
When the Reader Descends Into the Novel With a System

Darkness and light. Two extremes coexisting. A law of equivalent exchange, balancing the world. Where there is light, there must be darkness. And as such, where there is darkness, there must be light. That is the rule of the world my child, and you are the one balancing on the fine line, stuck in between. An anomaly. An abomination. Where you go, death and destruction follow. That will be your fate. You are the one and only son of the darkness, mothered by the daughter of the light. What path will you walk my child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the story of Kurayami Akimitsu, a contradiction of light and darkness, and I, who reincarnated into his body. In this world based off a novel I had read, what will happen with the addition of me, an unknown entity? Who knows everything about the future of this world. Will I survive with this identity? Only time will tell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently on HIATUS. This is my WSA 2022 submission. A/N: So this is going to be the second novel that I will seriously write, with an upload rate of 7 chapters a week. My inspirations for this novel were TAPOV (The Author's POV) and DWTN (Dance With the Nightingale) but the world building will be extremely different and the backstory of the MC will be unique also. The ranking system will be the same, but it's the same ranking system across a lot of novels, so I think it's okay for me to use? There also might be cliches like an academy and an auction, but again, I'll make it as different from the norm as possible. I hope that this will be a refreshing take on the "mob character becoming overpowered genre" for you guys. Release Rate: Check the schedule Chapter Length: 1000-1500 words per chapter My chapters are edited by myself, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Just comment if there is a mistake anywhere. The first 10 or so chapters are filled with world building stuff, so I hope you'll stick with it and read it as I tried to make it all original. After the first 10, the story should pick up and the action will start, so please don't drop it after only reading a few chapters. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8ePQESSSHT Finally, as always, thanks for reading! All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended. Note: The cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the original owner and want me to take it down, please leave a comment on my latest chapter.

WorthyAdversary · Fantasy
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97 Chs

First Day of School (2) - 28

"You guys probably don't know each other, so I'll introduce everyone."

"Starting with the Class 1 students from right to left, it's: Rank 9 Wilhelm Cinder, Magician's House; Rank 8 Rohan Kunchala, Tower's House; Rank 2 Ryker Constantine, World's House; Rank 7 Octavia Schaffer, Wheel of Fortune's House; Rank 5 Elvira Astor, Hierophant's House; Rank 12 Adelaide Lark, Hierophant's House; and finally, Rank 3 Primrose Allegra, Magician's House."

'So they're standing with their respective genders, how childish.'

'Also, Primrose seems to be distanced from the rest, well, that's probably due to her character.'

"Now onto your two seniors, that's Class 2 Rank 1, Rentt Matheson, Strength/Justice's House and Class 3 Rank 1, Marcielle Foyer, Wheel of Fortune's House."

I then turned around and started firing up the smart board.

"Uhm, Mr. Ashen, who's the woman over there?" Asked the protagonist, always one to take the initiative.

Watching the smart board firing up contentedly, I looked back around and answered his question.

"First, you don't need to call me "Mr. Ashen" as I'm younger than all of you by at least 2 years, and second, that "woman" over there should be addressed as "Her Majesty", although I think she'll forgive you for this prior transgression as you didn't know her identity, am I right?" I asked, looking over to "Her" in turn.

"Yes, I'll forgive it." She said in such a noble voice that strangely made it so that everyone here wanted to bow their head to her that second.

Not giving any of them time to absorb this information, especially Elvira, I dived right into the lesson.

"So, this is how my class will go. At the beginning of each month, we'll have a full class where I'll teach all of you about a new topic that I can guarantee that nobody's heard of before. Then, in the 3 to 4 days of individual lessons that follow, I'll help ya'll apply the theory into your actual fighting style." As I said this, I looked at each of them individually.

"So, today's lesson will be on the theory that I made up myself, called, "The Theory of Spiritual Energy and their Effects on the Use of Magic Through Mediums of Different Substances." Simply put, I'll be showing something ya'll never thought was possible."

They looked at me in a somewhat skeptical way, but that was probably because they knew I was only 13.

"But, before that, I'll be teaching a little bit of the basics of stigmas from the way I understand it."

"So, does anyone know what magic even is?"

"It's the use of a unique energy called mana to change the world around us." Said the ever studious Primrose.

"The answer is good, but it's very textbook. Is anyone here able to form their own conclusion on this idea of "magic"?"


"Judging by the silence, I'll take that as a no. In short, from my understanding, magic is the effect of using mana to "imagine" objects into the world around us, often through the use of spoken spells to help guide the process." ("Imagine" in this sense means to create from nothing.)

"Through the use of our stigmas, we're able to better focus the mana into our desired "image", and then use it to attack."

"This is inherently different from demonic transgression users as their stigmas allow them to affect the world around them, changing the structures of objects at the molecular level."

"This is why angelic stigmas and their demonic counterparts are the direct counters of each other, cancelling each other out."

I looked at their thinking faces before continuing.

"So, this probes the question, if we are able to better focus our inherent spiritual energy into these stigmas, changing it into mana and visualizing it into the world, couldn't we do the same, but just with raw forms of objects that these stigmas represent?"

"Now, I'll show you the findings of my self-study. You might want to pay close attention to what happens next."

I seemingly made a rock appear in my hand, when in actuality, my skills as a magician and my "Handy" art just allowed me to move my hands really fast.

I slowly injected my spiritual energy into the rock. The spiritual energy transformed as it passed through, and became earth type mana as it left.

Taking control of the earth type mana, I recited an incantation.

"Murus Terrae!"

Immediately, a wall of Earth rose from the ground, blocking my view of their shocked faces.


I let myself bask in their shocked silence before proceeding to recite the reverse incantation, taking the rock wall down.

Smiling smugly, I asked, "Any questions?"

Primrose immediately rose her hand as she tried to reign her expression in.

"Does this work with all 7 types of magic?"

"Yes, although it's a little hard to find objects that represent space. For the four elements, you can just grab a rock off the ground, use the air around you, fill a vial with water, or carry a lighter around. For time, use your smartwatch and for life, use your own cells or something. For space, you would probably need something akin to a grade (B) soul gem."

"So you're saying that with enough preparations, we can use all types of magic?"

"Yes and no. With enough hard work, you could probably do it, but the types of magic that you can do largely depends on your affinity."

"For example, I have a particular affinity towards fire magic, to the point where it's actually easier for me to use a medium instead of using my stigma."

"Any more questions?"

They probably had a buttload of questions for me, but do to the shock that they had received, and the fact that they could just ask them during the individual lessons, they stayed silent.

"For the rest of the month, we'll be experimenting together to find each person's affinity and then we'll be working on quickening the time that it takes for ya'll to do this."

"Well, that's it for the first lesson, you'll need to choose your time slots now, and then you're dismissed."

A list of times appeared on the smart board. The students almost ran forward, but remembering that "She" was here, they held back and watched as "She" chose her time, before they all "calmly" walked towards the board. (It's sarcasm.)

Just as they were starting to leave, I realized that I had forgotten something.

"Oh! I forgot, you all need to make spiritual contracts with me."

"After all, I can't have ya'll revealing these secrets to the world, can I?"

They all reluctantly came up to me in a line, probably a little pissed that they couldn't brag to their friends, before connecting their souls with mine and finally leaving.

After they all left, I cleaned up the training room before leaving myself.

'Well, overall, that was a great first lesson!'

With happy thoughts, I walked back to my dorm rooms, not forgetting to change my appearance in a random alley. After arriving, I spent the rest of the day memorizing my new schedule, including the added individual lessons, before washing up and going to bed.

I'm back!

Thanks for reading!

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