
When Paths Cross

Have you ever killed someone? Well it's not fun...eventually the guilt, and the pain of what you did catches up to you, that is if you aren't someone who enjoys it. The name's Camryn, but my friends call me Cam and no one except for my mom and brother know my secret...known what I've done. After that unfortunate night, in a way life had gotten better...happier, almost perfect. But you know what they say...good things don't last long. Who would've thought that in just 10 years...10 ignorantly blissful years I would've been caught up in shit I never knew would escalate; never knew would bring me so much misery, and at the same time...love. And it's all because I was in the right place at the wrong time that brought me to where I am now. Ever since I met her...Persephone.

Cal_Nite · Urban
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10 Chs

9. Bambina Piccola

Camryn's POV

It's been almost a week now and I've been practicing late at night against the doctors orders. Working on my form, building up my strength, letting go of my stress until no one can bring me down.

I thought I was fine...when I lost to her. I really was. But what she had said to me…


"You don't belong here, so stay down and know your place!"


I can't get her words out of my head!! It haunts my mind every second of everyday and it threatens to break down the walls I've worked so hard to build!


I felt the anger rise in me and I hit the punching bag I'd been working with for the past hour with all I had left before collapsing to the ground. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I willed them not to.

Deep breaths Cam...in...and out.


The school bell had rung, and at last the day was over.

Everyday was the same. Wake up, go to school, be reminded that I was a freak, get beat up, go home and do it all over again.

I walked down the sidewalk not bothering to look up.

"Hey Freak!!"

I stopped in my tracks, knowing that voice all too painfully well.

My fists clenched, and I continued to walk, pretending like he never existed.

"Hey Freak...you'll listen to me when I'm talking to you."

I felt his presence behind me as he yanked on my long hair, and I screamed from the pain.

"Seems like someone needs to be taught a lesson!"

He shoved me to the ground, as he and his friends started to kick and punch my fragile body.

I couldn't stop it, I couldn't fight back! Anger rose inside of me like an unstoppable force and all I could do was scream.

Scream so hard they'd think me mentally insane, until one by one they left, and the beating would stop.

"You don't belong here, so stay down and know your place...freak!"

They were gone…

I wanted to keep the tears from falling, but I couldn't.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh," I screamed, smashing my fist into the concrete.

Over and over and over again...until the anger went away. Until my hand was a bloodied mess.


My blood boiled at the memory of that day. I felt so helpless, and angry. It's all I've ever known.

I willed myself to bury the anger I felt, and stood up with tired legs.

"That was quite the show."

My head whipped behind me to find Kai sitting on a nearby stool. Her face was void of emotion as always.

I laughed in hopes of lightening the mood, "I didn't even hear you come in, your sorta like a ninja huh."

She rolled her eyes, "yeah something like that."

She makes slow steps towards me, never breaking eye contact. How this woman could be so intimidating and unbothered is beyond me.

She started to wrap her hand in boxing tape, "You up for round two?"

Part of me sank, fearing the outcome would be the same as the last time we faced each other. She scared me, I wasn't afraid to acknowledge that.

I couldn't keep running for forever; this was the mafia. Eventually I would face someone stronger than Kai, and I'm sure I wouldn't survive.

Life and death, the decision is mine. She waited for me in the ring, slightly impatient.

"Don't go easy on me just because I'm on bed rest," I joked.

Making my way over to the ring I settled into a readied stance, awaiting her move.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," and with a sudden thrust of her deadly legs she pushed towards me; fists flying, and somehow I dodged every jab.

Throwing my body towards her I threw a couple punches of my own, only to be stopped by the sound of the gym doors swinging open with a thunderous boom.

"Glad to see you up and well. Maybe now you can actually be of use ."

Kai and I both lowered our fighting stances, and acknowledged none other than the Don himself.

"Excuse me boss, if now's a convenient time I'd wish to discuss something...private with you." Kai said, eyeing me curiously.

I saw no need for me to be here, and quickly unwrapped my hands, gathering my stuff to take my leave. A cold and familiar hand stopped me.

His eyes like ice, conveying nothing, not a single emotion.

"I'll meet you in my office shortly. First, I need a word with Miss Reed."

Kai didn't question it and made her way out of the gym. The Don's dark cold demeanor hung in the air, almost suffocating me in its tension.

Even this late at night he was dressed formally; the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled to his elbows, though his hair was a tousled mess. In a way he reminded me of someone I once knew, there was no denying he was a sexy man. .

"Miss reed, are you listening to me?"

I shot out of my dazed state, "o-oh, yes sorry. I seemed to have drifted. You were saying?"

He grumbled in what I'm sure was annoyance, "Miss Reed I feel it would be in your best interest to not make that a habit. As I was saying, you restart training tomorrow but it seems you could've been practicing in the rings all week long. Report to my office at 4am tomorrow, and don't be late."

"But that's in a couple of hours!!"

He smiled, turning around and making his way towards the exit.

"Then I suggest you get to bed now bambina piccola." (Little girl)

I was left there slightly annoyed. Who does he think he's calling a little girl!

I stormed up to my room, taking a shower and laying in bed. Like every night my mind raced with thoughts of all that happened today and what was yet to come.