


—Well, he's all gone. You can kill me now —McCreery says indifferently.

—Looks like it's your lucky day, we're not going to kill you, but that doesn't mean you're still alive —the humanoid replies.

—What are you talking about? —McCreery asks confusedly.

—One of the worlds just collapsed and it will fall into a time loop in a few hours, so you have to avoid this happening at all costs or solve the loop —explains the humanoid.

—You're just going to change my slaughterhouse —McCreery says sarcastically.

—It's a way of looking at it, but anyway it's a solution for us and a possible opportunity for you not to die, it's all up to you. So pay attention, the only way to end a loop is to solve the things that came wrong without dying because you will die for eternity over and over again if you don't do your job right and who knows if you hurry maybe you can help your teammate —explains the humanoid.