
when she smiles

i thought i saw the real her whenever she smiled

TyaaOnTen · Teen
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7 Chs

Hung Over Does Not Look Good On Her


I unlocked my dorm room and sat Navia in the guest room across from mine. I didn't have a roommate because like Andre said my dad is rich he owns a chain of businesses, that were going bankrupt, businesses I will soon be the owner of. I went to my closet and took off my shoes. grabbing a towel out of my laundry bag I headed to the bathroom. My room was almost like an apartment I had a kitchen, with a bathroom I had 1 spare room aside from my own and my own laundry room. college life was pretty good. I turned on the water and let it warm up as I took off my clothes. when the water was warm enough I stepped in and let the water wash away all the tension in my body.

I shook my head and laughed 'i really carried her up to six flights of stairs...I guess those extra weight training classes paid off." I scrubbed my body from head to toe before finally turning off the water and stepping out. I wrapped my towel around my body and walked back into my room as I was passing the room Navia was in I checked if she was still sleeping, which she was. I walked into my room and threw on a black t-shirt and some boxers with a pair of sweat pants. I put my Nike slides on and went into the kitchen planning on cooking something to eat. I opened the fridge and didn't see anything, I sighed as I realized I forgot to go to the store.

just as I had closed the fridge Navia walked in holding her head "Headache?" She nodded and sat down at the table. I grabbed bottled water out of the fridge and handed it to her I turned around and heard a small " Thank you" o nodded and grabbed a hoodie and my keys, sliding my phone and wallet in my pocket and slipping on my all black vans. " Im going to the store... you coming?" She looked as if she thought about it before just shrugging and getting up. She cleared her throat " can I borrow a hoodie of something" I nodded " Yeah just pick one out of my closet" she nodded and walked into my room. After a few minutes she came out and I noticed she picked my purple Bagg Chaserz Hoodie. That must be her favorite color.

I clicked my phone off and slid it back into my pocket and started walking towards the door. I held the door as she walked out after we were both out I closed and locked the door and jogged down the stairs with her trailing behind me. I got to the parking lot and hit the locks on my 2021 jeep and opened the door for her. She smiled and got in. I shut her door and jogged to the driver's side and got in starting the car. As I waited for it to warm up I connected my Bluetooth to the radio and I felt in the mood for old school R&B. I turned on 'can we talk' by Tevin Campbell. Almost instantly she started singing along to it. as I started to drive.

Eventually, it turned into a duet until we hit that last note together and burst out laughing. I pulled into the grocery store lot and got out. going to her side I opened the door and we walked in together. I got a shopping cart and started pushing it. " So how come I've never met you before last week," she said as she put a container of pineapples in the cart. " I don't know... I try and stay out of the mix just tryna get my diploma and dip" I shrugged and sat a box of pasta in the cart as well as some shrimp " I think I'm gonna make seafood alfredo'."I mean that's understandable but I didn't see you at any parties, no cookouts, no football games" she moved her hands as she talked.

I nodded and laughed "Im not really a social butterfly" I waited in line at the deli for the crab I had just ordered. " besides it's only my sophomore year... I have plenty of time to do all that stuff" I smiled wanting to get off of the topic. They called my number and I walked up to the counter and grabbed my order with a small 'thank you' I sat it in the cart and went on a search for something to drink " you staying for dinner or do you want me to drop you off your dorm?" I looked down at her, she was playing with the sleeves of my hoodie trying to adjust them to make it look more fitted like she wasn't drowning in it. I caught myself smiling before she looked up and spoke " I think ill stay" I nodded and finished getting the rest of the things I needed before heading to the checkout and paying

We got back into my car after putting the bags in the trunk and drove back to the dorms in comfortable silence, me enjoying her company and her staring out the window. I parked the car in my usual parking spot and got out, opening her door she got out and helped me carry the bags back up to my dorm room. unlocking the door we sat everything on the counter. I took off my hoodie and washed my hands instantly getting started on dinner. I was starving and so was she, hungover was not a good look on her. I laughed as I saw her sitting on the couch clutching her head in pain.

finishing up dinner I got two plates scooping two portions on each and [ouring us both some strawberry lemonade to go along with it and called her over to the table. she sat down and took a hesitant bite. Her eyes widened and she started eating like she never ate before. I shook my head as I laughed "Is it good?" I smiled as she instantly got embarrassed. the rest of the night was filled with laughs and a very embarrassed Navia...I made her smile..it reached her eyes this time.