
When Sky Falls In Love

Meet Selena Castroni, a simple girl and a nobody in her school who confessed her feelings for her long-time crush at the center of the basketball court after a championship game which made her heart shatter into a million pieces when her plan turned into a disaster. Skyler Alcarazo was the famous basketball superstar in Santa Clara Valley Academy who didn't want to have a serious relationship with any girl because, for him, girls would only distract his training and would ruin his future career. Besides, Sky was confident he could have whoever he wanted because of his good looks and overloaded sex appeal. Excerpt: "Sky, there is something I want to tell you," Selena said with shaking limbs as Skyler towered over her, wearing a victorious smile after his excellent performance during his game. "What is it, Selena? Do you want my autograph?" He asked, grinning at his younger brother's best friend. "No, I don't need your autograph; I like you, Skyler," she replied, blushing. "What?" He asked as his eyes widened in shock. "I said I like you, Sky, and I want to be your girlfriend," Selena answered, trying to control her emotions, and he laughed. Then, his face turned dark, and she could feel her blood drain from her veins as she looked at the disgusted look on Sky's face. "I thought you were different from other girls; I don't like you more than friends, Selena. Don't expect I have feelings for you because I treat you nicely; in my eyes, you are only my brother's best friend, nothing more, nothing less." Sky replied and walked away from her without taking a second glance. Selena's confession made her the laughingstock in her school, and things became complicated between them even after she gave Skyler one more chance, and she swore to herself she would make Sky pay for breaking her heart. But her plans became futile when Skyler became the greatest professional basketball player in the country and won the award as the Most Valuable player five times in a row. Skyler became a celebrity, while Selena had difficulty mending her broken heart. Sky was at the top of the world, enjoying his popularity and wealth, and having the hottest heiress as his fiancee made him the envy of all the guys all over Vizland Republic. One accident made him lose everything he knew he had, including his self-esteem. He became angry with the world and his existence. Selena was desperate to get a high-paying job to support his father's impending surgery. She grabbed the opportunity she read in the newspaper only to find out she would be dealing with the heartbreaker, Skyler. What will happen when the egoistic Superstar realizes fame is not the only thing that matters in the world? Can Selena be Sky's guiding light and savior in his darkest moment, or will she turn his world darker by taking her revenge on him? (Warning: Have mature content in the later part of the story)

sirenbeauty · Teen
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203 Chs

Couldn't Wait

Skyler's POV

"Watch up, man; how can you ditch practice for two consecutive days?" Kevin asked the moment I showed up in the gym for our morning drills, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

I could see some of our teammates were already on the court having warm-ups, and as I looked around, I smiled when I couldn't see our coach yet, I still had time to relax since I was still in vacation mode.

I informed my coach I would take two days off but didn't tell my best friend since he pissed me off last Friday when he took Erika into our house.

I hated it when girls would come to our house uninvited, but I couldn't just send her away knowing her dad was the Academy's director and my dad's friend since middle school.

Santa Clara Valley Academy is the number one school and the most expensive in the City.

"Don't tell me it was because of a girl?" He asked, and I laughed.

"What made you think it is because of a girl?" I asked.

"I am sorry. I know you were angry that I brought Erika to your place; she begged me, buddy." He responded.

"I just wanted to see Selena," he added, and I don't know why I always felt irritated every time he would talk about courting my brother's best friend, and I could tell my agitation became worst after I kissed her.

Selena was different from all the girls I had flings with, and I should have stopped myself from taking her luscious mouth, yet the urge to kiss her that night was too much for me to control.

I knew it was not a good idea to associate with her knowing I wasn't the type of guy she wished to have for a boyfriend, knowing my reputation with girls, and, most of all, having a girlfriend was at the bottom of my list of priorities.

Even if I was the eldest son of Don Florencio Alcarazo, one of the wealthiest men in the country, I didn't want to follow in his footsteps. I wished to be an athlete, and I would give Stanley a chance to run the company, and I felt glad my dad didn't ask me to stop pursuing my dreams.

"Kevin, I already told you to stop whatever intention you have for Selena," I replied, and he gave me a quizzical look.

"Why? Don't tell me you like her?" He asked, and I couldn't answer him.

"No way, man! I couldn't believe you are crushing your brother's best friend," he added.

"Who told you I was crushing, Selena? You have to understand she was Stanley's best friend, and she is off limits," I responded.

"Oh, I thought you liked her; it would be unusual for you since you like dating those hot cheerleaders," Kevin stated.

"I don't date," I answered, and he laughed.

"Yeah, for you, it was nothing, but those girls who went with you in cinemas and dined with you at the most expensive restaurants in the city believed they became your girlfriend once," he declared, and I shook my head.

