
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

chapter four Fractured coven.

Kiara moved closer, her tone resolute. "Listen to your instincts, Isabella. Only you can decide what's best for the coven. But remember, unity can only be built on trust, not deception."

Isabella's gaze lingered on Kiara, contemplating her words. The weight of her decisions and the future of the coven rested heavily on her shoulders.

As the days turned into weeks, Kiara's manipulations continued to bear fruit. The vampire coven was divided, alliances shifting, and loyalties tested. The once-powerful unity that had defined them was shattered, replaced by a tumultuous web of intrigue and suspicion.

Sefra, keenly aware of the crumbling foundations of his control, became increasingly desperate. He intensified his efforts to maintain his dominance, resorting to ruthless tactics to silence dissent. But each act of cruelty only fueled the flames of rebellion, driving more vampires into the arms of Damien and his faction.

Kiara watched the chaos unfold, her heart both heavy and hopeful. The vampire coven, once an unstoppable force, was now its own worst enemy. Their pride and arrogance had become their downfall.

In the midst of the turmoil, Kiara noticed an opportunity—a gathering storm of discontent brewing between Amelia another vampire and Damien. Their shared ambition and thirst for power clashed, creating a spark that threatened to ignite a full-blown conflict within the coven.

She approached each of them discreetly, fanning the flames of their rivalry. She whispered words of doubt and betrayal, stoking their animosity until it reached a boiling point. The tension between Amelia and Damien grew palpable, their followers now pitted against each other.

The final confrontation came one fateful night, as Amelia and Damien faced off in the grand hall. Accusations flew, voices rose, and anger surged like a tempest.

The grand hall of the vampire coven's mansion became a battleground, as Amelia and Damien stood face to face, their factions standing behind them like rival armies. The air crackled with tension, the coven on the verge of internal chaos.

Amelia's eyes burned with fury as she pointed an accusing finger at Damien. "You dare challenge my authority? I will not be overshadowed by your lust for power!"

Damien sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You are weak, Amelia. Power belongs to those who can seize it. The coven needs a leader who can dominate, not someone who cowers in fear."

The coven members watched the confrontation, torn between their loyalties and uncertain of the outcome. The unity they once cherished had dissolved into bitter rivalry, and the fractured coven hung on the precipice of self-destruction.

Kiara, hidden within the shadows, observed the chaos she had orchestrated. The werewolf's heart stirred with a mix of satisfaction and concern. Her plan had worked, and the vampire coven now teetered on the brink. But she knew that in this fragile state, they were vulnerable to external threats.

As the tension in the hall reached its peak, Sefra appeared, his presence commanding attention. The room fell into an uneasy silence as all eyes turned to the embattled clan leader.

Sefra's voice cut through the stillness, his words laced with a mix of authority and desperation. "Enough! This division weakens us all. We are vampires, creatures of power and dominance. We must find a way to resolve our differences and restore unity to our coven."

Amelia and Damien exchanged a tense gaze, their rivalry momentarily subdued in the face of Sefra's command. The coven members, sensing an opportunity for reconciliation, awaited their leader's guidance

Sefra continued, his tone measured. "There is a greater threat that looms over us, one that seeks to exploit our divisions. We must set aside our personal ambitions and focus on the survival of our coven. Lay down your arms, unite your factions, and together we will reclaim our strength."

A flicker of uncertainty passed through the coven, the words of their leader resonating within their hearts. The weight of Kiara's manipulations, the doubts and suspicions she had sown, now bore down upon them.

Amelia, her voice tinged with bitterness, spoke up. "This unity you speak of, Sefra, it was shattered. We can no longer ignore the fractures within our ranks."

Damien nodded in agreement, his expression hardened. "The time for a new order has come. We must forge a coven that is united under stronger leadership, free from the weaknesses of the past."

Sefra's gaze swept over the divided faces before him, a mix of resignation and determination in his eyes. "If unity is truly beyond our grasp, then let it be so. But know this—our division weakens us, and our enemies will capitalize on it. Choose your path carefully, for the consequences may be dire."

