
Chapter Eleven

They had kissed.

Branch smothered his face deeper into the pillow, sucking in the lingering scents left behind.

He kissed Creek and he freaking enjoyed it.

Arousal licked up his body and he squirmed on the bed, rolling inside his covers again and again. The clock read four in the morning and he cursed when he glanced at it for the hundredth time. His mind was conflicted, angry at the world but begging for it to consume him. Teasing erotic fantasies of the light colored troll kept slinking around, mocking his lust, and Branch chewed his lower lip. Pieces of his skin burned with Creek's afterimage. It's like he could feel his fingers digging into him all over again.

Branch caressed his palm down his stomach and paused at the hem of his pajama pants, swallowing heavily. He wasn't so much of a hermit to not know what these urges meant. Branch's body was getting ready to mate and it wasn't even Spring! Feeling this kind of heat outside of mating season? The mere thought of another troll giving him sexual desire was ludicrous, yet here on his back he lay, engrossed with Creek. Yes, Creek, the one guy that should be the farthest away from the most intimate part of his mind. Biologically, he did feel subtle urges and hints whenever that time of year came around, but nothing like this. This was severe, frightening, and exciting. Why did it have to be Creek of all trolls?

Control wavering, his hand slid farther down, feeling gentle kisses speckle his nerves. Phantom lips dragged over his body, carving trails of fire. A guttural groan escaped as Branch dared to palm himself between the legs. His thighs trembled and spread instinctively, the sweet friction lifting his hips off the bed. The troll shivered bodily and ripped away from his crotch in harsh denial, twisting his wicked fingers into the blanket.

"I can't believe it," he hissed, turning over in bed again so that he was on his stomach. His body throbbed relentlessly and Branch moaned again in grievance, grinding his lower half into the mattress slowly. He had to do something to get rid of these sensations without actually going through with the act. He refused to submit to his erratic hormones. He's never pleasured himself before and he wasn't going to start now, especially with Creek as the source. Self stimulation just wasn't an option. He absolutely refused. There was no reason for someone like him to be dabbling into something like that. He wasn't desperate enough. As far as his rationality was concerned, if he was ever going to have sex it had to be with destined mate, who didn't exist.

Alluring images of Creek stripping off his clothes wiggled their way in again, so real he swore he could feel the whiff of air as his pants were thrown away. Imaginary Creek rubbed his hands over his muscled pectorals slowly and squeezed seductively. His mind's eye gawked at the wide expanse of his naked chest and pale mauve nipples. So many years of seeing Creek shirtless and he'd never appreciated it until now. The delicious purple colored skin extended downwards and his fantasy filled in the gaps. His hip bones were sharp, leading to the prominent v-shape below his belly button. Was his pubic hair soft and two-toned like his head hair? He bet it was. He wanted to know. He wanted to touch it.

Branch could hardly contain the thrill running through his blood. His self discipline was definitely being tested. Creek had tasted so good, felt so good, and he wanted him. He wanted the damned guy so badly and he hated himself for it. He hated that he acted without thinking, a single kiss setting off a wild chain reaction of eagerness that he didn't want anything to do with. How could Creek kiss him, anyway?! Not a single push back or anything that would be considered a 'get off me you crazy pervert'! The conniving bastard took advantage of the situation like it was walk through a park. He didn't know how many other innocent trolls Creek had wrapped around his pinky but Branch wasn't about to be one of them. Creek wasn't that charming and Branch wasn't that easy. Creek was attractive, but that was all he had going for him right now.

Branch pushed the guru away when he saw those sexy, inviting eyes, trying to save his own sanity and self worth. He almost took the invitation. It was scary to think that they could have gone so much farther than kissing. Creek looked at him like he slapped him in the face. Branch supposed he might as well have, considering the way he bolted from the intimacy and rudely shoved the troll out of his room. He did run away and Creek was right, he was a coward. Whatever pieces of friendship they had managed to pull together could be dust to wind because of this. He was so utterly afraid of these uncontrollable feelings and when it was time for them to talk, he didn't know what he was going to say. How was he going to explain exactly why he jumped his mouth with such ferocity?

Grunting at his own confusing insensitivity, Branch kicked the covers off and slipped out of bed. He held his hand to his swirling stomach and released a shaky breath, walking to his closet for a change of clothes. He couldn't sleep like this. His body wasn't going to cooperate with him until he dunked it in a bucket of ice. Branch pulled a pair of cotton slacks from the rack and then went to his bedroom door, unlocking it carefully. He peeked out into the hall and trembled from another brushing influx of weakness. He just had to get to the bathroom without any confrontation. Easier said then done when the bathroom was right across from Creek's bedroom.