"I only went with them mostly because of the dares that I lost and sometimes to make me stop thinking about our coming games," I replied.

"I know, but you don't need to care about your younger brother's best friend, Sky. I don't believe you don't have feelings for Selena. You had been like this every time one of our teammates would ask you about her during our victory parties in your house." Kevin declared.

"Looked, his father is one of the men my father trusts in our household, so it would be our responsibility to look after Mike's daughter," I replied, and I could tell he didn't believe me.

"Whatever, Sky, I felt hurt that you went to your farm without telling me about it, and I couldn't believe Selena came with you." He stated.

"You knew she would always come with Stanley," I replied.

I felt relieved when our coach arrived, and Kevin stopped bugging me about Selena. I admit Kevin was right; I always felt irritated every time one of my friends would ask about Selena's number.

I was glad her social media account was very private, and they couldn't reach Selena through her FB or Instagram account. I don't know why I felt so protective of Selena, even if I didn't spend time with her since I was busy with basketball practice.

Ever since her family arrived in our estate, I would always see her in our mansion or at the shop, but I could tell she was avoiding me, and I don't know why; I always greeted her every time we crossed paths, and Selena would greet me back with shyness.

I would always see her with my brother, and sometimes I would be watching them from afar, and I would feel the need to be near her, but I was always in a hurry to go to practice and sometimes to meet my friends that I ignore the foreign feeling that I feel.

I found it so hard to sleep after I kissed Selena, and it was the first time I felt that way, and I knew what I felt was only temporary; I became interested in her since she didn't pay any attention to me like the other girls on campus.

I admit only recently, I noticed Selena was watching me with interest, and I wanted to ignore her, yet I was curious, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about her.

Yes, Selena had been staying inside our estate for so long, and she was with us during holidays and school breaks, but I seldom stayed at home because of my passion for basketball.

I ignored Selena's beauty, and I wondered why many boys from my team wanted to know her, and I am just glad Stanley was always by her side.

Spending time with her alone at the clearing confirmed my suspicion that I felt something for her that I didn't want to recognize because I was afraid of hurting her. Besides, I don't know how she felt toward me, and she was the only girl I couldn't read.

The way she kissed me back left me wondering if she was only eager to learn how to kiss because she was preparing herself for her first love, and I wanted to ask my brother who was the boy inside Selena's heart, and I couldn't stop being curious.

I didn't want to have a girlfriend since I promised myself I would never get myself involved with anyone until I played Professional Basketball, I wasn't bragging, but I knew I could make it to the Vizland Republic Basketball Association.

I don't want to make someone wait for me when I know there is a strong possibility I can't make my promises, so it is better to be single at the moment since I am not ready to commit myself. Hurting a girl was the last thing I would do.

I ran towards the center of the court when our coach yelled at me, and as I was playing my favorite sport, I couldn't get Selena off my head. I wondered what was wrong with me and why I wanted to see her.

I couldn't believe after kissing her sweet lips, this would be the effect. I am becoming crazy. I tried my best to stop thinking about her as I focused on my game, yet it was futile since I couldn't stop thinking how wonderful it was to have her in my arms.

After our practice was over, some of our teammates continued playing while I went to the side of the court to drink water, and I almost spit the water I was drinking when I saw Erika and her friends get inside the gym.

I wished to hide away from her, but it was already too late because she had seen me already, and she was beaming at me. Erika came to me quickly, and she suddenly put her arms around my waist; I didn't want her to be embarrassed in front of her friends.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me you were going to your farm last Saturday and Sunday, Sky?" She asked, and I could see the disappointment on her face.

"It was unplanned, Erika," I replied as I caressed her back, and her face lit up, and I could tell she was no longer upset with me.

"So, will you come with me to the mall after your practice?" Erika asked, and I quickly shook my head.

"I am sorry, but I couldn't be with you since I needed to be home early to have dinner with my father," I lied, and her face fell.

"But I want to speak with you after practice this afternoon, Erika; there is something I need to tell you; can you meet me at the cafe beside the bookstore?" I asked, and I could see her face turn bright red.

"Of course, Sky," she replied with excitement.

I knew Erika thought I would confess my feelings for her, and I had to tell her the truth that I was not interested in her and that she should stop seeing me. I could say the director's daughter would hate me like the previous girls before her.

I was hoping she would not make a scene or, worst, she would inform her dad I broke her heart. Still, I didn't want to lead her on. Besides, I didn't want her to come into our house again, especially now that I wanted to spend time with Selena later after my practice because I felt excited and couldn't wait to continue our kissing tutorial.