
When The Devil Adores The Angel: The Fallen

Following the tumultuous war incident in Bethlehem, Lucifer, infamous as the Devil, bore the weight of his dark and malevolent reputation. Yet, an unforeseen twist of fate unfolded as he crossed paths with Jophiel, the archangel of beauty, also hope, charm, and love. Their destinies, once divergent, became entwined anew by the red strings of fate, initiating an extraordinary metamorphosis within Lucifer. Gradually, a profound transformation overcame him, ushering forth a refined persona, one defined by empathy and compassion. In a dramatic defiance of his sinister nature, Lucifer evolved into a gentleman of unparalleled grace, thereby challenging the very essence of his diabolical identity.

CharleeMaigne · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 7.1: Confront and Battlefront

Yet, Bael, one of the high-ranking devils, was undeterred by Amenadiel's prowess. He summoned the dark essence of Wrath and conjured a sinister projectile—a "Dark Ball of Souls." With a malevolent grin, Bael unleashed a torrent of these dark orbs towards Amenadiel, forcing the Archangel to weave through the deadly onslaught.

A confrontation between the two seemed inevitable, as Amenadiel closed the distance, dodging the relentless assault. However, just as he was about to engage Bael, another adversary, Belial, emerged from the shadows, wielding the power of Sloth. In a deft display of magic, Belial cast the insidious spell, "Fiend's Grip," which ensnared Amenadiel's very essence.

Amenadiel found himself immobilized, his movements restricted by the relentless grip of Belial's dark magic. He grimaced as the spell exacted its toll, causing heavy damage to his celestial form. It was a dire situation, and the Archangel's options appeared limited.

Fortunately, Gabriel, ever vigilant and protective of his comrades, swooped down to his aid. He hurled his mighty spear towards Belial, who deftly stepped aside to avoid the attack. Just as it seemed Gabriel's effort had been in vain, Astaroth, another devil in their midst, unleashed a surprise barrage of energy projectiles that threatened to overwhelm the Archangels.

However, Raphael, the master of divine magic, was ready to intervene. He pointed his staff towards Gabriel and Amenadiel and invoked the "Temperance of God: Heavenly Grace." The radiant aura of divine protection enveloped the two Archangels, rendering the enemy's attacks powerless against them.

Yet, Dagon, the sinister devil of Envy, seized the opportunity. He materialized behind Raphael and launched his own assault—an onslaught of piercing arrows that threatened to pierce the Archangel's defenses. Raphael's surprise was evident, and he had little time to react.

In that critical moment, Amenadiel extended his divine power, invoking the "Will of God: Single Time Pause." The world around them seemed to slow, and the arrow field moved sluggishly through the air. With this newfound advantage, Raphael managed to evade the impending threat, and Gabriel swiftly carried Amenadiel to safety.

Together, they made a dash towards the passage, their escape imminent. Yet, Amaymon, the relentless high-ranking devil, had one final move to make. He hurled his axe, imbued with a searing red energy, towards the ceiling. The impact caused the land above to collapse, sealing off the passage just as the Archangels reached it.

With their escape route blocked and their adversaries sealing the other passage, guarded by Dagon's Skeleton Armies, the Archangels found themselves trapped in a precarious situation.

"You've been trapped now, angels," Astaroth declared with a sinister grin, his voice dripping with malice. "What are you going to do now?" he goaded, reveling in the perceived helplessness of his celestial adversaries.

But Gabriel, unwavering in his resolve, had no intention of succumbing to despair. With a graceful motion, he summoned a gleaming silver javelin into his open palm. With a gentle swipe, he traced a radiant line upon the ground, and the very earth beneath them quivered and cracked in response. The display of celestial power left Amenadiel momentarily awestruck, and he exchanged a meaningful glance with Raphael.

"I'll go along," Amenadiel affirmed, determination etched across his features as he prepared to join Gabriel in their charge against the high-ranking devils.

"Charge!" Dagon roared, rallying his fellow devils to face the impending onslaught of the Archangels. The clash that followed was nothing short of cataclysmic, as the celestial and infernal forces collided with devastating force.

Gabriel, Amenadiel, and Raphael charged forward with unwavering resolve, engaging their adversaries head-on. Amidst the chaos of battle, Amenadiel defied gravity itself, running upon the very walls of the mountain, while Astaroth and Bael unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks upon him.

