
When the rivers don't meet to form a sea.....

"How much I ever try, I know I can never confess him..." What happens when unrequited love goes to its extreme...??? Alleisa has always been an ordinary girl in school; completely unaware of the species called boys, until she happened to come across a new boy in the school called Robin Brown. Being an always shy and self-confined student, will she ever be able to be truthful to her feelings and confess him? What if it happens out to be unrequited love? Facing the despair of depression and lonliness. Will it be easy for her? A novel full of what ifs.

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26 Chs

Cold Melancholy...

~●Alleisa's Point Of View●~

The next day, I managed to put myself back together again as I got ready to go for school. Last night was excruciating for me, but I guess I'll get better with time and patience. I cannot force myself into doing something. So I took a deep breath and went to board my bus. As I reached school, I tried to keep my calm and decided to not react too much to anything. Anyways it was pointless to act as if nothing happened, because the more I resist the more I fall for the trance. I went to my class and sat beside Veronica as usual. After yesterday's starvation, I felt weak, I did not want to talk or answer about anything to anyone. So I kept my quiet. Just after we settled,Van entered the class. He looked different today, he looked tired and worried, there were dark circles under his eyes, and he wasn't as lively as he used to be. Something might have happened to him, but I was way too bothered myself to ask him about it. But he was always so kind to me, just as I was about to greet him and ask him about his situation, Veronica spoke up,

"Hey Van"

"Hey...", he spoke out weakly without much enthusiasm.

After observing the intensity of the situation, Veronica was clueless. I could see it in her face.

"What's up with you guys, like you both look so tired and worried?",she asked as her gaze turned from Van to me.

I had no answer to give to her. I couldn't probably say her that I hurt myself like a maniac. So I looked down on the desk and tried my best to avoid her gaze.

As neither of us responded she was worried, she emphasized again, "Come on, guys, talk it out. Am I not your friend anymore?"

But there was no response. I couldn't speak up, just thinking about it makes me feel that I am about have a mental breakdown. For me to avoid problems, we need to suppress the root. I did not want hurt myself again, I do not want to suffocate myself with my thoughts again. So I remained quiet. I expected that Veronica would understand my reason for silence. But no, she now started enquiring Van,

"Is it something that has happened between both of you? If it is so, then why aren't talking to me?"

"No, it isn't something between us" ,Van said out with a slight smile.

At last, he broke his silence, then I guess he is fine, I was atleast relieved about one thing.

"Then why aren't you guys talking to each other?",asked Veronica as she was still clueless.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it.", he said with a brighter smile this time.

I looked at Veronica. She was really not satisfied with his reply and was still clueless but still thought it was better not to interrogate further. Classes went as usual, we started our project with an awkward silence surrounding us the whole time. And suprisingly none of us tried to break the silence. Even though we had personal problems back at home, we never brought it to school, but this time it happened. The intensity of the situation was severe, the air had became denser around us and we worked like robots during the whole time we made the project. At the end of the day, I greeted them and went to board my bus. While on my way to board my bus, I saw Van talking to a strange boy with great attention. But strangely I've never seen him talk to that boy before. He was weird today,I felt that he was kinda cold to me, who knows what has happened to him? I started walking towards my bus and boarded it and went home. As soon as I reached home, I saw my father greeting me at the doorstep, I was pleased. After all this time, atleast I could find peace at home. But one thought roamed around my mind for quite a while, whats up with Van's coldness? Was I bothering him anyway? Then he should speak to me straight off, why do I feel like he is avoiding me? Maybe I should know or maybe not.

~●Van's Point Of View●~

The day at school was tense. I hadn't slept much the previous night. My mind was preoccupied with only the thoughts of how Alleisa and Robin are a couple and I'm a third wheeler. Today as soon as I saw her, I couldn't bear the pain. When she looked at me with her eyes to say something, Veronica spoke up and saved me. I couldn't bear to talk to her without giving her the expression that I know about things which she doesn't want me to know. I cannot bear to see the love in her eyes for Robin which I want. I didn't talk too much throughout the day so as to not give off vibes that I was genuinely sad. But I had come across this boy of our school, I've seen that he is very close to Robin but unusually enough he was walking past me when I was about to get on my car. For the first time in forever,I took the liberty and spoke up to him,"Hey", I said.

One can easily guess he was startled at first as to why am I approaching him, but he let out a faint "hi". I asked him,

"Do you know Robin?"

I asked him this with a straight face. I couldn't give away that I was angry and jealous. He was kinda examining me first.

Then he said, "Yeah,but why?"

"You know he's so cool, I really want to know about him", I said cheerfully. There was no way I could ask more about him.

Just as I finished talking, he nodded and was about to go but then I stopped him,

"Do you know something about him? I was curious?"

I know I was coming off as irritating but I had no other choice. I was curious about Robin, as a boy who could even charm Alleisa.

"Yeah, but what do you want to know about him?" , he said sighing.

"Tell me something I don't know" I said.

"I don't know much about but he's a cool boy. Like he's popular amongst his friends and the most important thing he's a girl-charmer. Any girl would fall for him and so he can change girlfriends like clothes.He's so cool man, I admire him. He is my role model", he said and tapped my shoulders as he went away.

I looked down, my hands were tightened in a fist and I could feel the blood rush through my body. I almost couldn't hold back from beating that boy but I kept my calm because the one who was sick was Robin, and if I hurt him I might as feel relieved but Alleisa will hate me forever. I was shocked to know that Alleisa would like this kind of boy, but I think she may as well not know that. She needs to know, but how will I let her know? Then an idea struck in my mind. But I cannot execute it now. So I went home with my disturbing thoughts and with idea to let Alleisa know about everything. I thought of everything over and over again. I mean Alleisa is an intelligent girl but how can she not differentiate between what is safe or unsafe. Then again, I know she's unaware about the cruelty of this world.Under her skin, the heart she possesses isn't it to kind for the world?