
When The Heart Blossoms

a young woman living in Seoul with her Halmoni from Jeju. Ayoung has a crush on her school best friend and dreams of a happy future with him, but her life takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally meets her favorite idol, Hwang Min Su. As she falls in love with Min Su, Ayoung must navigate the challenges of a long-distance relationship and the scrutiny of the public eye. With the support of her friends and family, Ayoung must learn to balance her love for Min Su with her own dreams and aspirations. As the story unfolds, readers will be captivated by the heartwarming moments of love and the struggles of a young woman discovering herself in a world of fame and fortune. Join Ayoung on her journey of self-discovery and experience the true power of love in When The Heart Blossoms. As you dive into the pages of this story, imagine yourself as one of its characters. Allow yourself to feel their emotions, experience their joys and sorrows, and discover their hidden truths. Only then will you fully comprehend the depth and richness of this tale. Through your own eyes, you will uncover the secrets that lie within its carefully crafted words, and understand the layers of meaning that exist beneath the surface. So take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of this story, for it is only by becoming a part of it that you will truly understand its beauty.

_Yongvi_ · Teen
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32 Chs

A compilation of reminiscences…

The fourth year also ended like that. Now a new year has dawned. But the winter is not over. Four years have passed without knowing..Today is the day to get the results of four years of tiredness. I am also ready to go to the graduation ceremony, dressed in hanbok.. Yoshi made a beautiful kimono.. Yoshi, her mother, and Halmoni went to the University together.. Days go by without us winning. The hall was beautifully decorated. At the end of the graduation ceremony, I ran to Halmoni wearing a coat. She hugged me tightly..

"Proud of you children..mother and daddy are happy for you.."

"Where are the people from the Drama Department? Don't misunderstand that I am looking for Min Soo."

"Oh girl, I can't find out who is the drama in this crowd of children…"


He is crazy sometimes. Yoshie was surprised not knowing who he was.

"Who is this madman? Ayoung"

"Min Su's best friend.."

"Congratulations Ayoung!!!"

"Thank you byung Ho.."

"Who is this Japanese girl."

"She is my bestie Byung"

"Congratulations Aye-Young!!!"

Minsu gave me a bouquet of flowers. Seeing it, byung,jang yoshie...shouted saying "wooow"..then my face turned red.

Couldn't figure out what to do.We all took a selfie together. There we toasted the beautiful completion of four years.

"Hello, is this ayoung?"

"Yes it is me" I said and looked at him. He is quite middle-aged.

"Ayeoug, I'm Professor Rio. You don't know me. I'm the one who gave you the scholarship.. Yours is the best painting in Jeju High School."

"How can I forget, I remember sir.. Thank you very much for giving me that opportunity"

"Congratulations on your graduation, I'll go then"

I greeted him and watched him go, and got into a conversation with Yoshie again. I told myself that at the end of every hard day, beautiful days will dawn..

CAU has a prom the night after graduation. It's the last night we spent at the University..I also wore a beautiful long gown and went to the party hall. Everyone who goes to the festival hall is given a beautiful eye mask. One plant must remain till the end of the festival.. It was decorated with beautiful decorations..The festival hall was decorated with colorful lights. Various types of food, pop, and jazz music mesmerized the mind.

Almost every department in CAU had an actor or singer. They had also come that night. The girls and boys surrounding them were ready to take pictures.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, we have listened to the beautiful song of the most beautiful prince of the university, Moon or Hwang Minsu,"

"Yoshie, I recently found out that min was in our uni..."

"What do you mean ?..when there are so many actors in this, how to find one"

"That's true yoshi.."

"But Minsu is a rising idol. That's why he is not famous. Inside the campus. The famous lee wanjoon.. But he is a big romantic lover, He was drinking and dancing with beautiful girls on campus."

"Lee jang, Bro Band, Lady jasmine are members of the university. I heard them talking about them all the time.."

everything went dark..minsu only revealed where he was..he said about the beautiful day between the strings of the guitar..