Gabriel locked in a fierce spar with Amaymon, their celestial and infernal powers clashing in a dazzling display of might. Meanwhile, Raphael, Belial, and Dagon cast spells that rained down upon the battlefield, causing untold devastation as their magical forces collided.

The tumultuous battle between angels and devils raged on, creating an inferno of chaos and destruction upon the ground. 

As the intense battle raged on, Amenadiel executed a daring maneuver, hitting the ground with precision and dashing through the chaotic fray towards where Gabriel and Raphael stood. With each step, he left a wake of confusion and chaos among the high-ranking devils who chased him.

Gabriel and Raphael, ever vigilant and attuned to Amenadiel's plan, shared a knowing eye-contact that spoke volumes in the heat of battle. They were fully prepared to synchronize their efforts.

Amenadiel reached their designated rendezvous point on their radar, and Gabriel wasted no time in rushing towards him. At the same moment, Raphael ascended into the air, taking to the skies to complete their strategic formation.

Gabriel's clenched fist began to emit a radiant glow, an otherworldly power surging through him. As he neared Amenadiel, the two Archangels met in perfect unison, their energies harmonizing with a purpose. Then, with unparalleled speed, they leaped off each other's backs, propelling themselves upward and outward with incredible force.

High above, the high-ranking devils were taken aback by the unexpected maneuver, their attention drawn to the ascending Archangels. The moment was ripe for Gabriel to unleash his celestial power.

"Strength of God: Storm Fist!" Gabriel declared with unwavering resolve.

A magical gauntlet materialized upon his fist, radiating divine energy. He directed his attack towards the heart of the enemy formation, unleashing a devastating blow that not only dealt immense damage but also left the devils in its vicinity stunned and incapacitated.

Simultaneously, within the sphere of influence created by Amenadiel's divine intervention, chaos reigned. Time itself seemed to bend as Amenadiel invoked his power.

"Will of God: Chronosphere!" Amenadiel proclaimed.

Within the blister in spacetime he had created, all the high-ranking devils trapped within were subjected to the relentless onslaught of Amenadiel's lightning-quick attacks. As the sphere eventually dissipated, the devils found themselves knocked down and battered, their ranks significantly depleted by the combined might of the Archangels.

Amidst the chaos and destruction of their fierce battle against the high-ranking devils, Raphael suddenly called out, his voice carrying the urgency of their situation.

"The passage!" Raphael exclaimed, his words a clarion call to action.

With unwavering determination, the Archangels understood the gravity of the moment. As they continued their rapid flight towards the passage that would lead them out of the Third Circle, Gabriel took upon himself the role of a stalwart leader. He summoned the formidable power of his celestial might.

"Strength of God: Warcry!" Gabriel's voice reverberated with an inspiring resonance as he heartened his comrades, infusing them with renewed vigor and courage.

Their spirits fortified by Gabriel's rallying cry, the Archangels surged forward with unyielding determination. As they approached the passage, Gabriel once again unleashed the radiant power of his magical gauntlet. With a single, forceful strike, he shattered the ruins that had blocked their way, obliterating any impediments that dared to hinder their escape.

The passage's way was opened once more, a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil of Hell's circles. The Archangels flew through it with unwavering resolve, leaving the chaos and devastation of the Third Circle behind them.

Unbeknownst to them, Beelzebub, one of the infernal rulers, had witnessed the entirety of their battle, shrouded in secrecy.

The frantic sprint through the treacherous landscape of Hell continued for Michael, Uriel, and Camael, their every step fraught with peril as the two relentless dragons closed in on them. Their eyes scanned the desolation for any possible escape, and their hearts raced with the knowledge that danger lurked at their heels.

Then, like a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, they spotted a narrow passage beckoning to them. Without a moment's hesitation, they veered to the left, their desperation urging them forward. However, in the chaos of their flight, Camael encountered an unexpected obstacle. She slipped, her clothing ensnared by a jagged rock, leaving her momentarily trapped.

But Camael was not one to yield easily. With determination burning in her eyes, she swiftly regained her footing, though her clothes remained entangled. The dragons were closing in fast, their fiery breath hot on their heels.

Uriel, driven by unwavering loyalty, made the split-second decision to rush back and assist Camael. With a deft hand, Michael faced the approaching dragons, fully prepared to confront the formidable adversaries.

"Like of God: Heavenly Push!" Michael's voice rang out, his words infused with the divine power he wielded. He unleashed a radiant Golden Magnetic Force that surged forward, enveloping the dragons within its irresistible pull. Maevnussut and the other dragon, momentarily caught in its grip, were sent hurtling backward, their colossal forms struggling against the powerful force.

