
When The Bud Blooms

A Crown Prince cursed by a ghost. A noblewoman hunted for the murder of her family. The tortured souls of Yi Hwan and Min Jay Yi join forcces, forge a rare friendship and risk everything to find out who tried to destroy them, eventually finding, and eliminating their enemy. In the process, they fall in love. Yet the Crown Prince of Joseon cannot marry an orphan and an accused criminal. Even if he finds a way, she is too spirited and independent to be the future Queen of Joseon. Do they have a path forward? Passion and longing cross path with pragmatism and utilitarian as the duty bound Crown Prince Yi Hwan and fiercely unrestrained spirit of Min Jay Yi chart a path to an impossible love. An independent read, this is a sequel to the beautiful K-drama Our Blooming Youth starring park Hyung Sik and Jeon So-Nee.

DaoisteE6JRl · TV
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54 Chs

The Fire Within

Day 2



The sounds of the peaceful hum drifted through the air as the night approached, bringing a momentary respite for all those affected by the brutal turmoil of the previous day. The morning had passed in a blur. The injured had been carted away to be treated at the Army pharmacy of Gaeseong. The dead had been buried with honour earlier in the day in a solemn ceremony by the Crown Prince himself.

A unit of Army men had taken the first batch of prisoners to Hanyang. Hwan had personally seen the transportation. The cries of mercy filled the air as many of those imprisoned beseeched him for forgiveness. Hwan had stood tall and indifferent to their pleas. It was apparent Hwan's magnanimity had a limit. It did not extend to traitors. 

Jay Yi stretched herself. She longed to go to Hwan, to help him with his routines like she always did, revelling in the casual banter they always had with each other. Some days he teased her; on other days, Jay Yi pulled his leg. She missed the deep conversations about the things that mattered most to them. 

In the distance, she heard the faint sound of laughter. Turning her gaze, she saw Ga Ram and Bok Soon approaching, their arms laden with neatly stacked logs. Ga Ram's infectious laughter filled the air, reminding her of their shared joy and camaraderie.

Early in the morning, Sargent Sung On suddenly appeared at their tent with a plate full of fruits. Looking shy and quite uncomfortable, he had informed them that these had been sent to the kitchen fresh in the morning, so he thought Min Jay Yi might like them. Jay Yi had felt awkward at accepting them, but Garam had been overjoyed. She grabbed the fruit plate and gave him an extra low bow as a thank you. 

"He is so nice Aashi, and I think he still likes you!" Ga Ram had gushed, much to Jay Yi's dismay. She had asked Ga Ram to share the fruits with Young Master, Dal Rae and Meo Ru. Garam had objected. "You love fruits Aashi!" 

"I don't feel like having any today," Jay Yi had said quickly. Thankfully, Garam had not pursued the matter any further.

Her heart swelled with gratitude for these precious connections in her life. Ga ram, Master Myung Jin, the Crown Prince himself, the Inn couple, even Tae Gang with whom she had a newfound affinity- she knew that no matter what the future held, she could rely on the support and friendship of those dear to her. 

She strolled to take her mind off the future looming before her. They were heading back to Hanyang in three days. Jay Yi would have to start looking for a house. Even though leaving Hwan was breaking something deep inside her, she looked forward to starting her independent journey. She was not yet sure what to expect. How easy would it be to be on her own? The idea of having her own space, her own sanctuary, brought a mix of anticipation and nervousness. It had been easier for her to have an agency as a female when she was with Hwan. She felt her heart swell at the thought of how much she felt valued by not just Hwan, the person, her friend, but Hwan, the Crown Prince, her master. His faith in her capabilities had been absolute. He worried about her but never doubted her competence. She felt an emptiness because, going forward, she did not have a job or anyone who would value her talents. Joseon streets had stayed the same. As a woman who did not have a family or a husband, she would still have to be careful when she ventured out alone. She sighed, brushing a non-existent speck of dust from her tunic. It would be lonely. She would have Ga Ram with her, but she also hoped eventually, she could find Ga Ram a match.

