
Chapter 111 Single Night

"Let's do it!"

After listening to Eliza's plan, Shirley was so excited that her eyes lit up. She praised Eliza from the bottom of her heart, "Ms. Honeycutt, you're incredible. This case is so tricky, but you find a solution. I knew that coming to your law office was the right choice!

"With the help of you three great lawyers, I think I'm invincible in any field. The entire Seatle City, no, the whole world will be mine."

Jim said with a smile, "Shirley, you are exaggerating. But it's still possible for you to get 30 and 40 percent of Seatle City."

Shirley was obviously dissatisfied with Jim's comment. She frowned and said, "Why is it only 30 and 40 percent? What about the remaining 60 and 70?"

"What do you think?"

Jim broke Shirley's unrealistic dream. He said, "The remaining 60 or 70 percent belongs to your ex-husband, our former boss, Braden."