As they were cast away, Maevnussut unleashed a massive torrent of flames in their direction, the inferno billowing out like a tempest. Yet, Uriel, ever resourceful, harnessed her celestial abilities to control and consume the flames, leaving the dragon stunned and disoriented.

With the dragons momentarily subdued, Michael turned his attention back to his comrades. In a swift and skillful motion, he ripped away the part of Camael's clothing that had become ensnared on the jagged rock. They wasted no time, for they knew that the dragons would soon recover and resume their relentless pursuit.

Together, they resumed their desperate flight, their footsteps echoing in the narrow passage. Behind them, the dragons unleashed a final, desperate onslaught. Flames and poison surged forth, striking the top of the rocky passage, causing it to crumble and collapse in their wake.

The passage was sealed, leaving the dragons behind as the Archangels pressed forward, their mission to rescue Jophiel and confront the malevolent forces of Hell driving them deeper into the perilous unknown.

Maevnussut, the formidable dragon of Hell, couldn't contain his frustration. His colossal form seethed with irritation as he vented his anger, his thunderous voice echoing through the desolate landscape.

"You moron! We've almost got them!" Maevnussut bellowed in a fit of frustration, his fiery eyes ablaze with anger. His massive tail lashed out in an agitated sweep, sending shockwaves through the scorched earth.

Beside him, Shyrlonay, the other dragon, regarded her companion with a certain air of detachment. Her response was calm and measured, her words carrying a sense of nonchalance despite the dire circumstances.

"Such a dramatic Lizard," Shyrlonay remarked, her reptilian features betraying no hint of concern. She cast a dismissive glance in Maevnussut's direction, as if assuring him that their prey had merely encountered a momentary inconvenience.

"Don't worry," she assured him with a sardonic smile, "they're dealing with a nuisance foe."

The Archangels, their pace now more measured after their harrowing escape from the pursuing dragons, continued to move through the narrow passage they had entered. They navigated the dimly lit, winding corridors of Hell with a cautious determination, their thoughts still echoing with the adrenaline of their recent encounter.

Concerned for their fellow Archangel, Uriel turned to Camael, her voice filled with genuine care. "Are you alright, Camael?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting her worry.

Camael, her spirits undaunted despite the close call with the dragons, offered a reassuring response. "Yeah-yeah, I'm good," she chuckled lightly. "I almost got it back there."

Michael, his thoughts drawn to the relentless pursuit they had faced, remarked with a note of incredulity, "I never thought that a dragon could unleash poison that could melt even the land."

Uriel, her gaze fixed ahead as they walked, nodded in agreement. "Hell has certainly surprised us in many ways," she mused.

As they emerged from the passage into a different circle of Hell, they were greeted by a tumultuous and cacophonous scene. The sounds of battle filled the air, the clashing of swords, the shouts of warriors, and the explosive eruptions of conflict reverberated around them.

Michael, his celestial insight guiding him, identified their surroundings. "Definitely the Fifth Circle: Anger," he declared, his voice tinged with a sense of gravity.

Uriel surveyed their new environment, her eyes falling upon a landscape of chaos and destruction. "I don't see any kind of altar here," she observed, her gaze taking in the wreckage of ships and war tanks that littered the landscape.

Michael offered a precise explanation, his knowledge of the infernal circles evident. "It tells us that the wrathful and angry souls of this circle spend eternity waging battle," he said with a solemn nod.

In the fiery chaos of the Fifth Circle of Hell, the Archangels faced yet another perilous challenge. As they made their way through the relentless battleground of wrathful souls, their path was suddenly disrupted by the unexpected trajectory of a ship's cannonball. Reacting swiftly, they leaped from the cliff's edge just as the cannonball struck the ground below, sending tremors of destruction in its wake.

A massive ruined landmass teetered precariously above Uriel, its descent perilously close to her. In the nick of time, Camael extended her celestial powers, conjuring a protective projection net that deftly intercepted the falling debris. Uriel, saved from the impending danger, expressed her gratitude.

"Thanks, Camael!" Uriel exclaimed, relief evident in her voice.

Camael, her actions driven by both duty and camaraderie, offered a playful response. "Just a payback for earlier," she said with a friendly knuckle bump.

Once safely grounded, the Archangels found themselves encircled by the wrathful souls, their angry and vengeful gazes fixed upon the celestial intruders. Michael, ever the strategist, assessed the situation with a wry sense of humor.

