
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 5 Teacher Blues (R-18) (edited)

Before long, teacher Ellen arrives at the classroom, "settle down everyone. Class about to start!" Hearing her shout, the class quiet down. Satisfied, she starts her lesson. In the middle of her lesson, I can feel some male student lusting over her body. And I can't blame them either, as her "asset" sure drawing a lot of attention. I'm also getting mesmerized by hers, interrupting my effort to gaining Exp. So, I decide to stop my futile effort of ignoring her. And enjoy the view while I can. Hmm, I'm wondering, why miss Ellen become a widow?

Of a sudden, Mrs. Ellen hand stop writing on the whiteboard. While in the middle of her lesson. Scratching her head, she's turning toward us, "oh yeah. Before I forget, I have an announcement to make. Summer vacation is nearing, but because of the new legislation. The vacation is getting cut short by a month." The class shouting in outrage while I'm sitting tight in my seat. Waiting for the rest of her announcement, "What!" "Boo!" "No, freaking way." "What the." I can hear George distressed from this ordeal too. As I can see a line of tear from the corner of his eye, "ugh, my first summer in high school. My planned Floridan summer, it's all gone." Speechless, I decide to ignore his antic.

As the murmur grow more restless. Teacher Ellen resorting to hit the table. Trying to attract the student attention, "calm down, everyone. The announcement hasn't finished yet! Before long, the class getting quieter. With a cough, she resumes reading the announcement, "ahem! At June 30, Student grade 10-11 required to come to school for health check up. On the 1st of July, student will gather at school. And then shipped to the nearest military base for wartime mandatory military training." The teacher bringing out a stack of flyer from her bag. Putting it on the desk, she taps the flyer, "you can find More info in this paper."

Without any delay, she's pointing at our class rep, "you there. Take this flyer and distribute it to your classmates." Grumbling, the class rep asks one of my classmate to help him. Before long, I'm receiving my, own flyer. Hmm, I'm wondering if it's a real military training. Or another glorified summer camp. But, the teacher said it held in a real military base. So, it might be a real military training then. Getting rid of the distracting thought, I'm reading the flyer.

Attention, student of S.B.H

Per our new wartime militia act to support our war effort against communism. Student grade 10-11 and college freshman. Will be receiving a month-long mandatory military training. Those who avoid the training will be receiving a severe punishment immediately. But, as not all student is fit for the training. A thorough medical checkup will proceed the day before shipment. And When the medical personnel. Have declared the student unfit to take part, he/she will exempt from training. A student can be exempt from training with a reasonable reason. (Read the back of the paper to see the list of exemption. And the list of items you need to bring) And a letter of consent from the principal. The military training will proceed on the 1st of July 2076. The full schedule given to students when they arrive at their training base.


Principal Lewis

Well, without a single doubt, it sucks. That summer vacation is getting cut short. But I'm thinking it's a great chance for me. As I'm needing the training. Hmm, I'm curious about what they will teach me there. Unfortunately, the training schedule given when I arrive at the training base. Over time, the student finally calms down after digesting the news. Nodding, teacher Ellen, resuming her lesson again. Some time passes and the bell ringing. In, a flash, all the students in class heading out to the cafeteria. Because it's time for lunch break. Standing up, I find George still hung up from the announcement, so I decide dragging him to the cafeteria.

With her class finished for the day. Teacher Ellen decided to pack up her stuff and leave. But she tripped over her desk, as she tries to go. By chance, I catch her in the nick of time before her body hit the ground. But, my hand grabbing her breast by accident. And in the process I'm pinching her nipple by, mistake. Making her slip out a moan. My expression turning into a pure bliss, feeling her breast in my hand. Man, her breast is so soft and heavy. Suppressing the distracting thought, I ask her with concern, "are you alright?"

Flustered, her face turning red in shame. Because she let out a shameful moan. And she can feel my warm hand grabbing her breast. Giving her a pleasure she never feels for so long. She's standing up, while covering her breast with the textbook she brought. Embarrassed, she nods, "t-thank you. Anyway there's a report I need to fill out so bye!" Before I can apologize for my manners. Teacher Ellen running down the hallway with all her might. With a face dyed red in embarrassment. Dumbfounded, I'm standing in an awkward silence as I stare at teacher Ellen back.

