
When the night is torn

A character who always finds a way to run away from the organization A man who was murdered by his clan. A power struggle between underground forces. Authoritarian people, are willing to risk everything to achieve the peak of power. Conspiracy makes us cold. There are fears, there is courage. All will be revealed when you click and enter that world...

JuXian · Urban
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42 Chs

Chu Than An doubts Tham Nhu's identity

Returning from Hach Duong mountain, Chu Duan Ham brought with him a swollen face and a large sausage lip.

Chu Than An returned home very late. As soon as he saw his brother, he was shocked and couldn't believe it.

Chu Than An gasped:

"Duan Ham, what's wrong with your face?"


Chu Duan Ham was heartbroken, choking, and didn't dare to denounce a sentence.

How can he tell his brother that because he wanted to kiss Tham Nhu, he was corrected by her, so now his face is brother remained silent.

Seeing that his brother remained silent, he refused to speak. Chu Than An immediately called the housekeeper to ask about it.

The butler arrives.

He looks at the swollen face of the second young master, the smile on his face was very strong, even tending to show it out.

Ha ha ha!

Chu Than An rolled his eyes, coldly pointed at his brother's swollen pig-like face, and asked the housekeeper:

"What happened, Why did Duan Ham's face become like that?"

The butler bowed his head, holding back a smile. After doing his thought work, the butler's face turned extremely serious.

The housekeeper said:

"This morning, the second young master went with miss Tham Nhu to climb the mountain. When I returned home, I saw that the second young master's face was like this!"

Chu Than An narrowed his eyes, smiled like he didn't, and asked Chu Duan Ham

" Is it Tham Nhu?"

"...." Chu Duan Ham firmly shook his head.

He couldn't let his brother know about this, otherwise, the face of a second young master would be laughed at.

"Torturing yourself?" The Chu Than An knew well, but still deliberately asked."

"No, no! Not so!"

"Oh? So what's the master? Please explain a little bit so I can understand!


Chu Duan Ham looked at his brother, determination clearly showing on his face.

Maybe Chu Duan Ham didn't realize his unique expression had long been seen through by his brother. All thoughts and words you want to say are written on your face

Chu Than An was bored, shook his head, and sighed:

"Chu Duan Ham!" Are you stupid? Love makes your IQ go to the negative pole?"


Chu Duan Ham knows that his brother is mocking him, but he can't argue back, because this is absolutely the truth!

Flirting with someone's daughter, but also having to go to an online forum to ask about Chu Duan Ham's whole file, it is best not to swear to let anyone know about this, otherwise, a man's disunity will be destroyed. Throw it on the ground.

Chu Than An took out his phone from his pocket and threw it at Chu Duan Ham, angrily scolding:

"Next time you go online, remember to use virtual! Don't be stupid enough to use it like this! You're not famous enough in China! Do you want to be on hot search?"

Chu Duan Ham picked up the phone. Looking at the screenshot on my phone, the words I wanted to say before were falling down my throat.



So ugly!

"Brother, where did you get it?" Chu Duan Ham pointed to the phone screen and asked a question sadly.

"Want to know?" Chu Than An sneered. Cold eyes turned towards Chu Duan Ham as if to warn. "What do you do, I know! It's best not to do brain-boosting things anymore! When I return home. I have to take care of some household chores on my behalf."

Chu Duan Ham sadly turned his face away: " Where are you hiding from work? You talk as if I'm a young master playing debauchery!"

Chu Than An narrowed his eyes at Chu Duan Ham, his feet took off, neither fast nor slow, and the atmosphere of invisible pressure filled the air. Chu Than An stood in front of Chu Duan Ham, sadly tapping his forehead Chu Duan Ham, Chu Than An's wonderful voice is very bad.

Chu Than An says:

"Brother, eat some beans in the future, I'm worried about your IQ!"



The next day.

Chu Duan Ham began to handle the work of the Chu family, Chu Than An entrusted his brother with a reliable subordinate to follow to support the work.

"Second Young Master, here are all the books of the Chu family for the past five years." An Ba carried a large stack of books in front of Chu Duan Ham.

Chu Duan Ham sat to one side, his hand on his cheek, and raised his eyes to look at the pile of books in front of him. "What did my brother do to make this pile of books so overwhelming?"

An Ba scratched his head, embarrassed: "The story of the big young master, I don't dare to say many words!"

"Oh!" Chu Duan Ham nodded, agreeing with An Ba's opinion. "If you dare to show the truth, I'm afraid I won't see the sun tomorrow."


Chu Than An's working style, everyone knows, and Chu Duan Ham also knows. An Ba didn't understand why Chu Duan Ham wanted to tell him these words.

Or, Chu Duan Ham is questioning An Ba's loyalty to Chu Than An.

An Ba's face changed color. An Ba knelt down, exclaiming: "What a shame, second young master! Please consider for I have never had this thought! Please consider second young master!"

"Tch!" Chu Duan Ham clicked his tongue.


Just kidding, what did you say? Why must An Ba be so alarmed?

Chu Duan Ham sighed, and waved hand in hand: "Stop! Just kidding! Don't be so nervous!"


An Ba quickly stood up and lifted his sleeve to wipe the sweat from his forehead, An Ba patted his chest: "The second young master threatened to kill me! Almost broke my heart!"