On the other side of the bunker, the purple troll was having emotional issues of his own. "The nerve of him!" Creek yelled, pacing circles around his room with a decorative pillow gripped in his fist. "Absolutely unbelievable," he said angrily, twisting the pillow in his hands with a growl then throwing it back at the armchair it belonged. The blue firefly watched Creek walk back and forth, amusement in her large eyes. Creek turned to the critter and jabbed his finger at it. "He doesn't deserve you, you know," he said. "I've half a mind to take you back and forget this whole thing!" The firefly shook her head in refusal, jumping off the bed and buzzing away.

Creek sighed and dropped down on the lounge chair tiredly, folding his legs underneath him. His rounded ears twitched in irritation as he tried to pick apart the situation in an effort to find a solution. He was angry, no doubt about that, but that kiss was something else. It surprisingly passionate and he couldn't stop replaying the scene.Creek's toes curled when Branch's tongue invaded every crevice of his mouth.It was hard to believe that Branch didn't have any prior experience in that area. He'd never heard of anyone but Poppy getting close to the grey troll, and there was zero chance Poppy taught him how to kiss like that.

Of course, he'd swapped spit with willing trolls before. There were a few fearless individuals who were more attracted to his beautiful color than anything else and Creek had been desperate for a little bit of love. It'd been awhile though, years really, since he let anyone pull him in like that. How was Branch able to twist him and make him willing?

Shaking his head abruptly, Creek tried to clear out the heated images. He couldn't forgive Branch for what he did, not yet at least. You don't just kiss someone then run away from the consequences. Unfortunately, Creek put his heart into that moment. He shouldn't have but he was caught off guard, caution thrown to the air. Whether Branch meant to or not, pulling away crushed his confidence and he was bitter for being such a fool. Creek was a weak individual when it came to presenting his heart to whoever reached for it. His chest ached and his stomach turned, knowing that Branch didn't actually reach out to him but most likely used him instead. It was normal to seek comfort when you were in distress, and that was exactly the position Branch happened to be in.

Just then, soft padding in the hall caught Creek's attention. He jumped up from his chair and rushed over to the bedroom door, plastering a strained ear to the wood. The washroom entry across the way creaked open and closed slowly, followed by an echoing squeak of the tap while Branch filled his freestanding tub with water.

Creek sighed and beat his forehead against the oak surface, mentally preventing himself from going out and trying to talk. It wasn't even sunrise, they both hadn't slept yet, and Branch was about to take a bath. He should just leave him alone and wait until later. He should just wait. Waiting would be fine, but his gut was telling him to take the chance now while it was there. Creek buried his uncertainty and opened the door to stare at the washroom across the hall. Light spilled from the crack at the bottom. The sounds of cascading water slowed to a stop and everything was quiet on the inside. Creek moved forward and hung his head slightly, closing his eyes momentarily. He touched the doorknob and tested it quietly. Unlocked.

"Branch, I know this is a really bad time," he said softly. "but I cannot set it aside anymore. The sooner we talk, the better it will be. It is obvious neither of us can sleep with this dark cloud hanging over our heads. Will you talk with me when you're done bathing?"

His attempt was met with silence. Creek listened for something… anything at all. He started to become anxious, worried about the grey troll inside. There was no telling what could be running through his thoughts right now.

"Don't ignore me," he pushed grimly. "I'm not… mad at you. I hope you don't think that. I want closure. We need closure. There is a reasonable explanation to what happened and we should discuss it. I'm not leaving here until you give me some kind of answer!"

Creek listened carefully again, trying to discern anything from inside. There will still no sound at all. Not even a swish of water. That was entirely odd.

"Branch? Are you alright in there?" he called out louder.


Why was it so quiet in there?

He squeezed the handle tightly, palm sweating. No... He couldn't be. He couldn't be doing something so unthinkable. Creek's eyes widened to a terrifying realization. He yanked the door open and rushed into the bathroom quickly.

"No, Branch! It's not worth it! You have SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR," Creek cried out, skidding to a halt just before bumping into the carved porcelain tub.

Branch was soaking in his icy bath, the water leveled just above his waist. He had his hands in his sodden black hair, wringing out the soap bubbles after he just had his head submerged underwater to wash it. They stared at each other in shock before Branch snatched a nearby towel to cover his private areas.

"Creek! What the hell, man!" he cried out, blushing furiously. "Don't you knock?!"

