
When the cherry blossom fades

If there is one thing people expect out of an alliance, it is peace. No one expects conflicts to heighten or wars to break out. No one expects buried secrets to come to light or hidden agendas to be exposed. So what triggered it all? Was it the Seventh Prince, the King of Jeontu, the Emperor of Shangwei, their minister, or someone neither of them expected? Will peace ever result? If so, who will restore it? Who's tragic back story is going to cause havoc to the nations as two young lovers learn to trust one another? _____ "My romantic mother named me after the sweet sight of the cherry blossom that comforted her in a moment of life and death; after its beauty, and grace. On the other hand, my realistic father named me after a cherry blossom’s fleeting lifetime.' _____ "Aeng-ah, please repeat after me. 'I will not cause any trouble for Jeontu, Shangwei, and especially your husband.' Please keep to those words." "Aye, show me a little trust. I may be a tad bit cheeky, but do you think I would risk anything when so many things are at stake? You have my word - if something goes wrong from this alliance... I'll wash my hands clean." _____ "Your Highness, other than you I don't necessarily have a goal. So please stop threatening me already. Put down the Bao bao, let us have a heart-to-heart." Han Aeng thought for a bit, before continuing, "You can trust me." Long Dahai's heart wanted to trust her words, but her eyes were murky - as clear as a muddy river. It made him think of all the times she'd proven otherwise. "Quite frankly, I don't trust the way you said I can trust you." "Oh, come on! I'm the suspicious one!? Are you all going to ignore the dude running around in a black suit, laughing like a lunatic?!" "...I'll take my chances."

Babyaliien · History
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52 Chs

Blessing Festival (4)

Despite occasional separation due to the vigilance of the supervising priest, the mother and daughter-in-law duo mostly completed their activities together. 

"These old bones will go now and join the old people." Guifei Rong murmured, her gaze trailing after the women of the harem as they headed off to enjoy their lunch.

The Empress Dowager had a tradition: whenever a new member joined the family, she reserved the final meals of the festival to be separated, granting the younger generation the freedom to mingle amongst themselves.

"Have fun with the others," Guifei Rong gently squeezed Han Aeng's hand, a warmth in her touch that conveyed reassurance.

Han Aeng hummed in response, her gaze following her mother-in-law as she departed before leisurely strolling behind the two towards where the others were staying.

She was enjoying herself much more than she had anticipated. The whole festival was a rare moment of relaxation, devoid of the need to be on guard against anyone.

In the distance, she could see the young consorts chatting in small groups in the pavilion. She stood still momentarily, scanning the gathering with her eyes.

Among them, the prominent families of Zhu, Yi, and Lai were well represented. Zhu and Yi are associated with left and right chancellors' families, while Lai is a well-known military family.

It's only given these families held opposing political interests. Yet, the intriguing twist is some of these women have chosen to marry men outside their political backgrounds.

The 5th princess consort, Lai Chunmei, serves as a prime example by marrying the Empress, Zhu Yingyue's second son. The motivations behind such unions remain known only to those involved. Leaving room for speculation about whether they serve as a means to bridge political gaps, keep tabs on each other's movements, or act as undisclosed peace treaties.

If Han Aeng wanted to know, she would have to befriend these people quickly.

"Who let you in?" Standing at the edge of the pavilion, Mei Fubai posture was rigid and expression frosty.

"It's nice to see you again, Mei Fubai. I was worried you wouldn't be joining us." She had heard from Ruyi that Mei Fubai was the only odd case among the women present. She wasn't part of the imperial family yet permitted to join them in Xiaohua temple.

She had silently thanked her lucky stars for avoiding Mei Fubai in recent days. But as usual, her fortune tended to fade swiftly.

A disdainful smirk curled Mei Fubai's lips as Han Aeng approached. "They're letting just about anyone into the gathering these days. I have no intention of sharing the same table with those people."

"Oh, that's a shame. I don't get an alternative, being a new addition to the inner court and all," Han Aeng replied with practised poise, her voice gentle and tinged with a hint of sarcasm. " I'm just following the tradition of gathering with the other young wives of the inner court."

Of course, Mei Fubai knew Han Aeng had every right to be there, but that's precisely what made it so hateful!

Mei Fubai's lips tightened into a thin line as she glared at the pavilion, her gaze darting from group to group. Her posture stiffened, and she crossed her arms tightly against her chest. A flicker of resentment flashed in her eyes, quickly masked by indifference.

They seemed carefree and effortlessly confident in their place within the imperial court. Meanwhile, she had spent years clawing to the top and struggled to maintain her tenuous grip on what little power she had.

