
Chapter 4

Dispite all his struggles he was still dragged to school by his Tyronasaurus mother.

When approaching the school a majestic stone castle came in view, entering through the gates the fantastic scenery was displayed in front of them,lush verdant grass could be seen with beautiful and vibrant flowers of all colors added to the charm.

Passing through the winding halls they reached the great hall. Entering they saw five teachers and a bunch of kids standing together facing forward.

Letting go of her son's hand Silva pinched his soft face before tossing her brilliant hair and sauntering of to join the rest of teachers standing to the side.

Rubbing the red skin that was pinched Sainte pouted and stood at the end of the row with the others, at that moment he felt someone pat him on his shoulder,turning around he said his friend Qin Yuan ,the chubby boy with frizzy purple he started chattering away as soon as he got his friend's attention.

"Hey Sainte ,today is the day we awaken our beast forms ,what do you think your form will be? My dad is a rhino and my mom is a big horn sheep,I hope I'm a rhino,big and strong just like my dad! What about you? Which animal form do you wanna get?"

"Haha fatty you really think you'll awaken a powerful beast form? Why don't you go home and finish sleeping ,you clearly haven't woken up yet." A sarcastic voice sounded Infront of them.

Turning the saw a young boy with white hair and pink eyes standing there surrounded looking at them arrogantly,rolling his eyes Sainte stopped his frizzy friend from exploding while he said,"Jade don't always pick a fight."

Hearing the reprimand the boy called jade shrugged and turned back with his lackeys to face the head master.

Letting go of Qin Yuan Sainte fixed his clothes just at this moment the principal started speaking.

The tall man fixed his well ironed suit as he spoke,"Students,today is a very important for you,today you will take a step to awaken your beast forms ,some of youay not awaken but just keep in mind that you are all special I hope you will give it your all ,with that said let the awakening ceremony begin!" Saying that he flung his hands out revealing a giant circle behind him.

The circle was made of gold and engraved with ancient symbols and words with a slight shimmer to it giving it a holy look.

Just as the students were mesmerized a teacher with knee length green hair came to stand beside the circle and stated to explain.

"The circle is operated by an ancient power that converts our elemental energy into pure power that will the awaken your slumbering genes,at this point there were eight teachers standing around the circle representing the eight elements.

Water,fire,light, darkness,wind,earth,wood,lightning ready to go.

"When we say so each of you will step into the circle and undergo the awakening ," seeing the children nodding in understanding the teachers breath a sigh of relief and started.

"Lin Ruan!" They called the first person,hearthis name the little boy nervously stepped into the ring under the encouragement of his peers.

When he was standing in the middle the teacher simultaneously started to release their power into the runes around the circle causing it to light up , slowly it started to vibrate and waves of golden power started to flow into the boy's body,a minute went by and the he started to change.

The clothes on his body were completely burned away as his limbs started to deform,his bones started crackling,and his face twisted into mask of pain.

Fortunately this situation didn't last for long,before the audience could recover,in front of them stood a 2 feet high white pig with two little horns on it's head.

Regaining his senses the principal quickly brought another stone which he pressed the pig's hoof to,which immediately lit up in a brown color.

Standing back he announced," Lin Ruan ,beast form ,horned pig,earth elemental power!"

It continued like this on and on,some people got powerful forms and others didn't,some were rejoicing and some were crying.

Sainte just

stood there in a daze as it all happened.