"Okay, what a pleasing stare they gave us," he quipped, acknowledging the hostile reception.

As the furious souls brandished their weapons and launched themselves into a frenzied charge, the Archangels took to the skies, gracefully dodging the attacks. Michael, still focused on their mission, outlined their immediate objective.

"Our plan right now is to find another passage and get out of here," he declared with authority.

Uriel, her eyes scanning the chaotic terrain, voiced her concerns. "It's kind of hard to find, as this place is surrounded by a forest, and there are too many rage souls here."

Camael suggested a moment of respite and strategy. "Let's pause for a moment and find a passage while avoiding those fellows," she proposed.

Michael, ever vigilant, issued a word of caution. "Be cautious. We don't know if that Arch Demon of Wrath will appear anywhere else."

The Archangels, each with a mission to fulfill and a friend to protect, embarked on separate paths, each guided by their own instincts and celestial abilities. Michael ventured into the depths of the towering trees, Uriel scaled the rugged mountain terrain, and Camael traversed the treacherous swamp.

In the midst of the fiery turmoil of the Fifth Circle, Michael found himself standing amidst the wreckage of a once-mighty tree. Its body was charred and consumed by red flames, casting an eerie glow upon the eerily silent surroundings. The Archangel's senses tingled with an inexplicable presence, as if high-ranking devils—or something—were nearby.

As he turned to investigate the source of the footsteps that had momentarily caught his attention, a sudden chill ran down his celestial spine. The once-steady rhythm of footsteps ceased abruptly, leaving only an unsettling stillness in their wake. Michael remained poised, his celestial senses on high alert.

In the next instant, the very tree he had been examining sprang to life with a fiery burst, and two high-ranking devils emerged from its smoldering remains. Michael reacted with lightning speed, leaping backward to evade the devils' fiery attacks. However, his respite was short-lived, for the two high-ranking devils continued to assail him with relentless fury.

Unfazed, Michael swiftly drew his celestial sword and shield, ready to confront this formidable onslaught. As the devils closed in, an unleashed demonic power occurs.

"Sin of Pride: Electricity Manipulation."

A cascade of electric shocks surged forth, crackling and sizzling through the air. The high-ranking devils were met with an electrifying defense as Michael's sword sliced through their incoming attacks, dispersing them in a brilliant display of divine power. Yet, the battle had only just begun.

One of the high-ranking devils, named Mundus, lunged at Michael with tremendous force, its flaming power ready to engulf him. In a swift move, Michael intercepted Mundus's attack, grasping the devil's fiery form with his celestial strength. However, before he could react further, a powerful impact wave struck him, taking him by surprise. Michael staggered backward, momentarily thrown off balance.

"Sin of Wrath: Dark Point Strike."

Dis, another of the relentless high-ranking devils, unleashed a malevolent arrow imbued with a dark and sinister aura. Michael, now on his feet, reacted with astonishing agility. He dodged the arrow's deadly trajectory, just in time for it to collide with the ground. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the fiery landscape.

As the shockwaves rippled through the fiery landscape, Michael gracefully landed on the scorched ground. The high-ranking devils, Mundus and Dis, advanced confidently toward him, their arrogance thinly veiled by their fiery visages.

Mundus, his voice dripping with contempt, taunted, "Do you think we're afraid of you, Archangel Michael? We're well aware of your former rivalry with our 'late' king, Lucifer."

Dis chimed in with a sinister laugh, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Indeed, dealing with you right now is positively thrilling. We can hardly contain our excitement to rid ourselves of each and every one of you archangels."

In the midst of this perilous confrontation, Michael's mind raced. He recalled the sage advice given to him by Uriel before their journey to Netherus: "Michael, be cautious. Those high-ranking devils possess infuriating healing abilities, a divine gift originating from Lucifer himself."

The realization struck him like a bolt of divine lightning. Lucifer's divine healing, a potent ability that flowed through his very essence, had been shared with Lilith and extended to the high-ranking devils. It was a formidable force to reckon with, one that granted them resilience beyond mortal comprehension.

Mundus and Dis charged at Michael with relentless fury, their fiery forms surging toward him like a pair of fiery meteors hurtling through the infernal skies. Michael, however, remained steadfast, his calm demeanor contrasting sharply with the burning intensity of Hell's high-ranking devils.

As they closed in on him, Michael swiftly knelt, raising his hands high into the air. A radiant light emanated from his fingertips, forming intricate, ancient runes that swirled with celestial power.