Despite her efforts, Mei Fubai remained an outsider, forever relegated to the periphery of power. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, starkly contrasting the years of dedication and sacrifice she had poured into her ambitions. The bitterness of that truth stung like a fresh wound, intensifying her resentment even further.

How dare this outsider usurp what was rightfully mine? How could they allow someone of such inferior birth to mingle among the esteemed consorts of the imperial family?

If anyone should join, it should be me.

That's right. It was meant to be her attending the gathering; it was meant to be her sitting with the other consorts. It was her place! 

Following Mei Fubai's gaze, Han Aeng's eyes trailed to where the consort sat, a few attentive expressions not escaping her notice.

I bet they can't hear what we're saying from this distance. Hmm. 

Han Aeng's lips curved upwards ever so slightly as she watched Mei Fubai's reaction.

With a faint sigh, she slumped her shoulders as if burdened by guilt. "Though I'm ashamed of myself. Being the youngest member, I've let my elder sisters wait for me."

"I'm sure my aunt was just being charitable when she allowed you to grace us with your presence," Mei Fubai sneered, casting a mocking glance in Han Aeng's direction, a disdainful curl to her lips. "But she'd be happy to hear you joined, no matter how late you are."

She hated how her aunt's authority was her only leverage over Han Aeng. However, desperation fueled her need to assert dominance. For now, Mei Fubai would rather cling to this shred of power, no matter how fragile it may be. 

Han Aeng's delicate frame seemed to shrink further, her movements hesitant and uncertain. She clasped her hands together, her fingers trembling ever so slightly as if seeking comfort in their fragile embrace.

"Her Majesty's benevolence knows no bounds. After all, she let me personally witness as she disciplined a brute," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her words carrying an air of innocence bordering on naivety. "I must thank you as well, Mei Fubai, for allowing me to witness firsthand the inner workings of the palace."

The memory of her reprimand by the Empress still burned fresh in her mind; alongside it lurked a gnawing sense of shame and inadequacy. It constantly reminded her of her failure to measure up to a newcomer. 

But Mei Fubai was not one to show weakness, especially not in front of others. So she squared her shoulders and plastered on a smug smile, determined to project an image of unassailable authority. "You seem to enjoy playing your games, don't you? But mark my words, it won't be long until people see you for the low life you are!"

Despite her efforts to maintain her facade of innocence, Han Aeng's eyes betrayed a hint of mischief, a subtle glint sparkling within their depths. It was a fleeting glimpse, quickly masked by the veil of innocence she wore like a second skin, but it hinted at a depth of complexity hidden beneath her delicate exterior.

"Oh, Mei Fubai, I simply prefer to observe from the sidelines. I'm very content in my role as a humble bystander." Her tone was casual, almost dismissive, but her words had an edge.

The casual familiarity in Han Aeng's tone seemed to unsettle Mei Fubai. It felt like a direct assault on her status and authority within the palace, grating on her nerves and pushing her closer to the edge of her patience.

Han Aeng's mere presence challenged Mei Fubai's carefully constructed facade of authority. 

Mei Fubai's hands clenched at her sides, a subtle tremor betraying the effort to contain her emotions. Her gaze hardened but remained silent, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

"Smart move. We don't want to attract any unnecessary attention," she glanced discreetly at the other consorts. "It wouldn't reflect well on your aunty's reputation, would it?"

As she gradually became aware of the curious gazes directed their way, Mei Fubai realized she would inadvertently have become the spectacle of the gathering if she had reacted just now.

"You... you're not worth my time, Han Aeng. I have more important matters to attend to," she muttered through gritted teeth, her voice barely audible.

"Of course, Mei Fubai. Wouldn't want to disturb your busy schedule." Han Aeng's smile remained serene, though her eyes sparkled with hidden amusement. "I've heard house arrest isn't very accommodating." 

Mei Fubai's jaw tightened, but she swallowed her retort, sensing the futility of further argument. She felt a surge of righteous fury rising within her. No longer would she allow herself to be belittled or underestimated, especially not by someone like Han Aeng. She would show them all what she was capable of doing, no matter the cost.

As Mei Fubai turned on her heel with a curt nod and strode away, Han Aeng watched with satisfaction. 

However, her moment of triumph is short-lived as a thought tugged at Han Aeng's conscience. Did I push too far?

She was releasing some stress against Mei Fubai from their previous encounter, but was it worth it? What assurance did she have that her actions today wouldn't come back to haunt her? Was she risking standing in the palace for a fleeting victory in their petty rivalry? 

Perhaps I was too petty this time.

Despite her concerns, Han Aeng shrugged it off and resumed her air of innocence. Just as she approached the pavilion, Lai Chunmei hurried past her; her brow furrowed with concern as she hurried after Mei Fubai's retreating form.

Help. I can't be bothered to proof read for the life of me

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