Creek turned away on his heel and covered his eyes, flushing red all the way down his neck. "I thought that – I thought you were – I was just checking," he stammered.

"Thought what, exactly?! Must you feel the need to crash through every single door of the bunker trying to bother me? I've got no privacy even in my own bathroom!"

"I thought you were trying to drown yourself," Creek muttered admittedly.

"Why the fuck would I do that?!" Branch said exasperated.

"Well considering the current circumstances between us, it was a bloody plausible thought!"

"Don't inflate yourself too much Creek, you might pop. Dramatics with you aren't worth killing myself over!"

Creek growled and lowered his hands into fists, keeping his eyes shut tightly. "I was just worried, Branch. Is it so hard to accept that I was worried after you pushed me away? I came to check on you and you didn't respond to my calling!"

Branch bit his tongue, trying to think of another comeback. Just then, cutting through the growing tension, the tiny blue firefly flew free from Creek's room and zipped past the troll, barreling into Branch's chest happily with an array of excited noises. Branch dropped his towel and caught the critter, gasping in surprise at the familiar creature in his hands.

"What the –? Tilly, is that you?" he said, holding up the fly to inspect her. The bug chirped in response, surging forward again to nuzzle Branch in the cheek. It tried to latch onto the troll's face with all six of it's tiny legs but he pulled her off with a huff. "Why are you here," he asked, utterly confused. "How did you know where to find me?"

Creek peeked over his shoulder, but Branch shot him a quick glare that made him avert his eyes again.

"I brought her here," Creek explained. "That fly… I brought the firefly here from the clearing where I saw them dancing for you. She was going to be my gift to you, a friendly companion and letter bearer. I noticed you don't have a flying critter for letters so…" he trailed off slowly, almost feeling silly about all of his efforts now. His plans were ruined after all that's happened and he doubted that Branch would appreciate the firefly now.

"I don't have a letter carrier because I don't socialize enough to actually send letters to people," Branch said with a sigh. He stared at the critter, pressing his lips together. Tilly the firefly blinked her large, happy eyes, staring back in admiration. 'So that's why he was late,' Branch thought to himself. Creek made such a long trip just to get this critter for him? He wasn't even aware that Branch already knew the critter personally and they had an established history. That was quite the strike of luck, considering.

"Keep your eyes to yourself," he grumbled to Creek. The purple troll nodded silently in response. Branch then shooed the firefly away momentarily to pull himself out of the tub, cursing as his limbs were practically numb from the icy water he bathed with. The fire inside him had completely died down, thankfully, but now he had to deal with a different kind of nuisance. Drying quickly, the grey troll slipped on his slacks and tightened the draw string around his hips. He brushed past Creek, the firefly following and settling on Branch's bare shoulder as he strode out of the bathroom. The guru lifted a brow at the critter as it rubbed against the troll's neck affectionately.

"Let's sit in the kitchen," Branch said.

Branch's kitchen always gave the troll a little sense of peace. He spent a lot time sitting at the small circular table nestled in the center, either contemplating life or just sipping tea to pass the time. They reached the room and Creek slipped into the far side chair while Branch fumbled around the jam-packed cupboards. He grabbed his own wrist to still his nervous hand, pulling two small white mugs from the shelf and filling them with hot water and home made tea bags.

Creek accepted his mug from the dark troll and gazed into the steaming liquid, passively noting the soothing aroma. Branch settled into his own chair across from him, rubbing his hand over his tired face and dipping the tea bag repeatedly in his cup to hurry the steeping.

They sat together in an anxious silence, unsure where to begin. Both trolls were exhausted and sleep deprived for different reasons.

Creek took a deep breath let it out slowly, finally tearing his eyes away from the table. He looked conflicted. Branch stiffened and waited, gripping his cup with both hands.

"Why did you kiss me?" he asked quietly.

Branch frowned deeply. He just had to get straight to the point, didn't he? There was no proper answer for that. Honestly, he could try to lie to Creek and say he was just using him to get his rocks off, but where would that put his honor? Creek knew him better than that anyway, it would be completely out of character. Indeed, why did he kiss him?

"I don't know."

"Do you hate me?" Creek questioned again, baring straight into him like hot daggers. Branch wanted him to look away so badly. He couldn't handle the exposure to those searching, lilac eyes. Did he hate him? What kind of question was that? No, of course not. He'd never really hated Creek at all, even when the jerk made fun of his colorless skin and black-out hair. They'd gotten into verbal scuffles numerous times but in the end, he never hated the purple troll. Been irritated with him, sure. Sick and tired of his teasing antics, definitely.

