glass door for him by bowing his head. As he got inside, he also greets the lady sitting at the counter.

He paced in front of the elevator, press a button, wait for the door to open then went inside. Glancing at the 7 buttons, he puts a little force when he points at the number 7.

The building has 7 floors. On the 1st floor there's a canteen and a small gym, on the second floor is a library, and the rest of the floors are rooms for students. There are also rental bikes. It's either for students to live in a dorm or live outside the campus, it's their choice.

But for Sun, he preferred to stay in a dorm as it was convenient for him. He can save both money and time. Very convenient, indeed.

Staring at the number above, it stops at 7. The door opens, settling the boxes in his arms, he walks out from the elevator. Struggling, hands trembling, he strides to his room. He feels irritated as his room is the last room on the 7th floor.

" Why is my room far from the elevator? " He complains. Sweating, his hands were about to give up. Lips shut tightly 'til he arrives at the entrance of his room.

He put down the two boxes with a dull bang. Panting heavily with his hands on his hips. Staring at the doorknob, he feels uncomfortable. He doesn't know why, but his instinct told him that nothing is good going to happen once he enters this chamber.

Being in a dilemma about whether to knock or open the door, he decided to lightly hit the door three times. Waiting for a few seconds, no response. Sun let out a deep breath, holds the doorknob, and twists. The wooden door opens with a creak. Peeking inside, it's silent. The young man opens the door wider and took a step inside carrying one box with the other box being left at the entrance.

Looking at the dorm, it's not small or big, just enough for two students to live here. At the entrance there's a shoe closet facing the bathroom door, on the left side there are two beds placed horizontally with a table at the center, and on the right side is a wardrobe and a TV. Near the sliding glass window is a study table for two, facing the forest outside.

Sun walks inside without making any noise. Thinking that the other person might be resting or just an empty room. He was startled when he saw a young man sitting atop the mattress near the window. The right leg was placed on the bed forming a reverse V with his right arm resting at his knee supporting his chin.

Slowly opening his eyes as he turns around looking at the direction of the door. " So, you're the nong, my roommate. " He said, smirking and winking at him.

Sun was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to do or what to say. He became a statue standing next to a flat-screen TV with a box in his hands.

What to do? What to say? Should I say hi or introduce myself? But... His thought got interrupted when the other person changes his position, doing awkward poses thinking he looks cool. Is he acting cool or just simply stupid? He thought.

Staring at the person for a long time, he is tall, has tan skin, a well-built body, has wavy black hair, and is handsome.

The man sitting on the bed keeps changing his pose. Sun was still standing a few steps away from the entrance, staring at him in disbelief. The nong's reaction makes him feel embarrassed and awkward.

He clears his throat as he put down both his arm and leg, sitting properly this time. Glancing, he noticed the box on the younger's arm. " Those are heavy. Let me help you carry it. " He offers.

He stood up, approach the younger, and took the box in his hands. " It's quite heavy. " He said. Placing it above the mattress then looking at the person who just arrived.

" I'm Wave. Third-year, faculty of medicine. You? " The person named Wave introduced himself, smiling at him.

Sun is an introverted person. He was raised by his grandma since young. But he wasn't like this before. Back in his elementary days, he got bullied by a group of children saying he doesn't have parents and that they abandoned him. Every time he got home, he was crying. Since then he rarely went outside and just stay in his room. He doesn't know why his parents don't want him. Once he was in high school, he found out the truth about why both his parents aren't present in his life.

Because both of them have their own family.

Wave still waiting for his reply. Staring at him with curiosity but his eyes were sparkling like a star. Sun looks down whilst fidgeting. " I... I'm Sun. First-year, faculty of arts. " He stuttered. Feeling nervous, his hands are sweating. He never spoke to anyone before aside from his grandma and their helpers, close friends, and teachers.

Wave pouts and his attractive dimple appears on his left cheek. When he notices Sun about to leave the room, he immediately stops him. " Wait. Where are you going? "

Sun halts and glances at the box that was left at the entrance before he answers. " One more box at the door. " He pointed at the box outside. " Need to... " Before Sun could finish his sentence, Wave walks towards the door and carry the box inside, putting it next to the other box.

" You should have told me earlier. " He says. Sun nods, glancing at him from time to time. " Is there anything I have to carry? I'll carry it for you. " He asks. The nong shakes his head. " No more. Thank you. "

Staring at the floor, he walks towards his bed, still glancing at the older one. " If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me, okay? " Wave said before pacing to his bed, laying with his wireless earphones on.

Sun starts to unpack his things. Arranging the books related to the course he takes to his stuff. As for his clothes, he already put them in the closet yesterday. It's just that yesterday the two souls didn't meet since Sun went early in the morning while Wave came to the dorm at noon.

Sun took almost half an hour to arrange his things. Once he is done, he got startled by the appearance of a manly voice behind him. " Are you hungry? Wanna grab something to eat at the canteen? " Wave, who just woke up from his nap, invites him.

" Not hungry. " Sun's only reply. But instead of asking the younger, he just stood still, staring at him. Sun notices the eyes at his back. He turned and asks, confused. " Why? "

" Hmm. " It was a long hmm. Crossing his arms in his chest, he continues. " Well, just wondering, why are you being shy towards me? "

Sun was in disbelief. He didn't believe that this guy asks him this question. Though it's normal to ask this question, but seriously? I'm sure no one wants to be friendly to someone you just met for the first time. They must be hiding some motives towards you. Well, in my case that is.

Sun didn't answer him. Instead, he looks away, avoiding the gaze of the other person. Wave took two steps towards him. " Why? Don't tell me that you're... you're... " He tried to think what it was called again. Looking upwards while his right index finger taps his chin.

" Ah! " He exclaims. " Don't tell me that you're an introvert. " Wave smiles at him. " Don't be shy, I can be trusted though. " He nods as he utters those words.

" Grandma always says don't trust anyone easily. Must know them first before being friendly. " His answer is like a slap at Wave's face.

Wave clears his throat. " I'm not a bad person, you know. You see earlier right? I help you carry these boxes inside. " He said, pointing at the empty boxes which earlier is full of stuff.

" Exactly. Makes you even more suspicious. " Sun answers, frowning a little.

Wave took a deep breath, scratching the back of his head aggressively. " Oi, I'm not suspicious, okay. Just want to be friends with you. "

Sun looks at him from head to toe, acting alert. " Fine. " Wave said, his tone sounds like he is giving up. " Just wanted to invite you to buy dinner at the canteen. " His expression is like a dejected puppy.

" Well... " He glimpses at the timepiece placed above the bedside table. " It's almost lunchtime. I have to go now before the canteen is filled with students. " He clicks his tongue. " I don't even want to line up at the counter or wait a few hours before the students leave. Besides, there are many students here, I might run out of food. Then when I run out of food I have to go out to buy dinner, the nearby restaurant is famous and a lot of people might eat there... " Wave's speech was cut off when Sun opened his mouth.

Hearing what Wave said, fears arose in his body. Sun can't imagine himself going outside to buy his food in front of a huge group of people. Thinking about it gives him goosebumps.

" Rice and Chicken Biryani. " Wave stares at him. Sun, who's still holding his arm, repeated without looking at the other person's eyes. " I want rice and chicken biryani. "