
Chapter 172 She Will Never See You Again

In the dark room, a bright white light was flickering on the computer screen.

Braden played the surveillance footage of Lakedrift Manor over and over again, wanting to confirm whether the truth was really as Amelie said. Did everything happen because of Shirley's arrogance?

He pressed the forward button and the back button repeatedly.

He watched the video several times. In the video, Shirley humiliated Amelie, pushed Amelie down, and looked indifferently at Amelie, who was lying in a pool of blood...

"Damn it!"

Braden narrowed his eyes. His handsome face was tense because of his great anger, and he cursed in a low voice with disappointment in the silent darkness.

He thought, I never thought of Shirley as a vicious woman. I thought that she was, at most, a woman who did things as she pleased and had a strong self-consciousness.

But the video proves how wrong I was.