She wondered what it would have been like if Hwan had not been the Crown Prince. How would her Prince have managed living outside of his cocooned life? She had grown to admire his perseverance, resilience in the face of adversity, and penchant for learning new things to adapt to whatever life threw at him. His ability to think out of the box was a trait that had often surprised her, but it had also opened her eyes to new possibilities. His ability to adapt and his thirst for learning would shine through as he encouraged his students to think critically and explore new ideas. Jay Yi realized that he would thrive even outside the confines of his privileged life.

And she could have been right beside him.

She knew they would have been happy.

If only. 




Hwan watched Sung On feed kindling to the fire, its glow softening his stark features. Sung On noticed Hwan almost at the exact moment.

'Your Highness'. Jumping to his feet, Sung On acknowledged Hwan and Tae Kang. 


"I gave your request a thought,' Hwan said, looking into the flame, his mouth compressed. "Are you sure you would like to consider it?"

The schooled expression on Hwan's face did not go unnoticed by Sung On. "If Your Highness has no further thoughts on this matter, I would like to honour the marriage contract," Sung On said quietly.

"There could be repercussions from the scandal of her staying as a Eunuch in the Eastern Palace, not to mention the after effects of her criminal accusations. Your family could face problems." Hwan pointed out flatly. 


"Rumors die down eventually, Your Highness." Sung On shifted his weight as he looked at Hwan. "In any case, not much of what happened in the palace is known by people outside it. As I mentioned earlier, if you send her to me, Maiden Jay Yi and I can find contentment while fulfilling our respective duties."

"Do you think your parents will still be agreeable to it? I can speak with Councillor Han about it if you want."


"I do not disagree that it will be helpful. My mother has reservations, Your Highness, it has been difficult for them, but with your help, I think we can overcome those doubts. I am sure once she meets Maiden Jay Yi, all her worries will be put to rest. Even you would agree that is the most honourable and safest thing to do for Maiden Jay Yi." Sung On was earnest. "Once our marriage takes place –"


 Hwan caught a movement from the corner of his eye. He put a finger to his lips, motioning Sung On to be quiet. He drew Tae Kang's sword in a flash and strode to the large tree a few feet from the fire. 


"Come out right now if you want to stay alive." Hwan barked as he tapped the tree, resting the point of the sword on the side of the trunk. 

A small figure stepped out. To his horror, Hwan found himself pointing his sword at Jay Yi's throat for the second time in his life.


 The hush of the night amplified the collective intake of breath from the three men, the fire behind them crackling like exploding fireworks. Jay Yi's eyes blazed back at Hwan, laced with rage and sorrow. 


 "You bastard!" She hissed, just loud enough for Hwan's ears. His heart plummeted to the pit of his stomach at her stricken face. His arm fell limply to his side, the blade clattering to his feet. 


 "Maiden Jay Yi!" Sung On exclaimed, trying to come up with words and failing. Tae Kang quickly covered the distance between him and Hwan, deftly picking up the discarded sword and returning it to its sheath. 


 "I am sorry to interrupt you, Your Highness," Jay Yi said loudly, stressing on each syllable, and she swung her head down in a deep bow. "I did not mean to intrude in such an important meeting where the fate of another helpless and miserable woman is being decided by the Joseon powers to be." Sarcasm dripped from her voice. 


 "It's not like that Maiden," Sung On stepped forward, his contrite voice falling on deaf ears. 


 "I am sure she will be grateful for the grace Your Highness is showing her and thankful for the interest he is taking in her life." Jay Yi's eyes did not leave Hwan's face. "I realized I never got a chance to properly thank Your Highness for saving me from execution." 


 "Jay Yi – " Hwan pleaded, helpless to erase the devastation etched on her face. 


 "Thank you from the bottom of my heart," Jay Yi continued, tears of fury spilling over. "I just have one question," Jay Yi choked on a sob. "Why did you bother?"