We fly through dreams...

Celebrate today with wine

Don't leave me alone tonight.

I will be the angel of your dreams..

Oh ha...hmmmmm….

Fly with me in the sky...

Could you give me your pain?

I will make you happy...

Make up the world with laughter.

I'll be your shadow

Let's make a boat of dreams and go there..

Let's forget the sorrows..

Let's live in a bunch of memories..

oh no...oh no.....

When he sang that song, I felt like I was in another world.. Flashlight shone like stars in the sky.. He shined like a star among them.. He sang so beautifully.. It is an indescribably beautiful song. Happened..

Finally, we all danced and had fun..a beautiful night ended with lots of memories..when I came home and was in bed, I saw the bouquet of flowers given by minsu..I went to it and put it in the vass one by one..it ended up in a beautiful box..to my surprise it was Opened it..

A very beautiful bracelet with a beautiful heart, a crown and a star.. "Wooooow, this is so cute"

There was a little paper on it and it was written like this..

"Best wishes for your success..

Your sorrow has lost this Moon..

Be a queen of your world with the help of this crown..

This star will protect you from obstacles..

Keep smiling..

From 🌙 "

As soon as I saw it, I quickly made a call.

"Say Ayoung"

"Thank you so much for your flowers and gift. It's very beautiful Min.."

"Hey , it's a small thing..so what are you doing?"

" im come to sleep "

Min and me was talking like that for a while..He is really a good person beyond imagination..Soon I fell asleep. But I don't remember if I cut the call. I left a message to him early in the morning and got up. I got ready to go to the office and picked up the phone. To see the answer that came from him.

" Good morning, I understand that you fell asleep.

I didn't bother because of that,'

I felt ashamed of myself. At that time, Minsu gave me a moon bracelet and smiled. I got a call from an unknown number when a bus was coming to go to the office.. I thought it was an unbelievable call.

"Good morning Ayoung. Calling from Ani Webtoon Maker…"

"Can you come to our office today?"

"Okay i will come"

I quickly got dressed and went there.

"Miss Ayeonung, Director Sung is thinking of creating a story from your Smile Behind the Mask Man webtoon.."

"What is this true?

"Director Sung will be here in a little while.."

"Hello, Ayoung, I'm the director."

"Nice to meet you sir."

"Okay ayoung. I'll come straight to the point. I want to make your story into a drama because my daughter likes it. Can I make this story as her birthday gift?"

"I can't think of what to say. Yes, I like it."

"Okay, then let's make a deal. I'll give you a call. If your next talk is good, we'll join our agency."

"Thank you very much sir, it is a great honour for me"

"I'll go then. I have some work now"

"Okay sir thank you"

This is the biggest dream of my life.. I felt like that dream was going to bear fruit. I told them this to yoshie first..she couldn't believe it..

"Ayoung, I can't believe it..you sign the agreement tomorrow"..

She hugged me saying.

"Ayoung, we need to celebrate this... We talked to those two and went home."

I said that I will not go to the office that day. The biggest dream of my life was to one day make a drama or a film based on my own script. Now it is ready to succeed. We took soju and fried chicken and went home..even though everyone came, Min did not come.. Halmoni made the most delicious Naengmyeon for us. He thought that I did not come even though I was happy with everything. People are sleepy and very sleepy there.. I went outside to cool down and sat down looking at the little heart in the sky..

"Ayoung..why are you alone here.."

"Kim I just came out.."

"Those guys are sleeping well,"

"Ayoung is in Min Busan today.. there is no way for him to come there today.. that's why I came today..byung is the assistant manager today."

"Hmm..I thought so too.."

"He is busy because of the show ayoung ..ah here are the tickets ..here everyone has ..come on Sunday.."

"Ah thank you so much Kim.."

"I have to go now Ayoung ..I have to stay in the morning..Good luck with your new job..."

