
When The Heart Blossoms

a young woman living in Seoul with her Halmoni from Jeju. Ayoung has a crush on her school best friend and dreams of a happy future with him, but her life takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally meets her favorite idol, Hwang Min Su. As she falls in love with Min Su, Ayoung must navigate the challenges of a long-distance relationship and the scrutiny of the public eye. With the support of her friends and family, Ayoung must learn to balance her love for Min Su with her own dreams and aspirations. As the story unfolds, readers will be captivated by the heartwarming moments of love and the struggles of a young woman discovering herself in a world of fame and fortune. Join Ayoung on her journey of self-discovery and experience the true power of love in When The Heart Blossoms. As you dive into the pages of this story, imagine yourself as one of its characters. Allow yourself to feel their emotions, experience their joys and sorrows, and discover their hidden truths. Only then will you fully comprehend the depth and richness of this tale. Through your own eyes, you will uncover the secrets that lie within its carefully crafted words, and understand the layers of meaning that exist beneath the surface. So take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be swept away by the magic of this story, for it is only by becoming a part of it that you will truly understand its beauty.

_Yongvi_ · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

A brief fling

Time passed quickly. I didn't know that weeks would pass because of the work. I had adapted to a monotonous life. This is my fourth year on campus. It's been 3 years since coming to Seoul. The things I lost in the meantime are still the same today. Still not talking to Duho with me. Even if I want to go to Japan, I can't go. There were almost no lectures in the final year. But the work at work was like an overflowing river. Suha and I used to leave every day tired. Yosusuki Sun has not met her because she is working. We shared our joys and sorrows over the phone whenever possible. After seeing Min Zu that day, I didn't see him.

Posters in every corner of Seoul showed that his newly released drama was a super hit. After a while, we all got a vacation.

•We met tonight at 8.00 pm at Signiel Seoul .let's celebrate Vacation 🎊️ •

The group had received a message.

Dressed more beautifully than usual, Suha also went there. After going there, Seo Yul and Yoshisuki Sun met there. Yul's main chef works here and that's why we get our meal today for free.

"Seo Yul, congratulations on your new position."

"Thank you Ayoung"

"Ayoung, didn't you meet Minsu again??"

"No Yoshi.."

"Hwang minsu is the only brand partner of this hotel"

"What 😲?"

All three of us asked ... I don't know if the food will fall out of my mouth.

"Are you telling the truth, Yul?" Yohsi asked Yul.

"Yes, why am I lying honey? He is the latest advertisement for this. He also has a special room here."

"Then Ayoung met him today.."

"No Suha, he is not here today..."

"Ayoung, don't you know about this?" All three of them asked me at once.

"Should I look for Minsu?"

"Oh, ayoung, you are a crazy person," Yoshi said with a smile.

"I only know him as an actor who follows me. I don't care about him. What's wrong with me please whoever it is"

I swallowed the food.

"Okay guys, it doesn't matter.. let's eat..."

Anyway, I thought that I would soon face a big case. Enjoy delicious food. We tasted red strawberry wine. After a meal, we laughed and ate happily.

• Japan's famous millionaire businessman Mr. Jung du-ho, the only son of Jung and popular model Yung-Arie, is set to get engaged to beautiful Nili Kyung Mi in Paris •

I was stunned when I heard it on the hotel TV.

"What is that du-ho, right? ayong ??"

I didn't hear anything about Yoshi Yul Suha telling. I have seen several rumors about him. But I didn't believe those things. Halmoni believed all that. I got up from the chair and walked like a crazy person wiping away tears.

"Where is Ayoung going?"

"Leave me alone, Yoshi."

But I felt wrong. I felt that only I loved so far. I didn't know what I was doing. My chest hurt. I can't even breathe. But I walked there holding my breath. I don't know where to go or what to do. In the end, my leg got stuck in a stone and I fell down. I don't know where it is. I screamed and cried. Everything that I had forgotten started showing up. I screamed with my ears pressed. Suddenly someone walked up and grabbed me. He was holding me tightly. Even if I tried to get rid of him, I couldn't do it. Then a usual voice was heard. Those words kept echoing to me. Without telling me, tears fell down one by one.

"Don't be afraid, it's me Minzu. Cry as much as you can."

I hugged him and screamed loudly. He comforted me by rubbing my head.

After some time, the shaking stopped.

"Where are we in .."

"Near the Seochon lake...did you see that?"

"Have I come that far??"

"Yes..it's good because I came."

"How do you know I'm here...uh"

"I saw you when I came to the hotel after shooting..I called you but you didn't hear me..

"Hmm. I'm sorry.."

"Oh, don't think like that. When a friend is in trouble, we have to help.."

I can hardly breathe. I tried to hide it, but Minsu understood.

"Are you having trouble breathing?"