Of a sudden, my body shudder in fright. As I can feel, a glare filled with envy and malice emanating from George. Feeling bad, I grab George shoulder, and continue dragging him to the cafeteria. While I laugh to hide my nervousness, "ha-ha-ha! Let's go get our lunch, before they run out!" Arriving In the cafeteria, I'm grabbing a tray and take today lunch. A box of milk, and a gooey mashed potatoes with side of seafood curry. You know I'm glad of choosing this school. Even thought the food is meh, it's better than a pink paste.

The reason I mention of pink paste is that I heard a rumor. Of one of the school around here change their lunch into a pink paste. Thinking about it always make me want to puke. We look around after taking our meal. Searching for the rest of our friend. Before long, someone calling me, "hey, Ray over here!" Looking at the one calling my name. I find a chubby African-American boy with short curly black hair, waving at us. With a thin short haired Asian boy sitting beside him while eating his lunch in silence. Our eye lit up seeing them, as we walk toward their table.

Those two sitting together, are my best friend, Bruce and Allan. Bruce is the chubby African-American boy. He's got a big heart and very dependable. Even though he's a bit cheap at times. He's good with electronic, as his family run an electronic store. But don't call him fat, he's very touchy about the subject. The Asian kid sitting beside Bruce is Allan. A quiet kid with a good head on his shoulder. And he is good at drawing and playing the violin. He's an accomplished artist, as I can see trophy lining up in his room. When we visit his home.

As both me and George taking our seat across the other. Bruce greeting me with a question, "hello Ray, how's your side of the project doing?" I sigh, in frustration, and decide to telling them about the incident. Both of them shocked hearing the news, shouting, "What, the data is gone?!" x2 Allan looking at me with concern asking, "can you finish the program then?" I'm nodding full of confidence, "yeah I can finish it in a week but first. I need a new processor for my old terminal." Calming down, Bruce asking with ease, "which processor do you need?"

Breathing a sigh of relief, I say, "I'm in a dire need. For a RobCo 3000 series processor, do you have it?" Closing his eyes, Bruce goes silent for a moment, while stroking his chin. Before long he opens his eye saying, "yeah, we have one. You better go to my store after school, I'll give it to you. For a reasonable price, of course." Excited, I leap from my seat and give him a hug, "thanks Bruce, you are a live safer!" While Bruce trying to push me away. Allan voicing his concern, "are you sure you can finish it in a week, Ray?" I try to assure them by slapping my chest with confidence, "of course." I'm very confident I can do it thanks to my fifty-five point of Science skill.

Ellen P.O.V

Panting, I'm entering the woman toilet. At the deserted part of the school. Entering one of the empty stall. I remove my clothes, revealing my half naked body, "haah-haah!" I'm groping my ample breast with my right hand. Pinching my nipple through my bra. While remembering the feeling. I felt when that by touch my breast, "um-haah-haah." Getting under my panty and stocking. I'm rubbing, my clitoris using my left hand, "haah-haah-haah." My knees start getting weak. So, I'm sitting on the toilet, while continue rubbing my breast and clitoris.

After a while, I'm finding my clothes start getting on my way. So, I decide to strip by first getting rid of my bra, "haah." I let out a sigh of relief mixed with a moan. As I remove my bra, next I stand up and removing my panty and stocking, "haah!" I'm letting out another sigh of pleasure, feeling the chill on my skin. Making my heart beating faster in excitement. Sitting on the toilet, I lift my both of my leg. Resuming to rubbing my clit and breast again. Before long, love juice start spilling out from my hole.

Excited, I'm rubbing my pussy with both of my hand. At the same time, I'm inserting two of my finger, increasing my pleasure. While, I'm muttering that boy name, "haah, faster Ray. Faster." Before long, a jolt of pleasure flooding my brain. Gritting my teeth, I shout, "umm, Ray." As my love juices spouting all over the stall door and the floor. Panting, my mouth start to droll, taking out my finger. I'm looking at my wet finger, muttering, "haah-haah. What's happen to me, I never feel this horny before?" The boy face resurface in my mind, "Ray McAllister."

My nipple getting hard, muttering that name. As more juices leaking from my pussy. I'm masturbating again while muttering that name over and over. What's happening to me? I have never felt this way since my husband death. It's been a year since he died from an incurable disease, leaving me alone, unsatisfied. Every once in a while, The thought of remarrying someone resurface. In my mind, but The only thing in my heart is my late husband. But that touch shaking me to the core. Wiping away my remaining feeling for my late husband. Making me obsessed with this feeling, I want him. No, I need him.

Phew, this is the longest one I have to edit. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Thank you for reading, have a nice day!

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