
Chapter 361 Shirley Is Pregnant

Shirley had been busy with her work and did not have much time to look at her phone, much less to pay attention to the entertainment gossip.

Therefore, even if the 'explosive scandal' about her had already gone viral on the Internet, Shirley still did not know anything.

After she finished her work, it was time to get off work.

Shirley stretched herself and leaned her head against the pillow of the office chair. She looked at the ceiling and thought about how to get the Seven-colored Glazed Cup.

She picked up the coffee that Renee had brewed for her and was about to take a sip.

"Ms. Wilson, you can't drink coffee?"

Renee rushed in, snatched the coffee cup from her hand, and said with a serious look, "How can you still drink coffee?"

Shirley was confused. "Why can't I drink coffee?"
