
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

chapter six Seek for freedom

Every step was calculated, every breath measured, as Kiara evaded the remaining guards who patrolled the premises. She relied on her instincts, honed by years of survival in the wilderness, to guide her towards an exit.

As she ventured deeper into the unknown, Kiara's senses heightened, detecting a subtle change in the air. The scent of rain and earth reached her nostrils, and the distant sound of rushing water reached her ears. Following the signs, she arrived at a set of large, ornate doors that led to a balcony overlooking a sprawling garden.

With caution, Kiara pushed open the doors and stepped out into the cool night air. Moonlight bathed the garden in an ethereal glow, casting long shadows as Kiara's eyes darted around, searching for a way to escape. Her heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation, knowing that freedom was within her grasp.

Suddenly, a voice pierced the silence, freezing Kiara in her tracks. "Going somewhere, my dear Kiara?"

Sefra's voice, laced with a chilling amusement, resonated through the garden. Panic welled up within Kiara, but she refused to succumb to fear. Steeling herself, she turned to face him, her eyes meeting his with defiant determination.

"Sefra," Kiara's voice quivered with a mix of anger and resolve, "you may have brought me here against my will, but I will not be your prisoner. I will fight for my freedom until my last breath."

Sefra's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a predatory smile. "Oh, my dear Kiara, you always were a fierce one. But know that you cannot escape me. This realm is vast, and you are but a small creature lost in its depths."

Kiara's gaze flickered across the garden, seeking an escape route. Her eyes landed on a dense thicket of bushes and trees at the garden's edge, a potential avenue of concealment. With a surge of determination, she mustered her resolve.

"I may be small, Sefra, but I am resourceful," Kiara retorted, her voice steady. "And the shadows that cloak me are my allies. You may have the advantage for now, but I will find my way out of this labyrinth."

Sefra's amusement twisted into a snarl of frustration. "Do not underestimate me, Kiara. I am a vampire of power and influence. You will soon realize the futility of resistance."

With a swift movement, Sefra lunged towards Kiara, his hand reaching out to grasp her. he held her tightly and she couldn't escape, before she could fight back she was already in a room,but it wasn't the one she was in earlier before,it was different.

You will be staying with me from now one,I can't trust those people to do anything..,stupid,he muttered under his breath.

After her last escape attempt, Sefra's wrath knew no bounds. He decided to teach her a lesson—one that would leave an indelible mark on her psyche. He demanded that she remain confined in his presence, day and night, trapped within the same room with him.

Kiara recoiled in horror at the realization of Sefra's intentions. The room itself had become a haunting prison, each corner an echo of the pain she was enduring. But she refused to let despair consume her. Her determination flickered within, a fire that refused to be extinguished.

As the days turned into weeks, Kiara and Sefra existed in a twisted symbiosis. He reveled in the torment he inflicted upon her, relishing in the agony that danced across her features. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of defiance shone in Kiara's eyes.

She refused to allow Sefra's cruelty to break her spirit. Instead, she found solace in her memories, conjuring the faces of her fallen packmates and drawing strength from their unwavering loyalty. She would honor their memory by surviving and seeking justice.

Sefra, however, found himself growing captivated by Kiara's unwavering resilience. The strength she displayed, even in the face of his cruelty, ignited a curiosity within him. He found himself inexplicably drawn to her spirit, despite the darkness that shrouded their connection.

He reveled in her suffering, delighting in the torment he inflicted upon her. In his twisted mind, he saw himself as a puppet master, orchestrating the unfolding tragedy that had befallen her.

After Kiara's last failed attempt to escape, Sefra decided to intensify his control over her. He commanded that she remain confined in his room, his lair within the human realm. But he took his manipulation to a new level, suggesting that they share the same bed—an intimate closeness that would blur the lines between captor and captive.

Kiara's heart pounded with a mix of fear and revulsion as Sefra issued his command. Every fiber of her being recoiled at the thought of being in such proximity to the monster who had torn her life apart. But she knew that resistance would only bring more pain, more suffering. She had to endure and bide her time, seeking an opportunity to escape.

