
When Opposites Attract

Daphne Amoy, a new coming college student, has an aspiration for romance and thrives on literature. Her first attempt failed two years ago she believes she's ready to try again. As she enters this new environment, she makes new friends and potential love interests? Identical twin brothers named Christian and Dominic Castillo differ in personas. The three crossed paths and sparks happened. Battling for Daphne's love, she's torn between the two on who she chooses. Will this love triangle lead to one heartbreak? Read When Opposites Attract to explore a fiery romance with Daphne.

xpressed_feels · Teen
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3 Chs


After an exhausting day at school, all I wanted was to curl up next to my boyfriend at home. Once I reached inside, my boyfriend stood there, arms crossed. I could tell he was angry. "You need to leave with all your stuff. Now," My heart dropped to my stomach. I don't understand this sudden reaction. "Babe, what's going on?" I reached out to him, but I made a sudden stop. His cold glare and stone expression gave me chills. "Don't give me that innocent look. I saw you kiss another guy at your school."

I was taken aback by what he said. "You were at my school? Are you accusing me of cheating? That was my father!" He seemed so unfazed by what I told him. The fuel of rage started to arise in my body. How dare he start accusing me of cheating. Including when it's a family member. Why couldn't he talk it out with me? I laughed hysterically and yelled at him out of anger. Tears welled up in my eyes. He's breaking up with me over a misunderstanding. Within the chaos, the door swung open, hitting the wall beside it. A lady dragged her luggage into the house, "Darling, I got all my clothing here as you asked. I don't have to continue using your girlfriend's clothes."

I stood in silence, taking in everything. "You hypocritical bastard." The room felt small. I couldn't breathe. "How long has it been?" My gaze turned to my now ex-boyfriend. "What?" He chuckled at my question. "How long has it been?! Four months?! A year?!" I was only hurting myself more with these questions and yelling. I was pushed aside by this pop-up wannabe, "Who cares? What will you gain from knowing that information? Just accept that he never wanted you."

Defeated I was by the smug look she had. I was disgusted by the actions displayed and presence. Refusing to look at me and allowed this wannabe leeched on his arm. The arm that I took pride in clinging on as well. I shouldn't stand here any longer. The room started to become unfamiliar to me. I stumble backward, unable to process what I thought I had about the situation already. "Just go already, Daphne..." I didn't bother to pack my clothes to go. I just made my way over to the door. Before I left the house, I spoke, "You will regret this." When I walked out, it started to pour rain. I walked endlessly on the sidewalk into the town. Many people laughed, whispered, and gave me funny looks.

I was still overwhelmed, and I ended up in tears again. Others shared umbrellas in love or played in the rain together. I was miserable. I sat on the bench, drenched and in water. I'm glad it's raining now cause now no one can see my teary face. Sitting down allowed me to process my situation. I got cheated on and kicked out of the house we shared. It was getting cold now, and staying out in the rain was not an option. Luckily my parents don't live so far from me. A man approached me wearing a mask and a hood. "You seem to need this more than me." A random act of kindness came from him as he had given up his umbrella for me. I accepted it, and he walked off.

I smiled, stood up from my seating, and roamed the dark town sidewalk. I swear not to history again, but first, I should get to my parent's home.