
When She Died at Nightfall

In a moment of seething anger, Miha, a fiery 22-year-old college student, confronts her best friend and ex-boyfriend in a crowded club, only to be interrupted by a sudden and devastating explosion. In the aftermath, she awakens in the Kingdom of Berfin, a strange and frigid land vastly different from her own. To her dismay, she crosses paths with Constantine de Dampiere, an insufferable and menacing ethereal being whose desire and fascination with her are disturbingly fixated on the taste of her blood. Determined to return home and start anew, Miha seizes any opportunity that presents itself, even if it means trading her own blood for the chance to escape this realm.

Josephine060606 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Can't You Tell?

"Not tonight, Miha. Let's get you out of her, alright?" their class representative's voice broke her from focusing on the heavy list of how she could further express her hatred to them.

As Miha sat on her old couch and lamented for weeks, she didn't realize earlier on that she had several, cruel ways to get back at those who wronged her. It was a dark thought she most definitely hadn't shared to anyone, and will likely be kept there until she's ready to release it. If the couch hadn't been so comfortable, Miha was sure she wouldn't crave sleep as much given the things that tormented her even in her sleep.

The couch was disrespected in a way that caught Miha completely off guard. It had been mistreated by their affair, and the very notion of it alone had almost made her mad. They knew how precious that couch was to her. It had first belonged to her deceased grandmother, and it was a memento Miha had wanted to keep for as long as she can.

Now, she'd have to say sorry to her grandmama in heaven for wanting it burned the day she had found them stuck to each other like slime and soil.

"Everyone's decided to have fun," he tried again, but this had only made Miha want to root for the worst.

"Oh?" the sarcasm filled her tone as she looked at him sharply. Her gaze turned icy as it lingered on him, and she expects it to engrave on his already fear-stricken face. "Can't I have that exact fun, too? It's been such a long time," she said the words with venom, indifferent to what they'd think of it.

Miha held back nothing. Tonight might be the last instance that would keep the line from breaking. It either happens now, or she'd never be able to forgive herself for letting things go the way it is, like she was some mad woman who knew nothing but to bury her face behind books and hang out on the weekends. She considered herself average, and she wasn't the least bit aware that Jay preferred people who'd go an extra mile or two for him by spreading their legs any minute of the day.

She didn't realize then that not wanting sex wasn't negotiable to Jay. Miha knew it was becoming uncommon in her age and in today's time, but she wanted to remain untouched, not because they were not yet married, but because she just had to make sure that Jay would be the person she'd be with for the rest of her life.

She was obviously wrong, and she'd strangle her old self if she happened to protest about it.

As she stared at the two of them in each other's company, blinding jealousy clouded her already disastrous mind. Her doubts began then. Would they have avoided this if she had just given herself to him? Would he not find her a lesser woman if she'd agreed to fuck him? Could he, fucking another person, because of her refusal, have initiated their affair?

Miha decided she didn't want to know. Things changed unexpectedly the day she wept about her situation. But right now, she couldn't help but want more. She wanted what was beyond normal—more than what they'd expected from her. The grappling emotion in her chest was too much, but she had never craved or wanted more to what she was that moment she opened the club's metal door.

What did Miha really want? She wanted them to pay back what they took from her when they left her no glory—in herself and to the people who thought it was for her own accord to discover her bestfriend and boyfriend's filth.

Her shoulders hit the class representative's side when she ignored Jay's startled expression. Miha was about to speak, when Jay stepped before Bell in a hurry. Miha then masked the raging emotions that resurfaced beyond her control.

Among the two of them, she'd have to go first, and she didn't expect to feel like she was being shredded of the friendship she lost from her.

Her heart was in a riot with the very same feelings she had for Jay. It was still there, and she couldn't recall a moment she didn't loathe it after witnessing it.

Suddenly, the ringing in her ears amplified, drowning out all other sounds until it became an overwhelming cacophony. Faint whispers merged into a confusing chorus, supposedly urging her to be the better person, but she couldn't bear to listen. It was as if the world around her had blurred into insignificance, and all she could focus on was the deafening noise echoing in her head.

'Control yourself.'

'This isn't the place for it.'

'They're not worthy of your time.'

'Man, we're here to have fun!'

Miha shut them all out and concluded it's better not to care. For what's left of her, it is the best choice. It better be. She's was just getting better now, and she wants them to watch her prove it to none other than herself.

With every click of her heel's boot was the ticking of the bomb about to explode inside of her.

When Bell found it in her to look Miha in the eye, a pang of ache coursed through her chest, willing her to ball her clammy fists.

