
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

Dowaray · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 34

I'm looking around in confusion. Finding myself lost in a secluded part of the harbor. Even though I'm following the address to the te. Helpless, I take out the invitation Roxy gave me from my pocket. Frowning, I confirm the map on the paper with the map on my Pip-Boy. And find I'm pretty much in the right spot. According to the letter, there's supposed to be a guard here. To welcome me and show me the way. But there's no one here as far as I can see. Sighing, I turn off my Pip-Boy and then look around in boredom.

Well, there's nothing I can do about it. I better wait here, just in case. Maybe the guards are in the middle of changing shifts? In this silence, my mind begins to wander. Wondering why Roxy's inviting me here. Suddenly a shout snap me out of my stupor, "hey! What are you doing here?!" Shocked, I reflexively curl up and reply, "gah, I've done nothing, I swear!" A stern man in a black suit looking at me with vigilance, "this is a restricted area!" Calming down, I try to explain myself. But he interrupts me when he notices my scooter.

His eyes go wide in surprise. As he looks up and down at me. Hesitant, he asks, "err, are you Mr.Ray?" Suprised, I instinctively nod, "yes, my name is Ray. Are you the guard I suppose to meet?" Embarrassed, he awkwardly nods, "yes, that's right. I'm supposed to wait here and greet you. But something urgent came up. And I need to go somewhere else for a bit. " Patting his shoulder, I sympathetically nod, "it's alright." Breathing a sigh of relief, he bows to me, saying, "Sorry for the inconvenience. Please follow me, and I'll show you where to park your vehicle. The boss eagerly awaits you in her yacht."

Shocked, I cock an eyebrow, "wait, a yacht?" Puzzled, the guard nods, "yes. Isn't the boss inviting you to be our Aces replacement?" Scratching my head, I awkwardly reply, "well, it might be." Without saying anything more, he beckons me. Soon after, we arrive at a warehouse filled with rows of cars. I pick an empty spot to park my scooter. And then follow him to a tightly guarded yacht. As we enter the ship, he bows to me again and says, "please excuse me, sir. But I need to get back to my post again. As there will be someone else guiding you from here." I nod and watch him leave me alone at the entrance.

Soon after, an unexpected person comes to greet me. As he gives a big hug while laughing in joy, "hey-hey-hey! You're finally here, kiddo!" My eyes grow wide in surprise, seeing him. Smiling, I hug him back, "gosh dang, you are alive! I thought you were dead back in the casino, Larry?" Grinning, he beat his chest with pride, "Hah! I ain't going down just like that! Anyway, come on in. The boss has been waiting for you for a while now." Nodding, I follow him deeper into the ship. On the way, he suddenly taps my shoulder, "hey, thank you for yesterday. You've done a good service for our gang."

I nonchalantly shake my head, "don't mention it. Besides, I'm doing it to save myself." Larry shrugs his shoulder, "well, whatever you say then." Grinning, he suddenly nudges my side, "hey, I heard you've made quite the impression on our boss. She can not wait to see you again, you know." Leaning closer, he whispers while winking at me, "Looks like somebody gets lucky with the lady I see, huh?" Blushing, I look away in embarrassment. While I try to block his nudging, "erm, you can say that." Laughing, he vigorously taps my shoulder, "ha! Come on, you do not need to be shy."

Before long, we suddenly stop in front of a cabin with a grand door. Winking, Larry nudges me to the door, "come on in then. The boss wants to see you alone." He quickly left while giving me a thumbs-up from a distance. Blushing, I shake my head and take a deep breath. Calming down, I open the door only to be assaulted by a kiss. Before I can react, the attacker throws me onto the bed. And then the attacker straddles my hip. Making me able to take a good look at the attacker. My lips twitch as I find Roxy on top of me. While she looks at me with hunger and lust in her eyes.

Sighing, I get up and greet her with a kiss. Excited, Roxy promptly takes off both of our clothes. And then we proceed to have sex for a while. Thankfully, I'm managing to control myself this time. So it won't drag on some more time. It's all thanks to the training I went through with Nicole. Tired, Roxy cuddles beside me with satisfaction. Smirking, she hugs me tighter and whispers, "umm, I knew you would come to me, Ray." Smiling, I'm confidently nodding. While I warp my arm around her neck, "of course, I'm going to come. After all, you are the one calling me, right?"

Blushing, Roxy hugs me tighter while burying her head in my chest. Curious, I pat her head and ask, "anyway, why did you invite me here?" Sighing, she draws a circle on my chest, "well, to tell you the truth. I heard from Larry. That you have a high talent in gambling. So, I decided to invite you here. To show you how the Aces operate. And try to win you over by any means necessary." Her face suddenly turns bitter. As she clenches her fist and sighs, "alas, unfortunately. All of our Aces dead in that battle."

