
When Sleeping Beauty Woke Up

Lia did not have the chance to read her best friend's favorite book, "The Empress' Magic", when she was transported inside it. Left to live as the maltreated female lead of the story, Lia tries to find a way to return to her own world with the help of an extra character and the novel's villain.

SDShade · Fantasy
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4 Chs

After the End

"Empre-" Lia's words were cut off when the door to the room suddenly opened and a man and woman who seemed to be in their late 40s entered.

Seri was quick to notice so she immediately stood up from her seat to bow down to the newly arrived, "Madam, My lor-"

Seri's voice was drowned from the echo of the loud touch of the man's hand to Lia's face. Seri visibly flinched from the sound as she already knew what happened.

Liana was so shocked that she only felt the stinging pain of the slap a few seconds later. She shakily held on to her cheek.

"fuck!" she can't help but mutter out loud.

The man and the woman's face were seem surprised with what she said still, they ignored it and the man continued, "Who were you with in that carriage?!" the man shouted anger evident on his face.

Lia looked at the man. "Who are you people?!" she said out loud in frustration.

The older woman then walked closer to her, raised her empty hand and immediately landed another slap on Lia's right cheek. "Impertinent. How dare you raise your voice at your own parents?"

Lia mustered up strength to stand up from bed so she could give them a piece of her mind but before Lia could retaliate, Seri ran to her and kneeled in front of the couple.

"I beg your pardon Madam, My Lord but lady Liana seem to have lost her memories."

The older woman opened the fan she was holding to cover her face and started laughing.

"If this is one of your schemes to get out of the palace then it won't work, Liana." The woman uttered as if in disgust.

She closed her fan again before grabbing Lia's arm forcefully. "Hurry and go back to the royal palace before the Emperor notices that you're gone."

Lia made sure to pull herself against the forceful hand tightly gripping her arm, "Let go of me!" she protested but the woman only held onto her more.

This body seemed too fragile to her liking. Lia thought as she winced in pain.

"Madam, I swear on my life. Lady Liana really does not remember anything." Seri begged even more.

The duke then finally decided to interfere.

"Terra," the duke called and a woman wearing the same clothes as Seri appeared almost out of nowhere. "-Tell the butler to call for the doctor immediately."

"Right away, my lord."

The duke was then preparing to leave with his wife when he stopped and looked at the duchess, "If she really is lying then the doctor would know.

"...if she is, you-" he said pointing at Seri, "-will be punished for lying to your master." He finally said before walking away.

"My lady, are you okay?" Seri immediately ran to her master once the ducal couple left the room.

"I'll go get a clean cloth and some cold water. Your cheek looks like it's about to swell if we don't put on some cold cloth on it."

Lia finally noticed that she was standing in the middle of the room.

Lia held on to Seri's hand to stop her from leaving. "No, tell me what happened. Who are they? Why am I here?"

Seri seemed so reluctant to say anything nevertheless she knew something and she just doesn't want to say it.

"Seri, I need to know." Lia asked genuinely, "..pleas-"

"Lady Liana, how can you say please to a mere servant like me..." Seri started in shock, "the mistress ordered m-"


Seri seem to have felt pity and eventually gave up, "They're your adoptive parents, my lady and there are also rumors going around that my lady ran away with your lover and got into an accident."

Ran away with my lover?

Lia recalled Serena speaking about a magical empress with the same name as Seri's master or something like that...

"As Liana and the Magician ride the carriage away from the castle; they met a terrible accident that claimed both of their lives..." a memory of Serena talking appeared in her mind.

Lia suddenly felt weak on the knees. Oh God. No...no. It can't be.

The information made Lia's head spin that her knees almost gave out but she immediately held on to a chair nearby.

Seri did not notice what happened to her lady so she continued, "My lady survived but the man they said you were with did not. The lord and the madam was surprised that your body remained as it is but the man's beyond recognizable."

"Your carriage fell off a cliff, my lady. We were not sure if you'll ever survive but you did." Seri revealed her voice trembling.

"I-I need s-some time alone." Lia muttered, strength leaving her body.

Seri did not want to leave the lady alone but decided against it in the end. The news must have shocked her.

"Then please rest well, my lady. I will come back later."

Lia walked back and forth inside the room and stopped in front of the body size mirror. She can't help but stare at the person reflected on it.

Once again, Lia touched the cheek hit by the duke. If this were a dream she should have woken up by now when the duke slapped her. Of course. The first slap should have woken her and yet the second one wasn't effective either.

Lia pinched herself hard that her skin turned red. She winced from the pain.

Okay, if she feels pain thrice already then this is not a dream then.

Oh lord.

Lia felt like crying. What happened to her? How did she get inside this story? What will she do now?

If she only knew that she's going to be inside the novel Serena has been pestering about then she should have just read it a long time ago. Now, she's left with the little information her friend gave her that day.

Will she even be able to go back to her world?

If the gods and goddesses in this world favored Liana so much then maybe Lia could pray and ask them to take her back to her world?

No, that would be too uncertain. She could pray until her body grew old but she still can't say for sure if the gods or goddesses would answer her prayer.

Lia was losing hope when she remembered that Liana learned how to use magic when she met her boyfriend magician. If there are magicians in this story then maybe someone could help her.

Serena talked about the tower with magicians somewhere in the royal palace. Of course, there might be someone there that could help Lia but first she needs to get used to calling herself Aureliana. Liana...

It's not too far from her name, Lia. Surely, she can adjust to that.

She needed to play her part until she reaches the tower with magicians.

The next day, Liana was visited by the doctor called by the duke.

"How is my daughter, doctor?" the duchess asked as if she was about to cry but Liana knew otherwise.

"Yes, her highness did have lost her memories."