"Like of God: Ancient Seal," he intoned, his voice resonating with divine authority.

The runes glowed brilliantly, encircling Mundus and Dis and sealing their infernal abilities, rendering them powerless to strike him. Their furious attacks, once menacingly aimed at the archangel, now faltered, their strength sapped by the ethereal seal. Michael seized this opportunity to evade their reach, springing into the air with graceful ease.

"Like of God: Arcane Bolt," Michael invoked, conjuring a slow-moving bolt of arcane energy. The bolt inched its way toward Mundus and Dis, their slowed movements making them easy targets. Michael's agile kick sent them tumbling into the surrounding trees, their forms crashing to the earth.

As the ancient seal gradually waned, Mundus, his anger unabated, raised his hands high. "Sin of Pride: Stone Manipulation," he bellowed, summoning meteors to rain down from the fiery heavens. Large boulders hurtled toward Michael's location, threatening to crush him beneath their formidable weight. With his wings unfurled, Michael soared nimbly away, deftly avoiding the plummeting stones.

Suddenly, Dis materialized in front of him, his sinister presence unsettling. "Sin of Wrath: Void," Dis hissed, casting a malevolent spell that conjured a menacing void. The void slowed Michael's movements and inflicted pain upon him, making each step a struggle. Dis seized Michael's foot and hurled him toward Mundus, who was ready to strike.

With a swift and powerful motion, Mundus lunged at Michael, his attack charged with demonic energy. "Sin of Pride: Demonic Energy Manipulation," he snarled, projecting a devastating surge of red energy from his eyes and hands. The fiery needles raced toward Michael, threatening to consume him.

However, Michael's golden wings radiated with divine power. He invoked his final defense, "Like of God: Repellence," causing his wings to glow brilliantly. When the red energy needles struck, they rebounded with incredible force, striking Mundus with his own malevolent energy.

As Mundus recoiled from the self-inflicted harm, his arms steaming from the impact, Michael rose to his full height, determination blazing in his eyes. "I'll end this," he declared, ready to confront the high-ranking devils with unwavering resolve.

Mundus and Dis, their bravado momentarily shattered, found themselves unable to retaliate as Michael's divine powers surged forth. The archangel's calm determination was a stark contrast to their newfound vulnerability.

"Like of God: Concussive Shot," Michael uttered calmly, his words carrying the weight of celestial authority.

Without warning, a short-range shot erupted from his hand, targeting Mundus and Dis with pinpoint accuracy. The high-ranking devils were caught off guard, unable to muster any defenses or cast their malevolent spells. The concussive force struck them, causing them to grunt in pain as they were forcefully silenced.

As if that weren't enough, Michael unleashed his ultimate magical prowess, "Like of God: Mystic Flare." A dazzling, violent field of mystical energy enveloped Mundus and Dis, tearing through their forms and leaving them incapacitated. Their bodies smoldered as their inherent healing abilities struggled to mend the damage, but they remained unconscious and defenseless.

With a victorious glance at his fallen adversaries, Michael acknowledged the astute insight of Uriel. "Your healing abilities are such a nuisance," he quipped, his confidence unwavering. But the urgency of his mission took precedence over the defeated devils.

"I don't have the time to deal with you now. Jophiel is the priority above all," Michael declared, his wings returning to their serene radiance as he soared away, determined to rescue his fellow archangel.

Camael ventured alone through the dense swamp, her elegant wings occasionally brushing against the tall grasses as she moved. The wildlife in the vicinity seemed to recognize her celestial presence, their instincts guiding them to retreat cautiously as she passed.

"This is proving to be quite the challenge," she mused to herself, her blade slicing through the stubborn undergrowth that threatened to obscure her path. The swamp was unforgiving, its thick vegetation testing her resolve with every step.

Camael's determined journey continued, her focus unwavering. She persisted in her efforts to carve a passage, determined to find a way through the tangled web of nature's obstacles. However, her luck took a sudden turn when a massive tree tumbled in her direction, catching her off guard.

"Ouch," she winced, rubbing her head where it had collided with the fallen tree. Her tone was less than pleased as she eyed the massive obstacle before her. The swamp had certainly presented her with a formidable challenge.

Camael swiftly conjured a projection saw, her determination undeterred by the chaos around her. She positioned herself to finish cutting the massive fallen tree that had obstructed her path, determined to clear her way through this challenging swamp.

