
when the psychopath try romantic relationship (bl)

his beautiful face was that of an angel. A face that you can feel at ease everytime you see it. a face that can deceive you. He's a psychopath though. be careful not to fall for his beautiful facade. Cause you'll be his next victim. But what would happen when this psycho falls inlove? Will he be an angel like his face or will he be a greater demon that's possessive for his beloved. Follow the path of love of a psychopath who kills to protect his beloved.

Jarieeeee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Kit decided to messages the other two in his lovers contact. The 'honey' and 'cupcake' he really can't believe he dated a shit for a whole 3 years. He message as the same place like the other first two but with an hour duration for every other one.

He turned to another intersection and entered a very isolated place. Well it's not really that isolated. It just don't have many cars and houses or buildings nearby. Kit adjusted his rear view mirror and saw the black SUV that followed him. "hmm, looks like a rat that's been ordered" he said quietly as he looked again. The SUV was not really close it was far but not far enough to lose tract of him. He turned left and entered a big private community. For people who can afford much higher.

The houses were big and it has its own land around the house and a big gateway. The houses was mostly similar and those who are first timer here would really be lost by this big neighborhood. He turned to a corner and arrived at a big house. He pressed a kind of remote control on his hand and the gate opened. He drive his car and parked it at the garage not far from the gate.

He opened the door next to him and got out. He then held his lover and walk to the front door. He might looked like a person who is not that muscular but he possess great strength. After he entered he dragged his lover near to a room that was under the staircase but was hardly found if you don't look at it properly.

"now, time for punishment, babe. you've been a bad boy. And all bad boys need to be disciplined" he said to his sleeping lover while tying him on a chair. The place was dimly lit and only a few lights were open. The place smells like dried blood has accumulated everywhere. He smiled when he finally put the blindfold and a mouth gag on his lover's mouth.

"hmm~" Henry hummed as he was awakened by the feeling of someone tying him up, but because he is a heavy sleeper he didn't even notice how Kit carried him to this room.

"hmm!!" he shouted but only muffled sounds came out. He saw darkness and he felt a little fear as sounds was going from somewhere but he can't point it out where it came from.

"now, be quite. I'll get your blindfold. don't move around" Kit said and slowly walked to where his lover was tied. He then undid the blindfold on his lover. Henry didn't really sea much as he was still adjusting to the light. He was a little relax when he found out that it was his lover.

But after he was adjusted to the lights of the room. What he saw was a dark room and saw his lover standing infront of him smiling. Though he didn't know why the smile he always see seems a little bit strange and mysterious. He then tried to talk but only to realize that he was gagged.

"hmmm!!" he shouted as he was trying to say what was going on to his lover. Kit then turn around and walk to a near chair there was also other four chairs. Kit sat at the middle and looked at his tied up lover and smiled.

"now, don't be scared. I promise i won't do anything bad on you" he said smiling again with another strange smile. "not yet" he then whispered and crossed his legs and put his hands on his face.

"hmm!!" Henry was struggling to be untied as he was feeling uneasy. He then looked at Kit with a little scared emotions on his eyes.


"oh it seems we already have our first guest." Kit said and got up from being seated and walked to a door. He looked once more on his lover's face before he got out. smiling devilishly.


the doorbells rang again as the person on the front gate was pressing it again. Kit didn't directly opened the door as he was headed to the room next to the room he was just in. There he started to strip all his clothes and opened the closet close to him and got a pair of uniform for a servant.

He then looked at himself at the mirror that was human size. "hmm, perfect" he smiled at himself as he saw his reflection. A beautiful guy with a not so long hair. His hair was tied but it was still hiding his nape.


as the doorbells rang again he looked at the window of the room and frowned. "tsk, how impatient" he said in annoyance. He walked out of the room and started walking to the front gate and opened the door slowly.

"Hello miss, my master was waiting for you in his study" Kit said with a smile. The girl harrumphed as he saw that Kit was beautiful.

"tsk, love should not employ someone this slutty" the girl with a long curly hair said in low voice. She then smiled at Kit with plasticity.

"can you guide me to him? he should have been meaning to meet me" the girl said in a disdainful manner. He then place her bag on Kit and looked at him.

"you should be careful with this bag. It was his gift." she said in a meaningful way. Like she wanted to say 'know your place" He smiled and held the luxurious bag as he guided the girl to the room. But before the girl opened the door her mouth and nose was wrapped in a cloth with a weird smell and she slowly lost her consciousness.

Kit then dragged her to the room. Her legs and sandals where dragging to the cement floor that her legs were bleeding from the scratch.

"Hmm!!" Henry shouted as he saw Kit dragging something and when he finally saw what his lover was dragging he was screaming in fear as he saw one of his lover unconscious.

"hmm!!" he shouted more but like earlier only muffled sounds came out. He then saw Kit tying the girl to the one of the five chairs infront of him. What terrified him more was when he walked away for a few seconds and got back with scissors on his hands. He then started ripping the girl's clothes and only left the girl's undergarments.

Kit then walked to Henry. "hmm!!!" Henry shouted more desperately as he saw Kit getting closer to him. Henry struggled to get out from being tied but his attempt was useless. The rope did not budge at all and was getting tighter as he moves.

"now, now, don't be afraid. This will be done very~ quickly. stay still, okay?" Kit said smiling as he held the scissors close to Henry. Kit then ripped the clothes Henry was wearing. He guided his finger to the lines on the body of Henry."hmm~" Kit hummed as he was dragging his finger across the chest of his lover.

As Kit finish ripping all of Henry's clothes and left only in his underwear the girl was awakened by the muffled voice of Henry shouting.

"w-what d-do yo-you wa-want?!!" the girl shouted in fear and anger as she saw the servant she saw earlier was dragging his finger across her lover's chest.

"tsk, i forgot to gag her" Kit rolled his eyes and walked back to where the girl was tied. He then picked something on his pocket and got a piece of cloth and harshly put it in the mouth of the girl.

"hmmm!!" the girl shouted as she struggled to not get gag. Kit got impatient and slap the girl hard.

"how pathetic" he then said as he saw the girl's makeup was mess up from her crying.