"I don't hate you," he managed to say without breaking eye contact.

"Then, do you… like me?"

Branch squirmed slightly and rolled his eyes, feeling a betraying blush creep up to the surface of his skin. He took a quick drink of his tea and huffed dramatically, trying to play it off. He didn't like him. There was no way he did. Just because he didn't hate him doesn't mean he liked him. "Why am I the one being questioned here anyway, what about you, huh? Why did you do it?"

Creek resisted a smirk, feeling a bit more resolute now because he preferred a grumpy Branch over a quiet, unsure one. His reactions were almost cute, the way he wiggled in his chair. Creek felt it may be time to be forthright. "Do you want the straight truth?"

Branch snorted, putting his drink aside and folding his arms tightly across his bare chest. "Just say whatever you think is necessary to get this over with."

Creek rubbed his hand on his forearm, looking to the side. His words were catching in his throat now, and the longer he waited the harder it became to talk. The feeble determination he just had was gone in an instant. He open and closed his mouth, swallowed, gripping his arm, then swallowed again. "Branch, I…" he started, feeling utterly vulnerable. If the grey troll was anything like his best friend from the past then he would understand him, right? The fear of being harshly judged was almost too overpowering. He didn't want to regret opening up his heart, but would being truthful make Branch flee?

Branch watched him intently. His dark features were difficult to read, but then he unfurled his arms and sat back farther in his chair, looking more relaxed than before. "It's alright," he said, trying to give him some reassurance. "You can say it."

Creek shivered inwardly at the invitation and took it before he chickened out again. "I kissed you because it simply felt nice when you did it," he whispered. "You made my aura blossom, made me yearn for more. It's been so long since anyone's given me that kind of attention I guess I just… went with it, not caring that it was you. I was captured in a blissful moment and I don't regret it at all. You were amazing, really."

Both trolls blushed heavily with the innocent confession and Branch cleared his throat, unsettled in his chair. "It wasn't that good," he bit out. "You can't possibly have me believe that you're not fawned over like an idol and necking it out behind every shrub and rock in Troll Village. Everyone knows that you're the most charming and the most handsome troll to ever grace our miserable presence. I'm nothing compared to that."

"You'd be surprised how wrong you are," Creek sighed, swirling his drink in his hand idly. "Some trolls may look at me from afar, but that's as far as it goes. My love life is as barren as your life above ground, my dear. My presence is nothing but a beautiful flower painted on the wall." The grey troll was frowning grimly, still disbelieving. He supposed it was difficult for him to accept since he always believed they came from different positions of status in the village.

Creek nodded to Branch, urging him to talk. "Do you really think I'm the most charming and handsome?" Creek let his ego slip, grinning at the contorted disgust that Branch flashed on his face. "If it weren't for that depressing complexion of yours, you'd be quite fetching yourself, you know," he continued. "Anyway, I've told you my reason, now do explain yourself." Creek brought his tea up and took a long drink, relieved that some of the weight was finally off his shoulders.

"You smell!" Branch huffed.

Creek choked and spluttered. "Pardon?"

Branch's anger was starting to bubble up again so he clenched his teeth to keep it at bay. Explain himself how, exactly? He hated that there was no sensible explanation to the pull that Creek had on him. He felt frustrated because he didn't know anything other than the feeling of being victimized by the mass of teal hair growing out of the troll's stupid head. "You smell!" he said again loudly. "You've got this perfume, or this smelly shampoo, or something! I don't know what it is Creek, but," he raised his hands to his face, hiding the insistent redness that ceased to leave. "But it... it smells incredible. No, I hate it! It's not incredible, not in the slightest. Every time you come near me I can smell you and I lose my damn mind! It pulls me in and I have no control over my actions!"

Trying to keep his composure during Branch's outburst, Creek pushed him to continue, "What do I smell like?" he asked slowly. Poppy's voice was ringing in his ears. I believe that Branch is somehow, er… imprinted by you. The way he describes it… it's beautiful.

Branch rubbed his face roughly then laid his palms on the table, trying to calm down. "Dried spices…," he exhaled. "Mint leaves soaked with rainfall. It's so pure and refreshing… easier to breathe than air itself. Just thinking about it makes me crave it."

They blushed again in unison, Creek almost losing it over the blatant poetry falling from Branch's lips. Who knew that he was capable of speaking in such a way?

"Then I will do my best to not burden you with it," Creek said. "I'll stop hugging you. I'll keep my distance so not to bother you with my scent until I'm out of your hair and into my own pod again."

