
When Salvation Calls(Short Story)

When Damnetra, a damned angel spares the life of a witch's daughter, she is thrown down on Earth to fulfill her duty of taking the life of Sal Vacio`, unaware of the fate tying them together to free the cursed angel from her sin.

Iniverse · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Damned Angel

"Bring that damned angel, only she is suited for this job." ordered the Lord of The Gates of Haven, as one of the guards nodded at his command and flew out of the King's office to search for the 'damned angel'.

'The Gates of Haven', the harbor for the souls of the dead where their deeds in the waking life are measured and sent to the respected places in heaven or in hell. The Lord who sits on the throne above the clouds passes the judgments while the angels and reapers bring the souls from the earth, whereas I extract the souls of the other cursed creatures from all over the realms. And well, I am Dam-

"Damnetra! Are you daydreaming again?" the green-colored dragon spoke as if it knew what the speaker might be thinking earlier.

"You know me well, Prima." Said the black-haired girl with a smirk as her white wings rested on a soft cloud where she laid.

"The Lord has asked for you." Informed the dragon landing beside the girl.

"Must be to kill a damned creature, what else would he call me for?"

"I don't know much about it, he said it's about a cursed witch family."

"The whole family? Sounds like a drag…let's go before the old man gets angry." Damnetra gets up and spreads her wings as she flies towards her way to the Lord's office, her dragon Prima following along.

"The Vacio`'s, the last of the witch family in the Agentine district on a secluded island on Earth. The time of their death has finally arrived and I am appointing you to take on this job. Bring the souls of the whole family: Samantha Vacio`, Draden Vacio` and their daughter Sal Vacio`." The Lord informed about the family as Damnetra and her dragon listened carefully.

"Alright, I will do as you say."

"Don't disappoint me."

"Have I ever?" Damnetra smirked, surely knowing about her skills.

Down on Earth, In a cottage house, Agentine, Pacific Ocean.

"Does this look okay?" asked the blonde-haired Samantha while holding a vile filled with some kind of potion.

"I think it'll work," Draden replied as he examined the potion.

"Our Sal will be five this month and this gift is the best for her birthday."

"She is a bright child who learns her magick quickly, this potion will help her strengthen her craft," Samantha said with a smile on her face unaware of the doom coming clouding over their family.

A loud crashing noise was heard as something crashed through the roof of their lab. What stood in front of the couple had horns of the devil and wings of an angel with a green-colored dragon resting on her left shoulder.

"I apologize to ruin your moment but your time, The Vacio`'s is over." The angel in front of them declared with a gaze of a Lion looking at its prey.

"Heh…only if we would allow that," Draden claimed, getting ready to battle the reaper in order to protect his family, Samantha was also ready to fight.

"Destiny doesn't need your permission, human. It was written in your fate the day you married this witch and now that curse will end your family." Damnetra lifted her right hand and closed her palm in a fist as Draden dropped down on the floor while clenching his chest in pain. Repeating the same with her left arm after which Samantha also dropped down beside Draden.

"Please…don't hurt my daughter…let her live" cried Samantha as she took her last breath.

"Can't promise you with her life but will surely keep it less painful as your last wish," Damnetra said in a monotonous tone as she turned towards Prima.

"Carry their souls to the Lord, I will bring the daughter later."

"Sure." Prima nodded and carried the bright light balls and flew back up to the clouds.

"Now, where is this little girl?"

*Ding dong*

Damnetra smirked upon hearing the doorbell ring.

"There you are."

Thank you for reading my story so far, if you liked it then add it to the library for future updates. I am still new to writing and open to any corrections in grammar or writing style. Your comments and review would help me to write more. Thank you.

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