With those words, Sefra turned and exited the grand hall, leaving behind a coven on the precipice of irreversible change.

Kiara watched the scene unfold, the coven members wrestling with their loyalties and the future of their clan. While she had achieved her goal of sowing discord, she now realized the delicate nature of the situation. The vampire coven was at a crossroads, and the path they chose would shape their destiny.

The days that followed were filled with turmoil and soul-searching as the coven members contemplated their allegiance.

The vampire coven stood on the precipice of a new era, their unity shattered and their future uncertain. The choices made in the wake of Kiara's manipulations would determine their fate. As the days passed, the coven members grappled with their loyalties, contemplating the path they would take.

Amelia, still stinging from her clash with Damien, found herself torn between her desire for power and the potential for redemption. The weight of Sefra's words lingered in her mind, reminding her of the strength in unity. She sought counsel from Isabella, who had retreated into introspection, seeking guidance amidst the chaos.

"Isabella," Amelia's voice held a hint of vulnerability as she approached her former rival, "I have realized the extent of my ambition and the cost it has imposed upon our coven. We must find a way to mend the fractures, to rebuild what we've lost."

They decided to amend their coven and reunite with everyone but they didn't want Sefra as Thier clan leader anymore as the seed of discord had already being sown,they all left with each other and left Sefra alone feeling angry.

Sefra, the vampire clan leader, seethed with fury as he discovered the truth behind the unraveling of his coven. The once loyal members had chosen unity and reconciliation over his dominance, and he was consumed by a deep sense of betrayal. But his rage turned to something more sinister as he uncovered the role played by Kiara, the werewolf he didn't kill,but instead killed her packmates.

He had something with her,he could feel it that was the reason he didn't haunt her and kill her,but instead of being great ful she had turned his coven against him,he was filled with fury.

In his wrath, Sefra devised a cruel plan to take his revenge and reestablish his control. He knew that Kiara's bond with her new found friend he once held captive, Stella, was strong, and he decided to exploit it as a means of forcing her submission.

Sefra single handedly captured Stella and brought her to a hidden location, a desolate and dimly lit chamber deep within the vampire stronghold. Kiara's wrists were bound, her expression a mixture of fear and determination.

Kiara, unaware of Stella's capture, roamed the outskirts of the vampire lair, her heart heavy with the weight of her actions. She had brought chaos and discord upon the coven, but the cost had been high.She had lost her friend, Stella,the only person she had noe since the death of her pack members and she didn't want to loose her.

As Kiara's footsteps echoed through the cold corridors, she sensed a shift in the atmosphere, a foreboding presence that sent shivers down her spine. She followed her instincts, her wolf senses guiding her to the chamber where Stella was held captive.

When she pushed open the heavy doors, her eyes widened in shock and horror at the sight before her. Stella, pale and bruised, stood in the center of the room, her gaze locked with Sefra's. The vampire leader wore a malevolent smile, reveling in the power he held over them.

"Kiara," Sefra's voice dripped with malice, "it seems you've forgotten the debt you owe me. You may have disrupted my coven, but you will not escape the consequences of your actions."

What debt do I owe you..,debt for killing my family...,debt for ruining my life..,what debt do I owe you?,she asked with fury.

Sefra looked intrigued as he stared at her with an evil smirk hanging on his face.as she finished speaking,Stella coughed and she couldn't help but feel her heart tighten.

Kiara's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and anger. "Sefra, release Stella. This feud is between you and me. She is innocent in all of this."

Sefra's eyes gleamed with sadistic delight. "Oh, my dear Kiara, this feud is indeed between us. But what better way to ensure your compliance than to take from you what you hold dear?"

Kiara's heart sank as she realized the extent of Sefra's cruelty. He had used Stella as bait to lure her into his clutches. Her mind raced, searching for a way to protect her friend and break free from the vampire's grasp.

Sefra stepped closer to Stella, his voice dripping with menace. "Unless you surrender yourself to me, Kiara, your friend's life will be forfeit. Her blood will stain your hands."

Stella's voice trembled, her eyes pleading with Kiara. "Don't do it, Kiara. He's trying to break you. We can find another way."