
Chapter 263 Find A Husband For Mommy

Bennett kept a straight face and said with seriousness, "I have decided. From now on, I will find a good partner for mommy and let him share Mommy's work. I will let him love mommy and protect her!"

After hearing this, Shirley felt warm. She couldn't help but hug Bennett and kiss him. "Ben, you are so good to me. But I don't feel tired from work. I will feel happy as long as you love me and protect me. I don't need any partner."

"That's different."

Bennett clenched his fists and tried to convince Shirley, "I am your baby. I can't be your husband. What you need now is a man who can love you, so I have to find a husband for you."


Shirley didn't know whether to laugh or cry and didn't know what to say.

Nancy couldn't help but laugh. She agreed with Bennett. "Ben is right. Just let him find a husband for you. How nice it would be if he could find a husband for you and a father for himself?