"Yes, a little" I held my chest and said with difficulty.

"Let's go "

We went and stopped at the channel room.

"Sleep here. The doctor will come now.".

"Don't be afraid ayoung, I'm with you."

He was holding my hand. After a while, the doctor examined me..

"You have a panic attack." I will prescribe the medicine. He said so and left. Today his face mask is forgotten. I felt that Minsu was familiar to everyone there.

"Do they know you?"

"Yes, they know me. I am coming here to take medicine" I felt a bit sad when he said that. Today I noticed that he has a beautiful smile.

"If anyone sees you..."

I quickly took the scarf around my neck and covered his face.

"Thank you Ayonung!! You cried for an hour. Now you are tired. Come on, let's eat something."

He also went to the small restaurant near me. The Jazz music there was also wonderful. We took soju with Jjamppong..

"I didn't think you would come to these places."

"Hey ayoung.I'm an ordinary man, I'm the son of a farmer in Chungcheong.."

"I didn't know that. Hwang min zu"

"Come on, don't tell me the full name. It's hard for me."

While he was talking, he received a phone call.

"Ayoung I have to leave suddenly. If you have any trouble, tell me here is the card. Take the medicine regularly."

He touched my head and left. I don't want to eat alone now, so I'm ready to go home. But I can't believe what I heard today.. Halmoni was waiting when I went home.. When I saw her, I wanted to cry again.. I feel she knew it before I told her.. She didn't show it to me.. I also went to the room without saying anything and thought on the bed.. Heaving a sigh of relief,

Two days have passed since the shock subsided. Although there was a shock, my everyday monotonous life went on. Suha met me every day.

She always encouraged me. Even though Yoshisuki couldn't meet me, she always sent home what I liked to eat. After the dawn of autumn, every tree in Seoul had turned golden. It is a very beautiful painting.

I had done Web Illustrations called Autumn Seoul..it became more popular than expected..

my phone rang. The first time was not answered.. The second time was answered..

"Good morning, who is this?"

"Can you open the gate im Chicken Delivery?"

Even though I didn't order anything, but i think harmony ordered. I took my purse with me. God can't believe it.. Hwang Min-Su is at the gate..

There was also a beautifully wrapped dosirak box.

"Don't you invite home Ayong?"

"Ah ah ha..sorry come in.."

"Who's here child??".

Minsu greeted Halmoni and saying

"Ah good morning Halmoni".

He gave halmoni to the dosirak box. He took off his mask and smiled impolitely.

"I got used to seeing this child..but where is he.."

"Oh Halmoni, this is minsu.. that stupid boy in the spring watching Halmoni.."

"God, this kiasu boy.." Halmoni was very happy to meet him.

"This is a good dosirak box...this child knows these very well."

Halmoni is someone who doesn't normally say good things about food. This is the first time she got a dosirak box to fill her heart.

"Thank you, Halmoni..these are the vegetables and meat from our farm."

" that's good..when I was in Jeju, I used to eat at home..the children are different here..but where are these from in this city.."

"From Chungcheong..my family came yesterday..so the first day I came here, they made Halmoni."

Halmoni and Minsoo talk about each other until the end of the meal. They didn't talk to me..I let them talk and sat under the sakura tree..

"Ah, ayoung are you here?"

"Hm yes"

"Ayoung, I was wrong to ask this..Are you okay? Did you drink the medicine?"

" sh… grandma doesn't know about it."

"Oh sorry Ayoung"

"Ah hmm..I'm fine minsu..where's the number from."

"I met SeoYul while I was eating at the hotel. He told me the story.he is my main chef"

"Mm..how is your work these days..?"

I worked with Byung Ho and Kim Uk on campus.

"Uh..are you doing that too?"

"I am a performance art student at CAU"


"Are you there too..."


"What.." He also looked at me in surprise.. this is amazing.. we have not seen each other in the same campus.. I can't believe it..

"My babies , here I have brought green tea.."

"Oh, why Halmoni was worrie.."

" Halmoni..can't she cook.."

"She can but can't eat. She used to cook the food during my sick days..

"Halmony….why you said that ?"

I said a bit harshly..Halmoni and minsu laughed..Halmoni left us to talk..



"Isn't it beautiful under the sakura tree? Place is free. I'm bored from living in the apartment."

"Yes, it's beautiful here during the cherry blossom season"


"I will go Ayonung. Tonight at 10 pm I have a shouting.. Take some medicine. If there is a problem, talk to me. "

"Halmony, I'm going..I'm sorry for leaving so soon. Come back one day child...!!

I didn't see minsu again after that..when he could he left a message and asked how he was doing.. MinZu is a good friend..He is so famous because of his kindness..I thought that his fame may have become a headache..

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

next chapter coming soon.......

_Yongvi_creators' thoughts