It was that easy? Creek was going to leave him alone finally, just like that? Instead of happiness, a sharp pain drove through Branch's chest and he pressed his hand to it. There was a part of him that hated Creek's quick compliance.

"With that, I only ask you one thing," Creek continued. "Don't run from me anymore."

Branch stared at him, jaw tight.

Creek reached across the table and grasped Branch's free hand in his own. The dark troll immediately began to burn up inside, the contact sending a barrage of tingles through his skin. He didn't pull away immediately but his heart quickened.

"I'll do whatever it takes," Creek said seriously. "I'll do anything to make you happy, Branch. Anything you want to keep this friendship going. If something happens again that would compromise us, don't run away. Talk to me instead. I'm your friend, right?"

Branch shivered and tried to breathe normally. Those words felt so familiar to him, so painfully familiar. Shaking his nerves fiercely to clear the coming fog of memories, Branch slouched in his chair. "Yeah, alright. Alright… Will you let go of my hand, then?" he sighed. "Why are you so adamant about this? I have nothing to give you, Creek. I'm just a grey, grumpy old troll with nothing but problems."

Creek smiled slightly and released him, folding his hands in his lap. "Your companionship, whether it's grumpy or not, is well received compared to what the rest of the village has offered me."

"That's also hard to believe," Branch chuckled. "You're telling me you don't enjoy being showered with glitter and cupcakes? You don't like to jump into the song and dance with Poppy and the Snack Pack?"

A surging warmth blossomed inside Creek and he smiled, laughing as well. "Not really, no. Sometimes it's more of a bother than anything. This troll likes his meditation over parties."

"I think you and I are the only ones who actually enjoy peace and quiet," Branch mused.

The tension in the room had melted away, leaving the two with a softer cushion of understanding. Tilly crawled from her resting position on Branch's shoulder and jumped onto the kitchen table to clean her curly antennae, unphased by any of the conversation. Branch reached out and dragged a finger along her black shell fondly and the critter purred to him.

"So," Creek said, savoring the small smile that was playing along Branch's lips. "This firefly already has a name?"

"Yeah, her name is Tilly," Branch said blissfully, stroking the critter. "I've actually known her for a couple years now. She comes to me whenever I'm out in the forest gathering medicinal herbs or collecting supplies to refill the bunker. She's the friendliest critter I've ever known and she loves to listen to me s-si –" Branch faltered, clamping his mouth shut.

"You've got a lot of interesting secrets," Creek said. He thought about how mind boggling it had been to catch the grey troll's singing voice. He was jealous that the critter has heard him sing probably a dozen times over. He was serious when he said he would give anything to Branch if he wanted it, and he'd give anything to hear him sing again.

"It's been awhile since you've known me," Branch said, "It's not really a secret to you now though, is it?"

"I'll admit, I like finding out the bits and pieces I've missed out on."

"That was something you chose to miss," Branch said bitterly, starting to withdraw into himself again. He stopped petting the firefly and his smile was gone.

"Tilly and I agree that your singing is beautiful." Creek knew he was pushing too far now. It was entirely obvious that the topic was bothering him, but he wanted to troll to understand it was alright. It was okay to let that side of him out. It was totally natural as a troll to want to sing.

"You will never hear it again," the dark troll frowned.

"That's quite a pity," Creek said, picking up his mug and taking a small drink. "It would be such a treat to hear that siren's call again. I don't know why you choose to hide it."

"It is what it is."

"Another bone-melting kiss is out of the question as well?" Creek teased with a smirk, watching his innocent friend shatter into an embarrassing mess.

"Creek!" Branch yelled, a prominent blush flooding his distressed features once more. "I'm totally done with you now. I'm going to sleep." He stood abruptly from his chair and ignored Creek's giggles, beckoning the firefly to crawl up his arm so that he could take it with him. "And don't come barging into my room," he warned hotly.

"I'll take care of the dishes," Creek said, smiling still. "Sleep well, Branch."

Branch huffed in reply, feeling nauseous from the crazy butterflies in his stomach. He almost wanted to take another bath because the heat was creeping its way back in, but he hoped that his exhaustion would be enough to sleep on.

Creek gazed at his bare back as the troll left the kitchen and walked back to his room, whispering to the blue firefly as he left. The purple troll sighed happily and ran his hand through his hair, straightening some of the lazy strands. He was so relieved, feeling his aura settle down into its natural state of equilibrium. Things could have been a lot worse and he thanked his divine Mother up and down for letting it go so smoothly. Fatigue was starting to slam into him as time was catching up. Creek pondered to himself for a minute more before gathering the mugs from the table.

Next chapter