The duchess gasped and ran to her daughter to hold her hand. "My darling, Liana, what is this that has befallen you?" she continued while wiping a tear that escaped from her eye.

god, she's so good in acting.

"Will she be able to get her memories back?" It was the duke's turn to ask.

The doctor shook his head, "I am yet to gather information about this, my lord..." the doctor paused his face painted with confusion, "...I have never seen a case like her highness'. I apologize for my incompetence." he bowed his head.

The duke raised a hand and the doctor immediately excused himself out of the room.

"Ludy," he called for the butler, "-send word at the royal palace that the Empress got into an accident while she was on her way to visit her parents' estate."

"Yes, my lord."

As soon as they were the only ones remained in the room, the duchess wailed in anger.

"If not for your beauty we wouldn't even dare to bring you to our family. How can you give us such a headache after all this time!"

Liana clenched her fist trying to hold back her anger. She decided to not do anything to anger this people as she still haven't completely settled in this world yet. She didn't want to get kicked out anytime soon.

Liana bit her lip, "I'm sorry, I mean...I apologize."

The duchess glared at Liana for a moment then walked out. The duke followed her. like a dog...

Liana sighed and laid on her bed with a plop. She's been here in this world for two days. As much as she want to go out to explore and maybe ask for information, she believed that it wasn't the smartest thing to do yet. She needed someone close...someone who could tell her information about this world. As if the gods heard her, Seri entered Liana's room with a tea cart.


"Seri, do you really know everything about Empress Lia- I mean about me?"

Seri stared at her lady for a moment before nodding enthusiastically.

She must still be confused with the strange and new way her lady has been speaking. Liana thought after seeing the maid react.

"Yes, my lady! You've always confided with me even when we were younger. I am pretty honored that lady Liana trusts me very much." Seri proudly said to her lady while she prepare tea.

"If that is so, then what do I do most of the time?"

Liana knew too little about the real Liana so she plans to have Seri guide her. She at least have to know a thing or two about being a noble let alone an empress. She was a broke human being who survives by working part-time jobs in her world for god's sake.

Seri looked at Liana and slowly nodded her head. "You've always stayed at your side of the royal palace, my lady."

"-and what do I do when I'm there?"

The maid seemed to be in deep thought before answering, "My lady... you don't do anything at all."

Liana was suprised. Although she remembered that the Empress doesn't involve herself with palace matters, she can't believe that it was to this extent. She really is like a doll that only moves when she's told to.

Liana felt a little sympathetic. No wonder she ran away...

"Seri, I think I should return to the royal palace."

I have to get to the magician's tower...

Seri's eyes went wide for a moment but she immediately hid it, "I will inform the master."

"-and you're coming with me." Liana added.

Liana thought she saw Seri's eyes sparkle for a moment but ignored it.

The next day came and Liana was told to have a meal with the ducal couple.

Ugh. She immediately knew that she'll have indigestion by just looking at their faces. She only knew the duke and duchess for a couple of days but she hated them already.

As they sat and gather to what seemed like the longest table she'd seen her whole life, the butler hastily walked to the duke in just a few long strides.

He held a small tray and presented it to his master.

The duke gently patted a napkin on his mouth and glanced at the butler's hand. His eyes went wide and immediately grab the sealed envelope.

He read it for a moment and grinned.

"The royal palace said that they will be sending a carriage for you right away." he said facing Liana.

The duchess smiled so wide that her wrinkled face became even more so.

"It seems like luck has never left our side." she said in relief and joy to her husband. "Our Liana is the Empire's flower after all. Of course, the Emperor will worry."

"The Emperor may only treat you like a flower on display but he should have realized by now that this flower is one of a kind." she added as her gaze move to Liana.

Liana almost shuddered in fear as the look on the duchess eyes were pure malice.

gods, what is this family.

"Prepare the Empress' things immediately." the duchess ordered and the servants disappeared in haste.

As their meal almost finished, the ducal couple prepared to get up.

"I will bring Seri with me." Liana uttered to the couple who was having a conversation happily.

The duke and duchess did not spare her a glance and just waved their hand as if to cut her off.

"Do whatever you want." the duke answered and then he walked away from the dining hall.

Liana came back to her room and drafted a plan on a piece of paper. As soon as she arrives at the royal palace she'll find the magician's tower and ask for help.

Seri was arranging her lady's bags when a knock sounded on the door that caught her and Liana's attention.

"The carriage is here, your grace."

Liana nodded her head and walked to the window to see the cause of the noise.

Dozens of what looked liked royal knights on horses followed a large white carriage that entered the gates of the duke's estate.

It was like she was watching a movie as she stared at the scene outside the window.

Servants immediately ran to assist the royal knights.

"Lady Liana?" Seri's voice made her look away from the sight.

Liana nodded her head, made a final look at the room and went straight outside. Seri soon followed behind.

Liana thought that the ducal couple did not even see her out. Although it's not like Liana wanted them to.

Even though she was not of their flesh and blood, they could have done so out of respect. She was their empress after all. Well...the real Liana was Empress so...

Liana sigh. She had no idea how the real Liana acted but she sure was treated so low that even though she was empress, the butler serving the duke and duchess was more respected than her.

Liana, for the first time was able to walk outside the duke's mansion after days. She squinted her eyes as she was welcomed by the morning sunlight.

As her eyes adjust to the outside, she instantly noticed the gasp of the servants around her including Seri's who was behind her.

She glanced behind her and even saw the ducal couple running to her.

The sight almost made her laugh.

When the old couple reached her, they quickly bowed down which caused Liana confusion.

She moved her gaze in hopes to silently ask Seri what was happening when she felt a hand hold her wrist and made her turn.

"All the glory and prosperity to His Highness the Emperor!" they all repeated at once.