That year when Chu Duan was preparing to study abroad, Chu Than An at that time did not have the great courage as now. At that time, Chu Than An was still under the strict supervision of Chu Chinh Hung, one hand Chu Chinh Hung covered the entire Chu Thi company.

Chu Than An was the subject of this control, whether he wanted to submit to Chu Chinh Hung's will or not was only a few years later.

After Chu Than An built his power. Chu Than An from a weak wolf has officially grown up and has enough ability and cunning to fight this uncle.

If at first, Chu Than An needed to guard against the influence of his uncle, now, Chu Than An has enough strength to cope with everything. There is even a tendency to want to push Chu Chinh Hung out of Chu Thi.

Chu Than An became the biggest threat to Chu Chinh Hung. Therefore, after many times being unable to compete with Chu Than An, this evil uncle decided to take action against Chu Duan Ham.

Chu Duan Ham's accident was also caused by this evil uncle's hand.

Currently, Chu Than An has not found any evidence to end the evil uncle. But Chu Than An wanted his brother under his protection to always be safe and sound.

Chu Duan Ham did not know such a thing before.

Currently, everything in the Chu family is taken over by Chu Duan Ham, so Chu Duan Ham already knows everything. After so many years, Chu Than An alone carried too much pressure, his mentality became dull with life, and his way of talking became more serious. There is only one fact that just facing Chu Duan Ham, Chu Than An's mentality of heightened awareness and defensive mentality is temporarily removed.

Chu Duan Ham finished reading all the documents in half a day.

His neck was tired, he turned his neck, tiredly leaning back on the back of the chair.

"Finally finished reading it! It's been a long time, brother! Haizz!" Chu Duan Ham sighed and muttered.

Right when Chu Than An returned. Hearing Chu Duan Ham's words, the corner of Chu Than An's mouth lifted slightly.

"Not in vain, I let you study abroad. Finally able to say a sentence, it sounded so good!"

"You've never said these words to me before, have you?" Chu Duan Ham glanced at his brother.

Chu Than An smiled and shrugged: "Say it or not, you must know better than me! Why are you asking me again? Brother... I am very suspicious of our brotherly affection. !"


Chu Duan Ham lazily raised his head and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Don't tell me!" Chu Duan Ham said sadly.

"OH!" Chu Than An sat down on a chair, crossed his legs, and asked seriously. "Don't tell me that your mind is only thinking about Tham Nhu all day!"

"...." Chu Duan Ham let go of his hand and glared at his brother. "Huh!"

Chu Than An smiled and said, "Did you hit the black heart?"

"What do you hit?" Chu Duan Ham looked puzzled. "I haven't seen her all day today! All the time is used for work. Do you think I have that much free time?"

"Didn't go out all day?" Chu Than An raised his eyebrows and smiled. "This girlfriend of yours seems very unusual, doesn't it?"

"Tham Nhu just doesn't like interacting with strangers! She's very normal, okay?"

"Normal?" Chu Than An's eyes turned to the grand staircase. "A normal girl wouldn't stay in her room all day. A normal girl wouldn't need to ask you to help her change her identity. Duan Ham! I don't like meddling in private love affairs. of you and that greedy girl. But with her unclear background, you let her live in our house, I can't help but let someone investigate."


"The special identity of Tham Nhu." Chu Than An's face is serious, the seriousness is clearly shown on Chu Than An's face. "This girl named Tham Nhu, all of them, I want to know!"


Chu Duan Ham could hardly imagine his brother would openly ask him about Tham Nhu-related matters. According to Chu Than An's working style, Chu Than An will not ask questions but direct the person to investigate.

The issue of a person's real identity and background record is very necessary for Chu Than An. Working in this environment, the first thing Chu Than An cares about is his resume!

"Why?" Chu Duan Ham moved his lips.

Chu Than An raised his head, cold eyes immediately appeared: "Now is not the time for you to question me again! What I need is Tham Nhu's background in Japan."

Chu Duan Ham slightly lowered his head, his eyes were a little vague: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Chu Than An was stunned. "You don't know her at all?"

"It's not like that!" Chu Duan Ham explained. "While I was in danger, she saved me."

"What then?" Chu Than An interrupted.

Chu Duan Ham involuntarily touched his nose and wryly replied: "While she was in danger at Thien Ma mountain, I came to save her..."

"...." The blue vein on Chu Than An's forehead emerged.

Is this what you want to hear???

Chu Than An growled, restrained his emotions, and wanted to scold people: "Where are her family members? Do you know where her house is? What does she do? What is her family situation? Married or not yet?"

"Brother!" Chu Duan Ham cried out in frustration. "Are you investigating her household registration?"

"Huh!" Chu Than An sadly stood up. Passing by Chu Duan Ham, Chu Than An showed disgust. "If you don't transparently investigate these things yourself, I will send someone to investigate!"


"If I let you find out the bad information, this girl will be forced to leave our house!"


"Never do silly things to get past me."


"All of my actions are controlled by you. So, you should investigate Tham Nhu's background for yourself before you do it. This is the first and last time, Chu. Duan Ham, I warn you, in the future, whatever you do, you need to use your brain to think. Never do things arbitrarily! Do you understand what I mean?"


Chu Duan Ham looked at his brother. After a while, Chu Duan Ham finally replied, "Yes, I know!"