As the saw sliced through the thick wood, an unexpected shockwave rippled through the land, causing Camael to lose her balance momentarily. Before she could react, a high-ranking devil named Pythius charged at her, driven by a sinister hunger for combat. Camael blocked his initial attack with her projection saw and then gracefully leaped backward, her wings propelling her into the air.

Pythius, however, was relentless. He closed the distance between them with uncanny speed, claws extended menacingly. With lightning-fast reflexes, he unleashed a series of rapid strikes, aiming to catch Camael off guard.

Camael's movements were as elegant as they were precise, her angelic agility allowing her to evade Pythius's vicious onslaught. She danced through the air, gracefully avoiding each swipe, her focus never wavering.

As Pythius relentlessly attacked Camael, their battle raged on. The high-ranking devil taunted the archangel as he continued his flurry of strikes, his claws slicing through the air with menacing speed.

"What's the matter, archangel? Can't you make an attack?" Pythius jeered, his words punctuating his relentless assault.

Camael, focused and composed, expertly deflected and evaded each of Pythius's strikes with precision and grace. She realized that she needed to change her approach if she wanted to gain the upper hand in this battle. Breaking free from Pythius's relentless onslaught, she decided to create some distance between them.

"I should get out of his radar first and counterattack," Camael thought as she ascended into the air, her magnificent wings carrying her above the ground. Her eyes remained fixed on her adversary as she hovered, evaluating the situation.

From her elevated position, Camael spotted the fallen tree that had been her initial obstacle. It had been her intent to clear a path, but now it seemed like the perfect opportunity to use it to her advantage.

With a sly smile, Camael lowered herself to the ground and clenched her fists, summoning a projection gauntlet into her hands. Her intent was clear: she was ready to demonstrate her own prowess in physical combat.

Pythius, still confident and smirking, remained unaware of Camael's change in strategy.

As the dust cleared and Pythius looked around in confusion, he couldn't find any trace of Camael. It seemed like she had vanished into thin air. Pythius's frustration grew as he scoured the area, searching for any sign of the archangel.

Unknown to him, Camael had utilized her angelic abilities to teleport and reposition herself during the chaos of the battle. She now observed Pythius from a distance, planning her next move carefully.

"Appear and disappear. That's the trick," Camael thought to herself, maintaining her focus on the high-ranking devil. She knew that surprise and strategy would be her allies in this fight.

Pythius continued to grow more agitated, unable to locate his elusive opponent. Little did he know that Camael was ready to strike again when the opportunity presented itself.

Camael stood there, her expression unyielding as she addressed Pythius. "Okay, that's done," she declared, her projection saw vanishing from her grasp.

Pythius couldn't hide his frustration. He scowled at Camael, his anger simmering just below the surface. "Are you trying to mock me?" he growled, his pride wounded by the swift defeat of his plan.

Camael quickly turned around to address Pythius, her words coming out with genuine concern. "No! If that's what you feel, then I apologize for that. It's just that..." She paused, her hands reaching for her head in distress. "My mind was just occupied with this tree," she explained, her eyes fixed on the fallen giant. "I'm just sad that this tree has fallen after standing tall for millennia." A sense of melancholy filled her voice as she spoke, and she genuinely felt sorrow for the ancient tree.

But Pythius had little patience for sentimentality. He was growing increasingly annoyed with Camael's words and actions, and he didn't hesitate to demonstrate his frustration.

"Enough!" he barked, his irritation evident in his voice.

In a sudden burst of rage, Pythius invoked his demonic abilities. His claws extended further, his entire body was enveloped in a fiery red aura, and his eyes turned black, glowing with an ominous energy. A demonic growl escaped his lips, echoing through the swamp.

Camael could only watch in shock as Pythius transformed into a furious force of nature, his presence now resembling that of a raging bear, his anger palpable in the air. She couldn't help but mutter to herself, "Now he's mad like a bear."

Pythius roared demonically, his newfound power radiating from him, and he charged toward Camael with relentless fury.

"Oops," she muttered, realizing that she was in for a formidable battle.

Pythius charged relentlessly at Camael, his fury unabated. Camael, however, remained composed and calculated. As Pythius closed in, she swiftly moved into action. Placing her hand on her back, Camael prepared to confront the enraged devil.

In a daring move, Camael ran toward Pythius, closing the gap between them rapidly. With a graceful leap, she vaulted onto Pythius's back, her projection whip at the ready. In a flash, she secured the whip around Pythius's form, clinging to him as he thrashed and shook in a frenzied attempt to dislodge her.

