
Chapter 25

Ben’s tallness attracted massive eyeballs as they passed by to a more secluded place.

What was this tall guy doing with this short lady? The inquisitive eyes must be wondering.

He hadn’t prepared for this outing but had to agree because she had been forcing herself on him somehow whereas the person he needed had been forcing herself on someone that didn’t deserve her, he thought.

What a life. Where mystery and reality were intertwined. And one had to wonder now and then.

It was Emelda that occupied his mind even while they sat close to each other exchanging words.

“So, are we officially dating?” Evelyn said but would have withdrawn her words on discovering that it was not a smart question.

If she thought they weren’t dating, she should make it look like one and that was a similar thing to what she had done. By convincing him to go out with her. So why the hell was she asking? She felt defeated.