Patting my chest, Roxy looks at me. With a gaze filled with love, "thankfully, you have come here. I'm nearly getting desperate if you didn't." I cock an eyebrow, "what happens if I'm not coming?" Smiling, she dryly answers, "we will use our spare Aces, of course." Sighing, she shakes her head, "but alas, they aren't as good as their predecessor thought. And from what I've seen, they aren't even half good as you. To tell you the truth. I have steeled my resolve if I lose." Holding me tighter, she's pleading with me, "so, please can you help me?"

Closing my eyes, I hesitate for a moment. But feeling Roxy's gaze, I finally relented with a sigh, "Okay, I will help you out." Beaming with excitement. She's hugging my head tightly to her chest, "thank you, Ray!" Helpless, I struggle while speaking in a muffled tone, "mmmm!" Embarrassed, she quickly let me go. Breathless, I take a deep breath, asking, "anyway, what do I need to do?" Breathing a sigh of relief, she replies, "Well, it's easy. You are going to follow me for some meetings. And When push comes to shove. I'm going to need you to play a game or two."

Well, that is easy enough, but I need to ask for more info. Frowning, I ask, "so, what kind of game do I play?" Hesitating for a bit, she shakes her head, "I don't know. The game is chosen at random. But most likely, it would be a game of poker." I'm speechless as her explanation didn't help at all. I let out a sigh filled with helplessness, asking, "so, when do we leave then?" Bewildered, she's looking at me oddly, "eh, we already sailed to the Island an hour go thought." Shocked, I get up and check the windows. As she said, we are already in the middle of the ocean.

Creeping up behind me, Roxy playfully claps her hand, startling me. She smirks with satisfaction, seeing my reaction, "anyway, why don't we relax a bit and eat some snacks. While we are waiting for the ship to arrive at our destination?" Seeing as there's nothing to do here, I nod. Smiling, she claps her hand a few times. Soon after, a group of maids comes out of nowhere. And start dressing us up while preparing a small table with refreshment on top of it. While we were waiting for the ship to arrive at its destination.

We pass the time by having afternoon tea in the room. While relaxing, I take the chance to take a closer look at the room. Because of what happened, I haven't checked the room yet. The room is pretty spacious for a ship cabin. And with extravagant decorations dotted around the room. Frowning, I wonder how did she get so rich. There's no way a boss of a crime gang has all this money. She's looking at me curiously, "hmm, you seem troubled. What happens?" I hesitate to speak my mind for a bit, "well. I have some doubts. I wonder if I can ask you something?"

Curious, Roxy nods with a smile, "do not be shy. Go ahead and ask me anything." I directly ask about how she seems pretty rich for a mob boss. Chuckling, she leans down and whispers, "oh, that you might not know this. But I am the granddaughter of the Boston mafia godfather." Taken aback, I stand up. While my eyes go wide in surprise, "what?!" She silently looks at me with a bitter smile. Realizing my mistake, I sit down and apologize, "sorry for my rude behavior." Sighing, she waves her hand, "you don't need to apologize. Anyway, why don't you tell me about yourselves?"

Smiling, I nod and shake her hand, "sure, we have not introduced ourselves properly after all. My name is Ray, Ray McAllister. I'm fifteen years old, a high school student at South Boston high school." Closing her gaping mouth. Roxy's eyes go wide in surprise, "oh, wow, I know you were young. But I never thought you were still in high school." I awkwardly laugh while scratching my head in embarrassment. Then I quickly try to change the topic, "anyway, can you tell me about yourself then?" She nods with a smile, "sure. My name is Roxy Roswell. I am 22 years old and currently the boss of the Boston Rose gang."

Coking an eyebrow, I curiously ask, "umm, how did you become a gang boss?" Smiling, Roxy strokes her chin for a moment, "well, I would say I'm taking over the family business." Intrigue, I lean down and ask, "oh, how so?" Sipping a cup of tea, she says, "a couple years ago, my father suddenly died of a heart attack. Since then, I've taken over the gang. On the behest of my Grandfather." I ask further while eating a cookie that has been provided, "umm, it must be hard leading the gang alone, right?" Smiling, she puts down the cup and shakes her head, "not at all."

Sighing, Roxy looks out of the window with a smile, "to tell you the truth. Thanks to Larry's help, I have a relatively easy time leading the gang." A sudden knock interrupts our conversation. Frowning, she shouts at the door, "come on in!" A gang member comes inside with a respectful bow, "Boss, we will arrive at our destination shortly." Surprise, she nods at him, "oh, it's time already? Thank you for your service. Please get back to your post." The man left the room with another respectful bow, "yes, boss!" She apologetically looks at me, "what a pity, looks like our conversation must be cut short."

Shrugging my shoulder, I say, "why don't we talk some more later, then? And maybe we'll meet again sometimes?" Coking an eyebrow, Roxy looks at me with a toothy grin. While resting her chin on her hand, "oh, is that an invitation for a date?" I'm getting flustered for a moment. Blushing, I scratch the back of my head, "um, well. Sure, if that is what you wanted." She's clasping her hand in joy, "oh, that will be great! I will call you whenever I have the time!" Suddenly the sound of the ship horn interrupts us. As our destination can finally be seen from the windows.