"Hey, you're hurting yourself," Camael called out to the raging Pythius as he slammed himself into the trees, his attempts to remove her growing increasingly desperate.

But Pythius was beyond reason, his roars and demonic fury echoing through the swamp.

Camael, ever vigilant, noticed that they were headed toward the treacherous swamp. Realizing the danger, she swiftly untied her projection whip and leaped off Pythius's back just in time. Pythius, driven by his relentless pursuit, failed to react in time, and he plummeted off the cliff, crashing into the murky waters of the swamp below.

Camael breathed a sigh of relief, thinking Pythius had met his end in the watery depths. "Ah, he got drowned," she remarked with a hint of modesty.

But to her astonishment, Pythius emerged from the swamp, revealing his true devilish form. Camael couldn't help but be startled. "Jeez! Don't startle me like that!" she exclaimed, her surprise evident.

Pythius, still panting heavily, confronted her, his voice filled with frustration. "It seems you're really making fun of me and not taking me seriously."

Camael, displaying a touch of humor, retorted, "Are you trying to court me?"

Pythius, his fury undiminished, growled heavily as he declared his intent to end Camael. Dark orange claws emerged once more from his hands, ready to strike with deadly force.

"Sin of Despair: Demonic Fury Swipes!" Pythius unleashed a barrage of razor-sharp claw strikes, each blow carrying immense destructive power. The claws struck Camael with a devastating explosion, and when the smoke cleared, it seemed as though she had been obliterated.

However, to Pythius's astonishment, Camael's shadow remained standing amidst the dissipating smoke. The true Camael emerged from the concealed position, revealing her resilience.

"What?" Pythius was taken aback by her unexpected survival.

Camael fixed her intimidating gaze upon the bewildered devil, who instinctively readied himself for her next move.

"Fortitude of God: Chronobreak!" Camael shattered her clone timeline, allowing her clone to approach Pythius. He leaped onto the clone, but to his dismay, he found himself moving in slow motion. "Why did I move so slowly?" Pythius wondered aloud.

Camael merged her clone back into her distortion field, generating a colossal energy ball. With a mighty throw, she launched it at Pythius. The resulting explosion was cataclysmic, sending Pythius hurtling into the swamp. His body, steaming from the intense heat, disappeared beneath the murky waters, where he met his apparent demise.

"Okay," Camael said with determination, her victory secured. She swiftly resumed her quest, continuing to search for a passage to escape the treacherous swamp.

Uriel made her way atop the towering mountains, her steps deliberate and measured. Below, the swamp stretched out, a nightmarish landscape filled with the souls of the wrathful. The tumultuous anger of the damned souls seemed to echo in the stillness of the air.

As she continued her ascent, Uriel's keen eyes spotted a peculiar sight—a hole in the mountainside. Without hesitation, she unfurled her majestic wings and took to the air, descending into the enigmatic abyss.

Within the mountain's depths, she was met with the mesmerizing dance of ravaging fires and overflowing lava, a stark contrast to the chaos she had left behind in the swamp. Emerging from the subterranean passage, Uriel ignited an orange flare, sending a signal to the skies above. Her fellow archangels, Michael and Camael, noticed the radiant beacon from afar and hastened to join her.

"Such a coincidence, Michael!" Camael exclaimed upon their rendezvous.

"I'm sure that's from Uriel's flare. Perhaps she found a passage on that mountain," Michael deduced.

Camael nodded in agreement. "We better hurry," she declared, taking the lead as she soared forward, with Michael following closely.

As they ventured onward, Uriel confirmed her discovery, pointing to a hidden passage that beckoned within the mountainside. The revelation brought a sense of hope, tempered by the uncertainty of what they might find within the Sixth Circle of Heresy.

"I hope Jophiel was there," Michael voiced the collective hope of their trio.

"I hope too," Camael whispered softly, their determination and worry etched on their faces.

The archangels ventured further into the passage, leaving the chaotic swamp behind them. But their journey led them into a realm of fiery turmoil, where molten lava flowed unchecked, and flames danced with an infernal fervor. Camael's astonishment was palpable as she hesitated, instinctively stepping back from the scorching heat.

However, Uriel, the serene and steadfast archangel, ventured forth without fear. She walked gracefully through the searing flames, her form untouched by the fire's embrace. Michael couldn't help but wonder at her immunity to the blistering inferno that surrounded them.

Their silent contemplation was abruptly interrupted by an echoing laugh that reverberated through the fiery cavern. The archangels swiftly turned their attention to the source of the laughter, their senses on high alert.

