
Chapter 429 Dote on Shirley

A week later, Braden's waist recovered, and he became even stronger than before.

His relationship with Shirley also improved by leaps and bounds.

Shirley no longer refused to get along with him. The two were like ordinary couples. There was bickering, anger, and love.

Braden was satisfied with the status quo and cherished every moment with Shirley.

The feeling of regaining what he lost was the most precious gif he had ever received!

It was an ordinary morning. The sunlight was warm, and the chirping of the birds was clear. The breeze lifted the beige curtain.

As usual, Shirley was nestled in Braden's embrace and didn't want to get up.

"It's time to get up, lazybones..."

Braden wrapped his long arms around Shirley, scratching her delicate and straight nose with his fingers. He whispered in her ear, "Today is a special day. I'm going to celebrate it with you and our children."