Night after night, Kiara lay on the bed beside Sefra, her body tense with suppressed anger and defiance. She kept her distance, creating an invisible wall between them—a barrier that symbolized her refusal to succumb to his dominance.

Sefra, however, seemed unaffected by her resistance. He reveled in the discomfort that radiated from her, relishing in the psychological torture he was inflicting. He watched her closely, taking perverse pleasure in the power he held over her.

But he still couldn't deny the fact that he was attracted to her,not that he needed to let her know by the way,he still had to prove his dominance over her as she was strong headed and was still looking for an opportunity to escape.

In the vampire stronghold, a curious shift began to unfold. Sefra, the enigmatic vampire leader, found himself drawn to Kiara, the werewolf captive, in a way he hadn't anticipated. The cruelty that once defined their relationship had transformed into something else—an inexplicable connection that defied the boundaries of their captor-captive dynamic.

As days turned into weeks, Kiara couldn't help but notice Sefra's peculiar behavior. He treated her with a tenderness that was unheard of within the dark confines of their captivity. His guards watched in shock as Sefra extended small acts of kindness, allowing Kiara moments of respite and glimpses of humanity.

During their occasional outings beyond the stronghold, Sefra's treatment of Kiara grew even more astonishing. He shielded her from harm, keeping a watchful eye on her as they navigated the human realm. His guards, accustomed to their leader's ruthless nature, found themselves perplexed by the newfound consideration he displayed.

Kiara, too, was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. She had grown accustomed to the cruelty of her captor, steeling herself against his sadistic whims. But now, a sliver of hope emerged—a flicker of light amidst the pervasive darkness.

As they walked through the bustling streets, Sefra's presence beside her felt strangely protective. His gaze, usually filled with an unsettling intensity, softened as he observed the world around them. Kiara couldn't help but wonder what had sparked this change, what had prompted him to treat her differently.

"Sefra," Kiara's voice was tentative, laced with a mix of curiosity and caution. "Why are you showing me such unexpected kindness? Is this another ploy to toy with my emotions?"

Sefra paused, his eyes meeting hers with an uncharacteristic vulnerability.

"I don't think I owe you an explanation",he said coldly shattering her hopes of him changing,she didn't utter another word and was quiet.

Kiara found herself growing restless in the confines of her captivity. The monotonous days blended together, leaving her longing for a sense of purpose and a break from the dreary routine. An idea formed in her mind—a way to occupy her time and perhaps even gain a small measure of control.

Approaching Sefra, Kiara proposed an unexpected offer. "Sefra, I've been feeling rather bored lately. I would like to cook a meal for everyone. It could be a way for me to contribute and perhaps lift my spirits in this dismal place."

Sefra eyed Kiara warily, suspicion evident in his eyes. He had seen firsthand the lengths Kiara would go to escape his clutches, and he couldn't help but question her true intentions. "And why would you be so willing to cook for us, werewolf? Is this some kind of ploy to poison us?",he asked with a laugh.

Kiara sighed, understanding Sefra's concerns. "I assure you, Sefra, my intentions are genuine. I seek a moment of respite, a way to break the monotony of my captivity. I have no desire to harm anyone."

Sefra considered her words, the gears in his mind turning. Perhaps allowing Kiara to cook would offer a temporary diversion, a glimpse of normalcy in their otherwise bleak existence. With caution, he agreed to her proposal, though he made it clear that he would closely monitor the proceedings.

Don't try anything funny,he said and she skipped out if the room to the kitchen, luckily the fridge was stocked but wasn't of use to these vampires...she sighed.

As kiay set to work in the kitchen, a sense of purpose washed over her. The rhythmic chopping of vegetables, the sizzle of ingredients in the pan—it brought a familiar comfort she hadn't felt in a long time. She poured her heart and soul into the meal, infusing it with flavors that spoke to her own experiences and memories.

Once the food was prepared, Kiara served the meal to the guards and Sefra himself, who watched her every move with a wary eye. The guards hesitated at first, their skepticism mirrored in their cautious glances, but hunger eventually got the better of them, and they dug in.