"Isn't the Light of God stepping on my flames?" a sinister voice taunted, and in a flicker of dark energy, Mephistopheles, the malevolent high-ranking devil, emerged from the shadows, accompanied by his retinue of devilish followers.

Michael's eyes caught sight of a passage above, a potential escape route that beckoned to them. But Uriel, with her unwavering determination, sensed the urgency of their current situation.

"I see it too, Michael," she acknowledged, her gaze never leaving Mephistopheles. "But first, we have to stop this one."

With a sinister glint in his eyes, Mephistopheles addressed his devilish followers. "Don't worry, Light of God, I'll let those two pass by," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "There's someone who will take care of them, and I want this archangel to be ashamed of what she has done to me."

Uriel, her gaze unwavering, met Mephistopheles's deathly stare without flinching. "Oh, you've really taken that personally, haven't you?" she responded, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Burning me by a fire is what really humiliates my existence as an inheritor of flames."

As Mephistopheles conjured a searing blaze in his hands, the tension in the cavern escalated. Flames of immense intensity roared from his fingertips as he aimed to engulf Uriel in his fiery wrath. With unwavering determination, Uriel raised her defenses.

"Light of God: Majestic Flame!"

A radiant and majestic flame erupted from Uriel's outstretched hands, meeting Mephistopheles's inferno in a cataclysmic clash. The very air around them seemed to sizzle and tremble as the two opposing forces collided.

Michael and Camael, urged by their sense of duty and the urgency of their mission, watched this fiery duel for a brief moment. With a nod of acknowledgment, they soared upward, leaving Uriel to confront Mephistopheles alone, determined to continue their quest to rescue Jophiel.

The fiery battleground crackled with anticipation as Uriel, her hair transformed into flickering flames, and Mephistopheles, the master of infernos, prepared to engage in a relentless duel of elemental mastery. Their faces were etched with determination as they confronted each other amidst the searing backdrop of blazing cavern walls.

With an eerie smirk, Mephistopheles acknowledged Uriel's fiery resolve. "Such a wise woman," he sneered, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. The devils in his company, eager to witness the spectacle, were momentarily held back as Mephistopheles sought to confront Uriel alone.

Summoning his immense power, Mephistopheles raised his hands, his form levitating as he harnessed the raging flames of the infernal circle below. The fiery tempest swirled around him, merging into a colossal conflagration that mirrored his sinister aura. With a dramatic flourish, he sent the flames cascading toward Uriel, who awaited the fiery tidal wave with a serene smile.

"Sin of Despair: Heatblast!"

Mephistopheles unleashed the full force of his fiery might, launching a devastating torrent of flames directly at Uriel. The flames, fierce and unrelenting, crashed into the circle, instantly transforming it into a surging sea of molten fire that consumed everything in its path, including Uriel herself.

Within this maelstrom of fire, Uriel's form was obscured, her silhouette dancing amidst the scorching chaos.

Mephistopheles' laughter echoed through the fiery cavern, his arrogance seemingly unshaken even as Uriel disappeared amidst the flames. However, his amusement quickly turned to shock as Uriel reemerged, controlling the very flames that once threatened to consume her.

"Then I'll show you what a true disappointment is," Uriel declared with quiet determination.

With her radiant power, Uriel summoned forth a blazing inferno, a spiraling sun of fire that surged towards Mephistopheles with a relentless fury. The fiery circle, initially compact, expanded rapidly as it approached its target, threatening to engulf both the Arch Devil and the infernal circle itself.

The shockwaves from Uriel's cast rippled through the realm of Hell, leaving its denizens bewildered and disoriented. Mephistopheles, with great effort, managed to halt the fiery onslaught by forcefully breaking the expanding circle. His body steamed, and his breath came in ragged pants as he stood amidst the aftermath.

"That healing... it really irritates me," Uriel's voice, though strained, carried an undeniable resolve.

Mephistopheles, despite the ordeal, couldn't help but wear a sardonic grin. "You can't get rid of me that easily," he retorted defiantly, his indomitable spirit unbroken even in the face of Uriel's formidable power.

As the fiery battle between Uriel and Mephistopheles raged on, a sudden and unexpected attack came from behind. A massive, six-headed fire serpent lunged at Uriel's back, its blazing jaws snapping hungrily. With swift reflexes, Uriel leaped away from the serpent, narrowly evading its fiery maws, and the pursuing dragons.