Bell stiffened as she inched closer, her eyes landing on Miha as it lingered on her for the longest time it had in weeks. She appeared all the more guilty as she hid behind Jay. She looked the part pity as if she'd acknowledged what they've done, and even though she didn't want it, it hurt Miha to see she was sorry enough for wasting what they had.

Miha stood frozen with her hands on either side. She desperately willed her body to relax, but a terrible memory flashed in her mind. She vividly recalled hearing their breathy moans that thundered through the room, causing disbelief to set in. As their bodies swayed in motion, Miha struggled to swallow the reality of what was happening at that moment. She found herself rooted to the spot, unable to move due to the lack of oxygen affecting her ability to rationalize. All she could think about was what they were doing and why she was left standing alone in the dark. It felt like a sword had been stabbed behind her back, and she was bleeding out what was left of her.

"Don't you dare," Jay threatened, and was fast to turn her way as Bell pulled at the ends of his shirt.

"Not like this, Jay," she looked pleadingly at Miha. "For what's left of us. Please."

Miha chose not to respond, feeling a lump form in her throat, accepting that there was no future for them.

"Leave," the cad said in command, followed by an unmistakable frown, a silent curse slipping through his lips, which Miha aspire to be ripped from his vile mouth.

"Better than before if that's what you're about to ask," she replied without a hint of emotion, "can't you tell?"

"No one's asking," he bit back with contempt.

Bell turned pallid as she pursed her lips into a line, "Miha, we can speak in the nearby cafe if you'd like. It's the best place to talk about these things."

She almost laughed if not for the thunderous pounding in her chest that made her nauseous. "The best place?" she cocked her head to the side. "What is the best place, Bell?" she hissed, the despise apparent in how she looked at them as if garbage was better. "Tell me."

"Enough," Jay covered Bell from prying eyes. He had never been that way to her before, especially when people questioned him why he had chosen her when he could have anyone on campus with the looks given upon him.

"No," she held her hand up in his face, and for once, unwilling to halt at anyone's expense. "I'm sure Bell's familiar with choosing the best hiding place."

"Amihan," Jay warned.

"There's a cafe nearby, and it would take little effort to go there." Bell added.

"I don't need to move away from everyone else's eyes," she tried to swallow, but her mouth turned dry, and she could no longer do anything but part her lips and hold her ground. "Everyone already knew…." she spoke the truth, and her eyes began to moisten, a bobbing reaching her throat, "I was the only one left who didn't," she said.

Indeed, she was the only one whom everyone wanted not to know.

Tears lined the end of Miha's eyes, but she willed herself triple times to hold them in. It took her all she had left to push it back—out of reach of the line. "It doesn't matter anymore," she said as she bit back her emotions.

Bell's lips quivered, her eyes glassy as she held tight to Jay's shirt. "I'm sorry."

Miha's head throbbed violently as she heard Bell's apology. Nausea occupied her thoughts, the bitter taste of bile rising in her throat. It was the worst reply she'd heard from then friend. Now, they're all looking at her as if she was cheap merchandise that wanted nothing but to cause drama despite a spoken apology.

Miha's eyes were void of any emotion, and she felt emptier than she had in weeks. She had wanted it no more than when she laid on her old couch for days.

The thunderous beat of drums erupted at the same time the hair on her arms stood. Sweat began to prick the back of her neck, and the pain echoing in her ears tore through her insides. Miha blinked, turning her head around as the music faded. The crowd looked at her like she was losing her mind, Bell peeking from behind Jay and appearing actually concerned.

Ignoring them, she backed a few steps away as she placed her hand in an attempt to cover the ringing pain in her ears. Miha couldn't think, her thoughts an entangled mess, anything about Jay and Bell ceasing, and any feeling left with their situation became frozen in the deepest space in her mind.

The chill shot through the bridge of her nose. Then, thick liquid trickled down her lips as her breathing hitched. Her fingers shook uncontrollably as she reached for it.


"Miha, your nose," Bell said in horror. She reached her hand in what seemed again as genuine concern, but Miha jerked away from her.

"Don't touch me," she bellowed.

"You're hurt," she insisted. "Let me—"

She then panted furiously, a scream escaping her lips as she covered her ears more tightly. She was in a state of mania, desperate for the sound to stop. The thunderous beating of drums grew loud as she frantically looked around, confused faces surrounding her now.

Then there was silence like someone had, in fact, answered her prayers.

A fire danced through every space as it caught everyone by surprise, the room filling with an amber glow. Time slowed indefinitely as a deafening explosion jolted everyone within the building.

Miha automatically ducked and let out a shattering scream as a portion of the club exploded. Then another, and another. It continued like wildfire. In a panic, she tried to run but saw a chunk of the ceiling collapse ultimately, a large portion dropping above her as another explosion came. And suddenly, there was nothing but her fading heartbeat.