"Harry, go carefully..thanks. If there is any help, tell ayoung..." he shouted as he went. He quickly read and left. He is not as friendly as byung. That's how he is..How about a story about an actor's life?? I thought. Only Mask Man's story is there now and thought later..

When the group woke up in the morning, they did not remember what happened. The people came to enjoy the chicken soup made by Halmoni too..

"Good morning everyone!!!.."

"Good morning Ayoung.."

Today is Sunday. We should all go to Busan before the evening

"Ah, yes, yes.. we quickly got dressed and took a taxi.."

"It doesn't matter where you go, child, be careful, right?"

We all finished breakfast.. Yoshi, Suha, and Yul went to their houses..

I got ready and waited for them at the bus stop. After four and a half hours, we reached the buses.

'"Should we stay here today honey?" Yoshie asked Yul affectionately.

"Okay then, let's stop. I will make a booking" he said... At 7 pm Min Soo's concert started colorfully.. This is the first time I have seen a solo concert.

When living in a distant village

No one knows me..

When it was a star in the sky..

You smile looking for me..

Spread your cheers

When my heart bursts..

You all know me

I'm Your dream star

When I thought to be a star in the sky..

No, no one was comfortable with me..

My dream is my effort

I made you a star..

To make me shine more

You are the only one with me...

Together we are always in love

Comforting the world...

Minsu released a new song today for Minions. In it, he tells his story and his love for his fans.. After the concert, we went to meet him. Min Su recognized us from far away and smiled and came running..

"Woooow Moon, you sang beautifully..I want an autograph from you."

Min Su smiled and gave her an autograph.. We all had dinner together..

Yull and Yoshiee went for their romantic meeting.

She also hung on his arm and went to see the stars..Kim doesn't want to eat with us, he has a lot of work to do after the concert. I'm the only one left with Minsu..

"Are we going somewhere Ayoung"

"Is it bad if you go to that apartment because you are tired now?"

"Come on, let's go too."

"It bothers you that I come. min"

"Come here please let's go"

We both went to the balcony of the apartment where Minsu is staying to see the beauty of the city..

"Min, Busan looks beautiful from here"

"Yes, come here, it looks beautiful..Ah wait, ayoung, I will bring something to eat.".

He brought honey cube ice cream. He behaves like a child. I smile when I see him.

"ayoung Congratulations on your first drama..Sorry, I didn't come that day.."

"It's okay, min, you know you're busy."

"That's what I miss in this life, ayoung. But I don't want to miss the precious things in your life."

"Don't think that.. Here is a small gift from me.. Oh, this is not a big gift.."

I gave him the gift in my bag to forget the sadness.

"Hey, I'm worth whatever you give me."

He broke the packaging of the gift like a child.

"Ayoung ..thank you so much ..it's very nice ayoung .."

" It has the glass paint that depicts Moon, Crown, Star, and Minsu.."


"Your hand is beautiful..."

"Ah, is it true that this is the Moon you gave..."

When Minsu said that, he smiled like a little child. I looked at his smile very lovingly. Suddenly he fell down. I didn't expect that.

"Min ..min what's this? Sit down here..Wait, I'll bring some water.."I was very scared. I brought some water and gave it to him..He drank it and breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes showed tiredness. I never saw him weak.

"I'm so tired Ayoung…"

"Let's Sleep. I will take you to the room.."

I took him to the room and made him sleep.. He cuddled his head until he closed his eyes. He slept like a child. I slowly talked to Kim without waking him up. I said this. Even though he came running excitedly.

"Don't be afraid, I think he is tired today. That's why he fell .."

"Harry ayoung..we are going to Paris tomorrow..

"Be careful Kim".

"Even if he is sick, why is he saying that he is going to Paris?"

I questioned in my mind whether it is not possible to take care of his health. Even though I left without anything, I was worried about Min Su... I remembered Min Su's life without hesitation...