
Chapter 564 Last Willfulness

"Cough cough cough!"

Shirley took a few steps back, and coughed a few times unnaturally, "Bro, are you comparing yourself to me? Did you lose your mind just now?"

"Don't change the subject, just say yes or no."

Braden was like a seasoned hunter. He didn't give Shirley the chance to talk about other things, and he wanted to probe her intention.

"I got seduced, I got seduced..."

Shirley took a deep breath, avoided the man's deep gaze, and began to talk nonsense seriously, "My admiration for you, sir, is like a torrent of river water. It is endless. I wish I could hold flowers in my hand and bow down to you devoutly. You deeply attracted me, and from now on you are my god, my only god!"

Braden didn't say anything.

Shirley asked, "How is it? Are you satisfied? Can you stop acting like a bossy president? It's fairly embarrassing!"

Braden didn't say anything.